the Simulink model the pulses in thesignal are counted and converted to an angular velocity. Since direction is not important in this setof experiments only one photo interrupter was used. However, a second photo interrupter couldbe added if direction is needed in the future.Motor DriverSince the voltage and current required for the motor are too high to be directly sourced by theRaspberry Pi, an additional power supply and H-bridge were used to drive the motor. A variableDC power supply that has 1.5V increments from 3V to 12V was selected. However, 4 AAbatteries could also be used. The SoftPWM library from the WiringPi libraries was used inanother Simulink S-function driver to generate the pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal to drivethe H
and experiments in fluidmechanics, they generally do not possess the capabilities to perform hydrodynamic testing. Thispaper will present the work by the authors to develop a water flume that would allowhydrodynamic testing at velocities up to 2.0 m/s. The flume was constructed by anundergraduate and at a cost lower than commonly available commercial units. Both thefabrication process and the potential experiments that the flume could house are designed toimprove student learning in the area of fluid mechanics. The design is developed to be relativelycompact, with a 7’x3.5’ footprint and utilizes a commonly available single-stage centrifugalpump. Flow velocities in the test section can be varied passively by changing the insertcontaining the
Moreover, the multi-modalinteractivity of the smartphone touchscreen facilitates intuitive interfaces that may improve userexperience as s/he interacts with a physical system through the smartphone.4 Thus, the embeddedtechnologies of smartphones have a great potential to impact the experiences of educators,researchers, and students in laboratory settings. In fact, smartphones have already been leveragedin educational settings to sense parameters of physical systems such as the rotational energy of apendulum by attaching the smartphone to a bicycle wheel and measuring the angular velocitythrough the embedded gyroscope.5 Even as this application of rigidly mounting the smartphoneto the system exploits the embedded sensing capability of these devices
rate is controlled by changing the position of a ball valvemounted before the meter. Calibration showed that this meter’s rotation rate increases linearlywith increased flow rates within this range tested. Details of the experimental apparatus areprovided in Appendix A and the lab manual is provided in Appendix B. Mass Flow Rate vs Electronic Meter Reading 0.40 0.35 Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10
week. The topics/activities foreach week and their type classification(s) are listed in Table 1. In this table, classifications A-Cwere developed by the authors to describe teaching approaches used in the DBE course thatrange from fully deductive to a combination of deductive/ inductive; D-G are based on theinquiry classification scheme proposed in Tafoya et al.7 and expanded by Staver and Bay8; andH-L are drawn from a comprehensive review of inductive teaching approaches assembled byPrince and Felder5. In general the classifications are listed left to right in Table 1 ranging fromdeductive to increasingly self-directed, inquiry-based methods. The remainder of this section willdefine each classification in the context of the DBE course.Table 1
. There is a multi-week final project in which two-person teams programa game that requires a hardware interface. Students are loaned a LabJack and an additional kitwhich contains electronic parts like resistors, LEDs, switches, jumper wires, and a protoboard.In past years, the ECE 102 final project has been based either on the television game show“Wheel of Fortune” or the 80’s electronic toy “Simon”. At this stage a fair amount of technicalassistance and background information is given, since many of the students have not worked onsubstantial program development or interfacing before. For Wheel of Fortune, students build acircuit using a 3-to-8 decoder chip and eight LEDs to simulate the wheel (Figure 2). A discretepush-button activates the spin
; Majerich, D. M., & Parrish, N. V., & Ferri, A. A. (2014, June), Use of a MOOC Platform toBlend a Linear Circuits Course for Non-Majors Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis,Indiana.[17] Connor, K. A., & Huettel, L. (2014, June), Virtual Community of Practice: Electric Circuits Paper presented at2014 ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.[18] Cherner, Y. E., & Kukla, M. M., & Hobbs, L. W., & Vasilev, S. V., & Fedorov, I., & Sigov, A. S. (2014, June),Use of a Virtual Multifunctional X-Ray Diffractometer for Teaching Science and Engineering Courses Paperpresented at 2014 ASEE International Forum, Indianapolis, Indiana. https
Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition”, AC 2011-76112. Dym, C. L., Agogino, A. M., Ozgur E., Frey D.D., and Leifer L. J., “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching and Learning”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005 pp. 103-12013. Meyers, K., Uhran, J., Pieronek, C., Budny, D., Ventura, J., Ralston P., Estell, J., Hart, B., Slaboch, C., and Ladewski, R., “Perspectives On First Year Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition”, Session 122614. Allam, Y.,S., Whitfield, C.A., and Phanthanousy, J.H., “Scaffolding Provided to Engineering Students in Conerstone Design Project Scenarios Related to Practice of Expert Designers”, Proceedings of the
), “What Defines Effective Chemistry Laboratory Instruction? Teaching Assistant and Student Perspectives”, Journal of Chemical Education, 80(10), 1197-1205. 4. Yalvac, B., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P. L. and Birol, G. (2006), “ Teaching Writing in a Laboratory-Based Engineering Course with a “How People Learn” Framework”, Chapter 5, New Direction for Teaching and Learning, No. 108, Winter 2006, Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc., 59-73. 5. Tan, R. H. (2014), “Project-based Learning Cycles Design Framework” 6. Watai, L. L., Brodersen, A. J. and Brophy, S. P. (2005), “Designing Effective Electrical Engineering Laboratories using Challenge
thermocouple leads, and some heat is conducted down into the base whereit is lost by convection to the moving air stream. Some additional heat is lost by radiation. A more 35 34 33 32 T (C) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time (s)Figure 11: Typical transient response after two step changes in power to the heater. Discrete jumps