fit within Zimmerman’s model of self-regulated learning. Students are encouragedto arrive with forethought, engage in performance, and reflect at the end of the tutoring session,time permitting. Additionally, tutors are trained on Gardner’s intelligences, learning styles, and thinkingstyles. Tutors are provided ample material and training to understand how to engage a studentbased on their demonstrated intelligences, learning styles and thinking styles. Trainingemphasizes to tutors that students receive and process information in a variety of ways. As peertutors they have the opportunity to create and increase learning opportunities for students15. Thetraining these tutors receives impacts their feedback efficacy16.III. Results and
variability in the data14. However, this instrument did notinclude several characteristics of the FTP cone types identified in our subsequent qualitativework. The study described in this paper attempts to further refine our survey instrument bycreating items that quantitatively capture latent constructs reflected in our qualitative findings .MethodsUsing an instrument in research that does not assess what the researchers are presuming tomeasure can lead to incorrect results and wrong decisions18. In refining the MAE survey, carewas taken in the process of choosing factors, developing items, and testing for validity andreliability.Developing ItemsFactors were chosen based on the results from our previous qualitative research. Code categoriesthat were
(c) Taking something apart to see how it works 0.50 0.41 (α = 0.75) (h) Fixing things 0.57 0.49The correlation matrix (Table 2) of the retained factors shows moderate to largerelationships across nearly all the factors. All correlations are significant at the p≤0.001level. The weakest relationships are between Tinkering and Project Management, andCollaboration. The most correlated factors reflect the problems we saw in the crossloading from the EFA. Namely Design shares a correlation of 0.60 or higher with threefactors in the model.Table 2 Pearson’s correlation matrix of retained factors from EFAFactor 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)1
the work ofAbrami, Poulsen, and Chambers23 who developed the cooperative learning implementationquestionnaire (CLIQ) to assess relationships between K-12 teacher dispositions and use ofcooperative learning.VECTERS additionally contains questions to collect respondents’ demographic information aswell as general information about the courses respondents are reflecting upon. Instructorinformation includes information such as gender, ethnicity, and years of experience. Courseinformation includes items to indicate the course-level (100 to 400), whether the course isrequired, and the number of students typically enrolled. MethodSampleAn invitation to complete the survey was sent to 19 of the 20 largest
team member contribution or guidance from a facilitator. Overt activities include: connect or link, reflect and self-monitor, planning, predicting outcomes, and generating hypotheses [20]. Collaborative Students’ dialogue substantively on the same self-constructed idea vocalized to the team. They engagement can accept the ideas presented to the team, little conflict is caused, and dialogue serves to continue the current course of discussion. Or, ideas are questioned or misunderstood, disequilibrium leads to students trying to bring the course of discussion to their understanding. Overt activities include: building on a team member’s contribution, argue, defend
researchconducted within the ASEE community?RQ2. How does this body of research relate to, draw on, support, or expand the theoretical andpedagogical Maker-oriented frameworks established within the Learning Sciences?The Historical and Theoretical Roots of Maker Education in Learning SciencesIn this section, we will provide three lenses which emerge from the Learning Sciences’ approachto studying the Maker Movement. This set of schemas will act as both a point of departure andobject of reflection for understanding the learning-oriented research into Making conductedwithin the field of Engineering Education.Maker Education: a Technology-Powered Extension of Progressive EducationAlthough the term “Maker Education” implies that current efforts to provide
often a necessity for professors toexplore the space and expose their students to the opportunity for projects that deviate fromstandard pencil to paper design projects that dominate engineering coursework by including thedevelopment of some physical final prototype.ParticipantA recipient of the makerspace grant, Dr. Cook is an assistant professor in the department of civilengineering. Her expertise is in structural engineering and her research interests are the designprocess and testing the behavior of largescale steel structures. Observations of her class reflect akeen interest in students’ growth, empathy for the student experience, and awareness surroundingthe potential pitfalls that accompany the many types of projects engineering
