AC 2009-1473: LEARNING MECHATRONICS THROUGH GRADUATEDEXPERIMENTATIONJohn Rogers, United States Military Academy John Rogers received the B. S. degree in aerospace and ocean engineering from Virginia Tech in 1986, and the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Montana State University in 1993, and his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2003. Dr. Rogers is an Assistant Professor at the United States Military Academy. His research interests are design of mechatronic and robotic systems, and modeling of dynamic systems. Dr. Rogers is a registered professional engineer.Robert Rabb, United States Military AcademyChristopher Korpela, United States Military
the US. IEEE Control Syst. Mag. 19, 38–39 (1999).4. Bernstein, D. S. Enhancing undergraduate control education. IEEE Control Syst. Mag. 19, 40– 43 (1999).5. Antsaklis, P. et al. Report on the NSF/CSS Workshop on New Directions in Control Engineering Education. IEEE Control Syst. 19, 53–58 (1999).6. Albanese, M. A. & Mitchell, S. Problem based Learning: A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues. Acad. Med. 68, 52–81 (1993).7. Menekse, M., Stump, G. S., Krause, S. & Chi, M. T. H. Differentiated Overt Learning Activities for Effective Instruction in Engineering Classrooms. J. Eng. Educ. 102, 346–374 (2013).8. Roberts, D. & Borowski, A. A revised undergraduate controls lab featuring exposure-based
car and hallway used for testing are shown in Figure 4. During the test, thecar is placed in various lateral starting positions and orientations on one end of the hallway. Thehallway used for testing is 7.5 feet wide by 43 feet long. When the car started with a clear viewof both sides of the hallway, it was able to stay close to the center of the hallway most of thetime. However, sometimes the car would travel in an S or zig-zag pattern, by overcorrecting inone direction and then overcorrecting again in the opposite direction about the center of lane.The zig-zagging resulted in lateral deviations of up to 1 foot on either side of the center of lane,and crossing the center of lane up to 13 times while traveling down the hallway. When the
authors thank the reviewers fortheir helpful comments and suggestions.References 1 E. L. Lewis, “Conceptual change among middle school students studying elementary thermodynamics,” J Sci Educ Technol, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 3–31, Mar. 1996.2 D. L. Evans, G. L. Gray, S. Krause, J. Martin, C. Midkiff, B. Notaros, M. Pavelich, D. Rancour, T. Rhoads-Reed, P. Steif, R. Streveler, and K. Wage, “Progess on Concept Inventory Assessment Tools,” in the Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 1–8, Nov. 2003.3 I. A. Halloun, “The initial knowledge state of college physics students,” Am. J. Phys., vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1043–1055, 1985.4 J. Clement, D. Brown, and A. Zietsman, “Not
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Page 25.972.7References 1. Newmann, C., Lieberman, D., Engelberg, D., Flamholz A., Marchese, P., Tremberger, G., Cheung, T.,“LabVIEW Graphical Programming in an Introductory Engineering Physics Course”, ASEE Annual Conference 2006-394. 2. Hrynuk, J., Pennington, M., Illig, D., Dempsey, J., “Freshman Engineering: An Introductory Computer Course Teaching Matlab and Labview”, ASEE Annual Conference 2008-1408. 3. Akinwale, O., Kehinde, L., Ayodele, K., Jubril, A., Jonah, O., Ilori, S., Chen, X., “A LabVIEW-Based On- Line Robotic Arm for Students' Laboratory”, ASEE Annual Conference 2009-1179. 4. Lohani, V., Delgoshaei, P., Green, C.,” Integrating Labview And Real-Time Monitoring into Engineering
support of thisproject (Award ID 1138235).References1. Mukhopadhyay, S.M. Nanoscale Multi-functional Materials: Science & Applications, Wiley, 2011.2. Roco, M.C. J. Nanopart. Res. 2011, 13, 427-445.3. Kim, J. Y.; Voznyy, O.; Zhitomirsky, D.; and Sargent,E.H. 25th Anniversary Article: Colloidal Quantum Dot Materials and Devices: A Quarter-Century of Advances, Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 4986–50104. Gao, X.; Cui, Y.; Levenson, R.M.; Chung, L.W.K.; Nie, S. In vivo cancer targeting and imaging with semiconductor quantum dots, Nature Biotechnology. 2004, 22(8), 969-9765. Jones, A.; Verlinden, N.; Quimby, R. Optical properties of quantum dots: An undergraduate Physics Laboratory,
Page 24.1182.5This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumber EEC-1024628.References1. Guglielmino, L. M., Development of the self-directed learning readiness scale, Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia, Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 38, No. 6467A, 1978.2. Hoban J. D., Lawson S. R., Mazmanian P. E., Best A. M., and Seibel H. R., “The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale: a factor analysis study,” Med Educ, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 370–379, 2005.3. J. Barsch, Barsch Learning Style Inventory, New York: Academic Therapy Publications, 1996.4. R. M. Felder and L. K. Silverman, "Learning and teaching styles in engineering education," Engr. Education, Vol. 78, No. 7
