rated “Very Important.”High School Career Interest Assessments (59%), High School Guidance Counselor (56%),Friends (51%), High School Teachers (49%), and Flexibility of Work Schedule (45%) rated the Page 23.587.14highest in the Not Important Category. Using the variance measure, there was very littleagreement on importance levels in the following five influence categories: Opportunity toParticipate in Student Organizations (0.12%), Flexibility of Work Schedule (0.18%), Probabilityof Graduating with Honors in Major (0.46%), Family Member(s) (0.52%), and High SchoolTeacher(s) (0.55%).Analytical Results: Underrepresented
subjectmatter of the course, and reciprocity with the community partner. The approach of S-L, with itsroots in experiential learning, is consistent with the theories and empirical research of a numberof leading educators and developmental psychologists, as documented by Jacoby (Jacoby, 1996).The approach is also consistent with the relatively recent change in paradigm in education from afocus on teaching to a focus on learning (Bradenberger, 1998).More recently, Astin’s group reported that its 2007-2008 survey of over 12,000 full time facultymembers at 379 institutions that the percentage of faculty who found it “very important” or“essential” to encourage commitment to community service rose 19 percent compared to 2004-05 (55.5 % vs. 36.4 %), the
intendedmeaning of each dimension would be measured. Based on the difficulties measuring costreported in prior work,20-23 cost items were generated along two different types of cost, task effortcost (i.e., time spent) and emotional/psychological cost,21 to increase the likelihood of producinga factor measuring some aspect of cost. All STV items were displayed as a single scale whichasked respondents, “Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to the followingstatements about your first position after graduating with your bachelor’s degree(s),” on a five-point Likert (bipolar) scale, from 0=“strongly disagree” to 4=“strongly agree”. Nunnally andBernstein26 recommend the use of Likert scales because they are easy to create, produce
selective; S designates Page 26.171.3selective; HTI designates Higher transfer-in; LTI designates lower transfer-in; L4 designateslarge four-year; M4 designates medium four-year; S4 designates small four-year; NR designatesprimarily nonresidential; R designates primarily residential; and HR designates highlyresidential. Name Gender Race Major Year in Home institution school profileAnusha Female Not Mechanical Sophomore RU/VH, MU, given Engineering FT4/MS/LTI, L4/REric Male Asian
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Paper ID #8899The Influence of Student-Faculty Interactions on Post-Graduation Intentionsin a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program: A Case StudyDr. Lisa Massi, University of Central Florida Dr. Lisa Massi is the Director of Operations Analysis for Accreditation, Assessment, & Data Adminis- tration in the College of Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. She is Co-PI of a NSF-funded S-STEM program and program evaluator for an NSF-funded REU program. Her research interests include factors that impact student persistence and career development in the STEM fields.Caitlyn R
, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] R. Korte and S. LeBlanc, “Work-in-progress: Investigating the experiences that develop competence for newly hired engineers in an electric power company,” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Conference, 2020.[2] National Academy of Engineering, “Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century,” The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2005.[3] J. W. Prados, “The editor’s page: Engineering criteria 2000—A change agent for engineering education,” Journal of
of the cognitive processes, as well as pursue otherdimensions of students’ dialogue, such as their metacognitive interactions. Groups’ experiencescan also be further investigated through qualitative excerpts. This study supports the evolution ofcollaborative problem solving by demonstrating why task scaffolding can effectively engagestudents in processes and interactions that lead to higher-quality work.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1628976. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M
phenomenology approach for richer descriptions of students’ experiences.References[1] C. Henderson, A. Beach, and N. Finkelstein, “Facilitating change in undergraduate STEM instructional practices: An analytic review of the literature,” J. Res. Sci. Teach., vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 952–984, 2011.[2] D. Heo, S. Anwar, and M. Menekse, “The relationship between engineering students’ achievement goals, reflection behaviors, and learning outcomes,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1634–1643, 2018.[3] C.-S. Lai, “Using inquiry-based strategies for enhancing students’ STEM education learning,” J. Educ. Sci. Environ. Health, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 110–117, 2018.[4] A. Saterbak, T. Volz, and M. Wettergreen, “Implementing and assessing a
, Pathway, or Ecosystem – Do Our Metaphors Matter?” Distinguished Lecture, ASEEAnnual Conference, Tampa, 2019.Deslauriers, L., E. Schelew, and C. Wieman, Improved Learning in a Large- Enrollment Physics Class. Science, 2011. 332(6031): p. 862-864.Engeström, Y. (2001). Expansive Learning at Work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work, 14, 133–156.Freeman, S., S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M.P. Wenderoth, Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014. 111(23): p. 8410-8415.Friedrichsen, D. M., Smith, C., & Koretsky, M. D. (2017