students. Written assessments imaynot provide adequate direction to help students to reflect on their understanding of a subject andadapt their learning behaviors. The numerical scores given to these assignments and exams coulddistract, and sometimes discourage, students from actual learning. From the instructor’sperspective, written exams may not give an accurate evaluation of their students’ understanding asmany different factors may interfere with a student’s ability to answer written exam questions.One alternative assessment instrument is oral assessment. Oral assessment can take a variety offorms as long as there is a verbal component. Project presentations, thesis defenses, clinicalassessments, and mock trials are all examples of oral
. Her work mainly focuses on CS education and learning analytics, with specific interests in reflective practices and predictive analytics. More recently, she has also been learning more about various topics in machine learning, recommender systems, and mental health.Erfan Al-Hossami, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Erfan Al-Hossami is a Ph.D. student at UNC Charlotte. Erfan has been mentored in teaching CS1 since 2016 and then in CS education research. His work mainly focuses on predictive learning analytics. His research interests include Machine Learning, NLP, and Conversational A.I. and mental health. Recently, he’s been learning more about code generation, transfer learning, and text
work. Secondly, as students they aresufficiently close to their educational experience so that they can give detailed accounts of theirexperiences at university. Additionally the reflexive component of the professional developmentcourse prepared these students for a deeper reflection of how the industry experience puts theirlearning at university into context.The protocol used for the focus groups is based on critical incident techniques35-38 to elicitinstances of accidental learning. Critical incidents are detailed accounts of real-worldexperiences of the participants. In the area of competency research critical incident techniqueswere shown to be more reliable than for example expert’s panel methods or respondents’opinions both of which are
a longitudinalcomparison of responses from the same participants. While the survey was administered to alarger sample, we limited the present analysis to students who self-identified as studyingtowards an engineering major in both years and who answered at least two of the three designquestions. The final longitudinal sample included responses from 110 students, across thefour institutions.Demographic information was gathered from students in the first year of the APS. Genderwas determined based on students’ self-reports. Reflecting the oversampling of women inthe APS study, 37% of the participants in this sample were women (n = 41).Students also were identified in terms of what we refer to as representation status in thispaper—that is
young adults in alearning environment (e.g. college). Educators have long seen value in presenting ambiguous,real-life challenges to students to further the development of thinking and reflection.10 Severaldecades of research on similar learning processes designed to increase students’ depth ofunderstanding has provided a base of knowledge represented by five key elements: activelearning, frequent feedback from others also involved in the problem solving effort,collaboration, cognitive apprenticeship involving mentors, and practical application in tasks thathave real consequences.11 Since the IPRO program is designed to provide an experiential
given.2. Expanding own contribution and providing 11. EXP EXPANDING additional information. Elaborating on a topic that is somewhat understood. But then I was like that would be like ice cubes Reflecting on own understanding. Clarifying and water expand
understanding in engineering and (3) the lack of inquiry-based educationalmaterials for engineering applications similar to those shown to be effective in physics.Each of these issues can be addressed. For example, there is a growing awareness of the benefitsof active-engagement methods in engineering education as reflected by the literature [1, 14-16].The benefits of active learning have been broadcast with increasing frequency and there are clearsigns that the message is being heard [17].With respect to assessment tools, there has been significant work recently to develop conceptinventories for engineering. Concept inventories provide an excellent example of howassessment practices can lead to improvements in student education [18], because they
literature revealed numerous and varying conceptions of what constitutedsystems thinking. However, very few instances were found in which authors depictedexpectations in terms that conformed to requirements for learning outcomes.Constructing a preliminary set of learning outcomes might advance conversations aboutexpanding the role of systems thinking in undergraduate engineering education. Aframework for learning outcomes was developed by combining the CDIO Syllabus29 withthe six levels of learning in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy40. Using this framework, theauthors developed a preliminary set of learning outcomes. It is the intent of the authors,that the set of learning outcomes will stimulate additional reflection and conversationabout how students
