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, or the difference between what studentsindicated were their personal study habits compared to how they would tell a student who caresonly about understanding to study, reflecting on their epistemological beliefs. Elby found thatmost students study differently, focusing on formulas and practice problems rather than onconcepts and real-life examples, than how they would tell someone else who is trying to acquire Page 24.684.4a “deep understanding.”21(pS56) He concludes that “[s]tudents perceive ‘trying to understandphysics deeply’ to be a different activity from ‘pursuing good grades’...” as one result of studentsbelieving rote learning is
heuristic model, which“mirror[s] the structures and processes of experience” (p. 291). His purpose of seeking anunderstanding of the human experience of creating a mathematical model demonstratesoperationalization of the interpretive paradigm. Page 24.834.10Article III: Conversely, the purpose of the critical science paradigm is to critique ideologicalbeliefs or values to identify “potential for self-reflection and self-determination” for oppressedindividuals.6-7 In her article, Stanley sketches a possible scenario for a paradigmatic shift fromfemale to male control of technology to give women an opportunity to reflect on women’s role
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