to solar panel. future paper.Accomplishments included fabrication of a solar-powered DAQ system, submission of a writtenproposal for an intended application of their sensor(s), and an oral presentation to the class of theproject results. Students voluntarily completed an end-of-semester survey on their achievementof the intended goals. Forty-seven students completed the course (eight were not declaredchemical engineers or freshmen); an additional five dropped the course within the first fewweeks of class. Thirty working solar-panel boxes were completed for twenty-three individual orteam projects (all students completed initial machine shop training), and thirty-seven surveyswere completed (79% response rate). One professor lectured
-informed treatment of flow coefficient and/or friction. 45 Muzzle Sensor 40 Backstop Isothermal 35 Adiabatic Compressible Flow Model, Cv=1.25 30 Exit Velocity (m/s) 25 20 15 10 5 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
removed from the toaster. The difference incooling behavior of the two metal toast samples is because the black toast is a better emitter ofradiation and when the power is cut off, the black toast is much warmer than the inner walls ofthe toaster, and air inside the toaster. The toast experiment presented here is a good in-class demonstration to motivate discussionof radiation heat transfer. After students attend lecture(s) on radiation, they return to thelaboratory for more extensive experimental investigation. Measurements in the follow-upexperiment include (1) comparison of additional surface properties, (2) use of thermocoupleswith radiation shields to measure the air temperature inside the toaster, (3) investigation ofcooling in different
to follow one pathway to a solution using previousknowledge. Prior to conducting their self-planned experiments, the experiment design isreviewed with instructors for immediate feedback and correction. The types of investigational Page 23.434.6questions explored at the sophomore-level promote the identification of dependent variable(s), anindependent variable, positive and negative controls, and sample size. Additionally, theinvestigational question laboratories are intentionally constructed such that the appropriate dataanalysis would be either a student t-test or a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Table 1 illustrates a three stage
Works”, IEEE Spectrum, October 2011.[3] E. Ackerman, “CMU Develops Autonomous Car Software That’s Provably Safe”, IEEE Spectrum, July 2011.[4] Humanoid Robotics Group,, Last Accessed onDecember 26, 2011.[5] C. Y. Chen, P. H. Huang, “Review of an Autonomous Humanoid Robot and Its Mechanical Control”, Journal ofVibration and Control, Online, September 2011.[6] E. Guizzo, “These Humanoid Robots Could Kick Your Asimo”, IEEE Spectrum, October 2010.[7] M. Kroh, K. El-Hayek, S. Rosenblatt, B. Chand, P. Escobar, J. Kaouk, S. Chalikonda, “First Human SurgeryWith a Novel Single-Port Robotic System: Cholesystectomy using the Da-Vinci Single-Site Platform”, SurgicalEndoscopy, 25, 11, June 2011, pp
andUP Plus 3D Printers cost $1,599, MakerBot Replicator 2’s cost $2,199 while Replicator 2X’scost $2,799. Also, the plastic filament, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or polylactic acid(PLA), costs between $23/kg and $48/kg, dissolvable filament costs $65/kg, while translucentplastic and flexible filament cost $130/kg. This affordability creates a number of newpossibilities for 3D printers’ use in engineering education.Benefits of using 3D Printers in Engineering Education The benefits of using 3D printers in engineering education are many. Now, students cancreate inexpensive functional plastic parts early in their studies. Even before learning how tocreate 3D solid models in any of the computer-aided design (CAD) programs (usually
engineers and scientists continues to rise faster than thesupply. The US is simply not producing the numbers of engineers and scientists needed. Couplethis with the fact that there is a huge wave of baby boomers reaching retirement age thatcurrently provide a great amount of scientific and engineering services. We all are facing asubstantial problem. This problem is magnified for DoD which requires that its workforce be UScitizens capable of obtaining the appropriate level of security clearances. The need for UScitizens working in Science and Engineering (S&E) will continue to be in demand as technologycontinues to advance exponentially and the need for S&E in our nations defense continues. Thispaper explores a comprehensive and proactive