to reflect a thermodynamics context. The items usedin the Phase 1 Survey are In order to prepare for thermodynamics class, I make enough time for doing the assigned homework problems. In order to prepare for thermodynamics class, I make enough time for doing the assigned readings.We re-evaluated all questions in light of current engineering education literature. For example,Litzinger posed that different cognitive and metacognitive strategies are used by students inproblem solving courses than in non-problem solving courses 36. Therefore, we eliminatedseveral questions in the SRLI that were not relevant in a problem solving course context whichalso helped keep the total length appropriate to avoid survey fatigue
complete it. The shortsurvey consisted of several questions that gave some reflections of the students’ state of mindabout understanding lifelong learning competency. Page 23.479.6In the first question of the survey, students were asked to write their own definition of lifelonglearning, the sample consisted of 86 students in four different classes at the sophomore, juniorand senior levels. The responses were compared with the definition given by Candy3 repeatedhere for convenience, “equipping people with skills and competencies required to continue theirown self-education beyond the end of formal schooling”. 45
positions. Otherinterviewees are at an early- to mid-career stage because at the time of the award, they weregraduate students members of the development teams. Even as graduate students, they often ledthe development and research associated with the courseware.One emerging pattern reflects how the award has been used to shape an awardees' career. A Page 25.698.7number of interviewees suggested that for them, the award represented “outside” confirmation oftheir teaching ability. The award also gave them what we have come to call: ‘street cred’,meaning that their work had been deemed credible by experts in their field
’ failure to understand one ormore Statics concepts 3. Litzinger and his colleagues 12 studied four undergraduate students majoring inengineering who had already taken Statics. These students were asked to draw fully dimensionedfree body diagrams (FBD) of the target represented in the problem statement and illustration.The intention of this study was to uncover the sources of errors that students made in theirproblem solutions. From this study it was found that a major source of errors in problem solvingwas the recall and use of conceptually erroneous knowledge in determining the solution 12. Ananalysis of students’ solution of Statics problems reveal patterns of errors that are reflective ofconsistent misconceptions that students hold
would like details about clusters to be available so they can seewhat ideas students are using in their responses (Figure 1e,f) and how these ideas are associatedwithin clusters, or differ among clusters Figure (1b,d). This detail is also useful for reflection onone’s teaching at the end of the semester.Additionally faculty reported that 3-5 clusters were optimal for interpretation. Although the Page 23.236.10analysis can generate more clusters, with each cluster describing a more fine-grained type ofresponse, we aimed to customize to the instructors’ needs and typically presented faculty with 3-5 clusters. Faculty reported that they would
(STEBI) wasdesigned to measure two constructs, outcome expectancy and self-efficacy. The two constructswere based on Bandura’s theoretical framework that behaviors are effected by both personalexpectancy about the outcome and personal belief about teaching. The specific content area ofteaching, which is science, was to reflect the fact that teacher self-efficacy can vary dependingon the content area. For example, while some teachers have high self-efficacy in teachinglanguage arts, they may not have the same level of self-efficacy in teaching science.Since the first development of the STEBI, with its increasing use in science education, severalvariants of the STEBI were also developed and tested in the specific content areas, targetingdifferent
, which then (3) trigger the underlying computational components to (4)compute the output based on what have been maintained in the database. The result will be then(5) represented in a visual form and refresh a portion of the page to reflect the changes. In thissection, we present our design and implementations of iKNEER by elaborating the three majorcomponents: data management, computation, and representation. Page 22.1574.5 Figure 1. Architecture of iKNEER.3.1 Data acquisition and managementiKNEER aims at archiving ultra-scale knowledge products in engineering education. To achievethis goal, the data server
enactment, and student perceptions of the learning environment” (p.96). Moreover, she suggested exploring the connections between the enactment of variousmodels of interdisciplinarity and actual learning as reflected in coursework and laterperformance, as models of interdisciplinarity range from the mere mentioning of topics from adifferent field to the complete merging of two disciplines.Active, problem-based learning pedagogical techniques have been successful in introducingtopics from unfamiliar fields to students since problem-based learning demands the considerationof real-world problems. Intuitively, combining interdisciplinary content with active learningappears to promote learning in interdisciplinary courses11. In a comparison of active