participation the faculty at ASU who are members of the affinity groups.Finally, we thank the The Polytechnic School at ASU and the evaluation team for supportingdata collection and participation in this research. This work is supported by the National ScienceFoundation Grant 1519339. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.ReferencesBolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1991). Leadership and management effectiveness: A multi-frame, multi-sector analysis. Human Resource Management1, 30(4), 509–34.Borrego, M. & Henderson, C. (2014). Increasing the use of evidence-based teaching in STEM education: A
accuracy and noteswere taken by the interviewer at the time of the interviews.Qualitative modeling with the FRAM. The FRAM consists of four steps: (1) functionidentification and description, (2) variability identification, (3) variability aggregation, and (4)control mechanism identification [25]. The functions that comprise each model, identified anddefined in the first step, represent all actions that occur within the system. Each function ischaracterized by up to six factors: input(s), output(s), precondition(s), resource(s) or executivecondition(s), control(s), and time. A function may be a foreground function if it is the primaryprocess of concern or a background function if it affects the process but is not directly involved.The first three
new program. F ig u re 3 .0: R e te n tio n ra te v s n u m b er o f s e m e s te rs 1 0 0 ,0 % 1 0 0 ,0 % 9 5 ,0 % 9 2 ,2 % 9 0 ,0 % R e te n tio o n ra te 8 5 ,0 % 8 3 ,9 % 8 0 ,0 % 7 5 ,0 % 7 0 ,0 % 6 5 ,0 % 6 0 ,0 % 1 2 3
engineering science.Paul Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering mechanics. In particular, Dr. Steif develops and implements new approaches and technologies to measure student understanding of engineering and to improve instruction.Louis DiBello, University of Illinois at Chicago Louis DiBello is an Associate Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LRSI) and
some limitations: (1) Results are based on studentretrospectives containing the reflections of students regarding their teamwork experience. (2) Wecould not interview students, so all results are based on students’ reflections of teamwork. Futurework should explore this further with control groups to better identify if it is online instructionthat lends itself to improved teamwork.References[1] K. S. Koong, L. C. Liu, and X. Liu, “A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals,” vol. 13, p. 9.[2] M. P. Sivitanides, J. R. Cook, R. B. Martin, B. A. Chiodo, and F. Landram, “Verbal Communication Skills Requirements for Information Systems Professionals,” J. Inf. Syst. Educ
] Committee on Revitalizing Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, Board on Higher Education and Workforce, Policy and Global Affairs, and National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Graduate STEM education for the 21st century. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2018.[8] J. L. Lott, S. Gardner, and D. A. Powers, “Doctoral student attrition in the stem fields: an exploratory event history analysis,” Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 247–266, Aug. 2009.[9] E. Crede and M. Borrego, “Learning in Graduate Engineering Research Groups of Various Sizes,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 565–589, Jul. 2012.[10] E. Horowitz, N. Sorensen, N
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, as such, we do not work to account forstudent variation in student responses to the interview in terms of the teacher differences.The interviews were semi-structured: interviewers were given a set of themes on which to focusand sample questions. The expectation was that interviewers would engage in a conversationwith the interviewee in which they worked to elicit student’s thoughts about 5 focal themes. Asa result, we consider the interviews a “negotiated text” 4 (p. 663) that was co-constructed throughthe conversation of the interviewer and interviewee(s). For the purpose of this paper, we focuson 2 thematic categories, including: 1. What is the student’s understanding of the engineering design process? 2. What STEM concepts did the
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University S =Symbolic Student Faculty Admin.Less Emphasis on More Emphasis on O = Org.Viewing course as Thinking about
for the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. She has also been recognized for the synergy of research and teaching as an invited participant of the 2016 National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium and the Purdue University 2018 recipient of School of Engineering Education Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the 2018 College of Engineering Exceptional Early Career Teaching Award. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Exploring the Early Career Pathways of Degree Holders from Biomedical, Environmental, and Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Engineering Jacqueline Rohde, Jared France, Brianna S. Benedict, and Allison