, S. O., and Terry, R. E., ”Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, April 1993, pp. 70-77.3. Harb, J. N., Terry, R. E., Hurt, P. K., and Williamson, K. J., Teaching Through The Cycle: Application of Learning Style Theory to Engineering Education at Brigham Young University, 2nd Edition, Brigham Young University Press, 1995.4. Ortiz, L. E. and Bachofen, E. M., “An Experience in Teaching Structures in Aeronautical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Applying the Experimental Methodology,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 2526.5. Harding, T. S., Lai, H.-Y
World War II engineering instruction included ahealthy amount of laboratory or fieldwork to balance theory. Students were taught not only how Page 11.113.2to design a product but how to build it from scratch. The publication of the Grinter Report1 in1955 marked a shift to the theoretical side of engineering. Due to a combination of issueslaboratories started to become prohibitively expensive during the 70’s and were further scaledback2. In the 80’s the pendulum swung back as the, then new, conventional ABET accreditationcriteria recognized the importance of laboratory techniques with set accreditation requirements.Recent years, however; have seen
equipment.References1. SME Manufacturing Engineering – Automation Technology: Robotic AutomationCan Cut Costs, pp. 65 - 72, December 2005.2. SME Manufacturing Engineering – Tomorrow’s Factory: Manufacturing IndustryTakes First Steps Toward Implementing Collaborative E-Manufacturing Systems, pp. 43-60, Nov. 2001.3. SME – Machine tools begin connecting to the Internet Manufacturing, 9/2001.4. Koc, M., Ni, J. and Lee, J., “Introduction of e-manufacturing,” Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Frontiers on Design and Manufacturing, Dalian, China, July2002.5. Lee, J., 2003, “E-manufacturing—fundamental, tools, and transformation,” Roboticsand Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 19, Issue 6, pp. 501-507.6. Ahn, S. H., Bharadwaj, B., Khalid, H., Liou
, such as silicon. Ni80Fe20 has excellent magnetic and electricalproperties, however, the mechanical properties of electrodeposited NiFe have not been studiedextensively, thus providing an excellent opportunity for upper-level STEM students to engage inrelevant, material’s oriented laboratory experiences.Electrodeposition is the process used in electroplating, whereas electroplating is the process ofusing electrical current to reduce metal cations—an atom or group of atoms carrying a positivecharge—in a solution and coat a conductive object with a thin layer of metal3. The primaryapplication of electroplating is to deposit layer(s) of a metal having some desired property(example, abrasion and wear resistance, corrosion protection, lubricity
devices, 110 3.3 V (5 V tolerant/TTL compatible) digital I/O lines, 32 single-ended/16 differential 16-bit analog input channels at 250 kS/s, four 16-bit analog output channelsat 100 kS/s, and a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port. The sbRIO can be programmed in acombination of programming languages like LabVIEW, LabVIEW MathScript, VHDL, andANSI C. The TETRIX Building System consists of aluminum parts, DC motors, gears, andwheels for building robotic hardware platforms. Figure 2 is a photograph of DaNI with anultrasonic sensor mounted on top of a servo motor. KINECT RGB Camera USB 3D Depth
AC 2010-1268: LIVING WITH THE LAB: SUSTAINABLE LAB EXPERIENCESFOR FRESHMAN ENGINEERING STUDENTSKelly Crittenden, Louisiana Tech UniversityDavid Hall, Louisiana Tech UniversityPatricia Brackin, Southeast Missouri State University Page 15.846.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Living With the Lab: Sustainable Lab Experiences for Freshman Engineering StudentsAbstractIn the United States, a movement toward project-based freshman engineering curricula began inthe 1990’s due in large part to the National Science Foundation’s Engineering EducationCoalitions. This movement continues at Universities across the country. At Louisiana
given over 70 invited presentations - 13 plenary - at international and national forums, conferences and corporations. Since 1994, he has directed an extensive engineering mentoring-research academic success and professional development (ASAP) program that has served over 500 students. These efforts have been supported by NSF STEP, S-STEM, and CSEM grants as well as industry. Dr. Rodriguez’ research inter- ests include: control of nonlinear distributed parameter, and sampled-data systems; modeling, simulation, animation, and real-time control (MoSART) of Flexible Autonomous Machines operating in an uncertain Environment (FAME); design and control of micro-air vehicles (MAVs), control of bio-economic systems