and family related policies from women’s perspectives.13 Findings from these studiessuggest that organizations are gendered and the image of the ideal worker reflects that of a whiteman.In work organizations, job-related factors such as, rewards and benefits, advantages andprivileges, decision-making and control, identity and self-esteem and, performance and job-satisfaction are governed by power relations that continue to favor men over women. Hence,gender is not a factor that initiates unequal power relations in organizations; rather it is anintegral part of the organizational structure.1 West and Zimmerman13 describe the processes ofembedding gender into the organizational structures as “doing gender”, and Acker1 posits thatdoing gender
about--"cooperative learning," "collaborative learning," and "active learning"? The proliferation of"learnings" and their attendant partisan camps invites the reawakening of long-standing facultyprejudice against educational fads and "methods." Even so, interest in PBL grows because notonly does research show a higher quality of learning (though not a greater amount if "amount"equates with the number of facts), but problem-based learning simply feels right intuitively. Itseems to reflect the way the mind actually works, not a set of parlor-game procedures formanipulating students into learning 15 .Unfortunately, while there is agreement on the generaldefinition of PBL, implementation has varied widely 3 .The large variation in PBL
, using theonline textbooks did not hinder the students’ learning in these two courses, but the quality oftheir learning experience was negatively impacted by it. Several comments reflected thestudents’ negative view of the extra time used to complete assignments in the online textbook,the frustrations with technical problems or answer formatting, and the lack of feedback on thesolution procedure (rather than simply an answer) in solving problems.In general, the qualitative comments indicate that students were consistently negative toward twoproblems: technical difficulties encountered with the online textbook (e.g., incorrectly gradedproblems, poor navigation in the web page, narrow tolerance in answers to numerical solutions),and the increase
research show a higher quality of learning (though not a greater amount if "amount"equates with the number of facts), but problem-based learning simply feels right intuitively. Itseems to reflect the way the mind actually works. (15) Unfortunately, while there is agreement onthe general definition of PBL, implementation has varied widely. (3) The large variation in PBLpractices makes the analysis of its effectiveness a bit complex. Many studies comparing PBL totraditional programs are simply not talking about the same thing. As reported by Prince (3), “ Formeta-studies of PBL, to show any significant effect compared to traditional programs, the signalfrom the common elements of PBL would have to be greater than the noise produced bydifferences in
challenges of the new approach27 Use nontraditional teaching methods in as described in research35 Provide students with feedback, support, & scaffolding27,59 Explain effect on grade 60 and align activities with assessments27,59,60 Solicit student feedback27 Ramp up slowly, e.g. use brief activities at first33 Assign/design appropriately challenging activities32,34,58,60 Respect student learning styles and study habits59 These suggestions tend to be drawn from personal experience, rather than from strongempirical and theoretical bases. This reflects that although connections between expectancyviolations and student resistance to nontraditional teaching have been asserted, the link betweenthese two constructs has not been
) Before DuringFigure 3. Students' identified support grouped by type of support Common themes from the open-ended responses emerged regarding how students’ socialinteractions and supports changed during the pandemic. Here we describe these themes usingquotes from the students by situating them within the framework and give preliminaryrecommendations for strategies to support students’ social support during remote instruction. SeeFigure 4 for a summary of recommendations.Support Peer-to-Peer Interactions The students reflected on how the pandemic impacted social interaction they had withtheir peers. Students expressed the value of peer support and how they missed face-to-faceinteractions with peers during the pandemic. For example
madedecisions, respectively. Similarly positive responses were received for Q6, Q7, Q9, and Q10.These questions were related to having productive meetings, trust, the right team members, andthe desire to be in the team, respectively.Q3, however, showed lower ratings. This statement was related to how the team makes time toevaluate how effective they work as a group. Relatively lower rates were also related to membersbeing held accountable and members’ willingness to take on new responsibilities. In other words,statements related to reflective strategies and member initiatives received lower rates. Figure 2. Team Culture Summary of ratings per question. Ratings reference: 1 = Never, 2 = Occasionally, 3 = Mostly True, 4