non-users.The indicative components did not show a significant difference between users and non-users.However, three of the indicative components were being used by 85% or more of concept testusers (Table 2) (having students: “participate in activities that engage them with course contentthrough reflection and/or interaction with their peers”, “provide that answer(s) to a posedproblem or question before the class can proceed”, and “discuss a problem in pairs or groups”).The high percentage of users spending time on these activities shows that they are used inconjunction with Concept Tests, but also with other RBIS or in the general classroom as well
into any meaningful parts.In contrast, the words trees, eating seem to be made up of two parts: the word tree, eat plusan additional element, -s (the ‘plural’) or –ing (the ‘past o present participe’). In the sameway our intuition tells us that the chemical word Fe can not be broken down into anymeaningful parts. In contrast, the word Fe(s) seems to be made up of two parts: the word Feplus an additional element (s), wich indicates the solid state of aggregation.Inflectional versus derivative morphemes‘Tree’, ‘eat’ and ‘Fe’ are called free morphemes; while ‘–s’, ‘-ing’ and ‘(s)’ are calledbound morphemes. Two or more morphemes in combination give a complex morpheme (acomplex word).Bound morphemes can be inflectional morphemes as in the above
. This individual treatment of engineering competencies was also reflected in thetreatment of the ABET learning outcomes at the onset of their accreditation changes to outcomes-basedassessment. For example, in an unpublished review of the Journal of Engineering Education from2006-2011 conducted by the first author to explore publications on the teaching and assessing of theengineering ‘professional skills’ (e.g., teamwork, communication skills, ethics, professionalism, andlifelong learning) in response to Shuman et al.’s 2005 article3, 11 out of the 12 articles that met thecriteria focused exclusively on one or two student outcomes4-15. During this time period, there were noarticles published in this journal that considered the conceptual or
higher education for ways to use data for improving teaching andlearning, new fields such as educational data mining and learning analytics have emerged. Thesefields can support the development of engineering-specific theories of learning and thecharacterization of different aspects of learning processes at the level of individuals, groups, andinstitutions.References:1. Madhavan, K. and Lindsay, E.D. (2014). Use of information technology in engineering education. In Johri, Aditya, and Barbara M. Olds, eds. Cambridge handbook of engineering education research. Cambridge University Press.2. Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media
AC 2011-1377: DEFINING AN EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR UN-DERGRADUATE RESEARCH EXPERIENCESLisa Massi, University of Central Florida Dr. Lisa Massi is the Director of Operations Analysis in the UCF College of Engineering & Computer Science. Her primary responsibilities include accreditation, assessment, and data administration. She is a Co-PI of the NSF-funded S-STEM program at UCF entitled the ”Young Entrepreneur & Scholar (YES) Scholarship Program.” Her research interests include program evaluation and predictors of career intentions.Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida Michael Georgiopoulos is a Professor in the UCF Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the PI of the
(3,4) D flip-flops. Lab (7,8,9) Lab (7,8,9) Ability to evaluate the output of Exam 2(5), Exam 3, Exam 2 (3,4,5), sequential logic systems including lab 7,8,9,10 Exam 3, lab 7,8,9,10 synchronous and asynchronous operations. 2.3. Statistical toolsIn this study, we have utilized innovative assessment tools such as the probability distributionfunction of students’ grades in each objective for Fall 2019 and Fall 2020. We have analyzed thedifference between students’ grades in each objective individually and we also have looked at theaverage grade of students in each objective. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K-S test) andhypothesis test statistic (t-test) were the
and Bowers (1997) of studentsstudying physics found that reading is, in fact, more important than hearing.IntroductionHaving been challenged by a member of the public—specifically a K-12 school teacher—toprovide authoritative source(s) of the STATEMENT, what was envisioned as a simple search andproof would ultimately reveal a lack of evidence for the cited statistics. The STATEMENT beingreferred to here is that people (or students) learn (or recall/remember): • 10% of what they read • 20% of what they hear • 30% of what they see • 50% of what they hear and see • 70% of what they say (and write) • 90% of what they say as they do a thingThere are various forms and permutations of the STATEMENT found in published
underrepresented minorities in engineering. Nonetheless, a story is not completeuntil it integrates not only some of the characters, but also their environment, history, beliefs,values, ways of knowing, doing and being. Similarly, as part of the engineering educationcommunity, we must add more factors to this story – the stories of struggle, subjugation, andoppression.Bibliography 1. Blaisdell, S. (2006). Factors in the Underrepresentation of Women in Science and Engineering: A Review of the Literature. Women in Engineering ProActive Network. 2. Cohen, C. C. D., & Deterding, N. (2009). Widening the net: National estimates of gender disparities in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(3), 211-226. 3. Beddoes, K