24.683.3education in general, include Classroom Presenter5,6 and Classroom Learning Partner7, and forengineering education specifically, include Newton‟s Pen4 (a statics tutor), Kirchhoff‟s Pen8 (atool that teaches students to apply Kirchhoff‟s voltage and current law), and STRAT9 – forstudents to learn standard truss analysis.4. Learning by exploration with pen-and-tablet computersThe affordances provided by the new pen-and-touch-based tablets, by enabling quick andintuitive synthesis and analysis, would trigger new mechanisms of learning by such criticalexploration and problem-based learning10, 11. Firstly, we plan to explore the new situated learningmechanisms at the interface of design and analysis. Secondly we hypothesize that the nature ofquestions
0 1 2 3 4 5 Accel -20 Altitude -50 -40 -100 -60 -150 -80 -100 -200 Time (s)Figure 2: Sample flight data from a successful Freshman Design rocket
actualprogress of project activities. Students assemble all the hardware needed to make apparatus andinstruments for the completion of their project. They develop detailed experimental proceduresthat allow them gather reasonable data and conduct their experiments. Students also findsolutions to the problems they encounter during the process through discussions with faculty,which strengthened students’ understanding of the subjects. Table 1. Outcome (b) – Ability to design and conduct experiments Below Expectations Progressing to Meets Criteria Exceeds Criteria Metric & (Score, S=1) Criteria
motivation to keep building and sharing.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1129342. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor. (2006). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Bulletin 2800. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Page 24.746.13 2. National Science Foundation. (2006). Science and Engineering Degrees: 1966–2004
-Innes, M.F., and Garrison, D.R. (editors), An Introduction to Distance Education : Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era (New York: Routledge), 2010.3. Evans, T., Haughey, M., and Murphy, D. (editors), International Handbook of Distance Education (Bingley, UK: Emerald), 2008.4. Moore, M.G. (editor), Handbook of Distance Education (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 2007.5. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., and Zvacek, S., Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education, 5th ed. (Boston, Pearson), 2012.6. Long, J.M., and Baskaran, K. “Engineering Education Down Under: Distance Teaching at Deakin University, Australia,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
, requiring identification and control of physical device(s). The laboratory experiments are designed to complement and synchronize with the lecture course in order to best reinforce concepts learned in class with hands-on experience. Using the laboratory facility, students should be allowed to conduct design and simulation projects in a simulated virtual environment. These projects allow students the opportunity to be involved in the development of software for modern controls, embedded systems, power electronics and industrial drive control systems. Industrial need: The lab addresses the need of industry to have engineers educated in the principles and applications of state-of-the-art sensing and control
sectionregion, provide the means to map the axial pressure distribution within the entire wind tunnel.This allows direct identification of the location(s) of significant mechanical energy losses,through comparison with ideal inviscid stream tube analysis associated with fluid mechanicsprinciples. In particular, the losses associated with the diffuser section become very apparent, incontrast with the inlet convergent section. Pressure recovery in the diffuser section is modeled ina very simple manner and compared directly with wind tunnel measurements. Fan powerrequirements associated with wind tunnel design are also included as part of the experimentation.The connection between diffuser loss behavior and boundary layer separation phenomenaassociated
ma-chines with different specimens a KUKA KR 30-3 robot is used for automated specimenhandling. Different grippers and concepts were developed to guarantee a safe remote speci-men handling11. In the following we will refer to the Zwick Z 250’s usage for performingtensile tests. This test is one of the most common and efficient tests for determining materialproperties12. The properties are important for designing manufacturing processes and can beused in forming applications like FEM-Simulations (e.g. simulation of forming processes orproduction processes). Hence, it is on the one hand a very basic but on the other hand an im-portant test in context of manufacturing technology. Figure 1: Tele-operative testing cell at TU Dortmund