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Displaying all 9 results
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victor P. Nelson, Auburn University; John Y. Hung, Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
assess certainperformance indicators, leading to results that were not as meaningful as they should have been.Consequently, the course instructors made some relatively simple changes to course assignmentsto ensure that students provide evidence of achievement of each of the desired performanceindicators. This serves both to facilitate assessment and to emphasize to the students what theyare expected to know and be able to do. The following sections describe how this has been donein ELEC 3040/3050.IV. Course assignments and assessmentIn the past few years, Auburn University has emphasized writing across the curriculum. Eachprogram in the university has been required to submit a plan for writing within the majorcourses, with students expected to
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention, and First-year Programs in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Wilczynski, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California; Michael Crowley, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
useful experience for learning what it’s like to work in a team. Completing the project, seeing it work, and seeing everyone’s part come together, was actually quite satisfying, and I very much enjoyed the moment where I realized I was proud of what we’d finished.” However, not all the comments were positive. Some students felt they were overworked; some mentioned they didn’t like the peer pressure; one thought the C3/C4 linkage was not consistent with the “university stand-alone class” organization.• Was the management experience worthwhile? Managers write reports on their experience. They detail meeting behavior, how effective their teams were in meeting deadlines, as well as documenting problems and how problem students were
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention, and First-year Programs in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Constance D. Hendrix, U.S. Air Force Academy; Marcus L. Roberts, U.S. Air Force Academy; William J. Eccles, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jeffrey Butler, U.S. Air Force Academy; Randall Deppensmith, U.S. Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 2. Overall, the course is: 1-Very Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 3. On average, for every hour I spent in this class, I spent about ___ outside of class completing work in this course (including studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, etc.). 1-1/2 hour or less, 2-More than 1/2 hour, but less than one hour, 3-More than one hour, but less than two hours, 4-More than two hours, but less than three hours, 5- More than three hours 4. The course activities (e.g., assigned readings, lectures, discussions, labs, projects, etc.) were effective in helping me accomplish the learning
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University; Micah Lande, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
company, and an electronic coachingglove for a bowling coach. Student teams were required to propose projects for the course that would allow for theuse of an Arduino Uno microcontroller, receive input from at least one sensor and control at leastone actuator. In addition, budget constraints ($160/student team) and user testing requirementswere given. At the beginning of the semester, teams presented multiple options for potentialusers / clients / stakeholders and received peer and instructor feedback that guided theirselection. Student teams completed detailed benchmarking, user observations and datacollection, a mission statement, and defined requirements and specifications based on the user.The majority of the semester was then spent
Conference Session
Project-based and Cooperative Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Adams, University of Kentucky; Jens Hannemann, University of Kentucky; Lawrence Holloway, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
assemble their speakers and AM receivers. The only restrictionwas that they could not use components of an existing speaker or receiver (and eachgroup was given a diode). The student projects within this module were graded via peerevaluations. Each group received a peer evaluation of its speaker and receivercombination, with the each evaluation scoring both the functional quality and thecreativity of each artifact.Embedded computingThe second module introduced students to embedded computing using the Arduino15(UNO) microcontroller. Within this module, students were given a brief introduction tothe general area of embedded computing, followed by several well-defined tasks toperform using the Arudiuno controller. These introductory tasks were
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuan Liao, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
data types, control flow statements, fileoperations, and modules are covered 10. Common Python programming interfaces used to callPSS/E functions are elucidated. Using Python programming to automate power system studies(load case, modify case, impose disturbances, run simulations, clear disturbances, runsimulations, write results to a file, etc.) is illustrated. PSS/E provides a comprehensive set ofprogramming interfaces between Python environment and PSS/E functions. Selected sets ofessential functions for case preparation, power flow, fault analysis, stability analysis, and resultsretrieval are covered, such as psspy.fnsl, fdns, natono, case, seqd, scmu, scinit, scdone, abusreal,busdat, scbus2, scbrn2, etc 3. The PSS/E Application Program
Conference Session
Capstone Design and Innovations in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard James Choquette, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Payam Matin, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Pocomoke City, Md.Dr. Payam Matin, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore Payam Matin is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Aviation Sciences at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore (UMES). Matin has received his Ph.D. in mechanical en- gineering from Oakland University, Rochester, Mich., in May 2005. He has taught a number of courses in the areas of mechanical engineering and aerospace at UMES. Matin’s research has been mostly in the areas of computational mechanics and experimental mechanics. Matin has published more than 20 peer- reviewed journal and conference papers. Matin worked in Auto-industry for Chrysler Corporation from 2005 to 2007.Dr. Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan
Conference Session
Project-based and Cooperative Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Ann Rursch, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University; Matthew Edward Sullivan, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
25.774.5The members of the IASG provide the remote setup support for each of the teams for the monthleading up to the competition. This is a beneficial exercise for IASG members incommunication, terminology, network design, and implementation. Additionally, the IASGmembers configure and maintain all the competition equipment and the support systems such asremote access and server imaging machines, as well as writing the rules for the competition andrunning the actual event.Table 2. Cyber Defense Competition Participation NumbersSemester ISU CDC National CCCDC High School CDC CDC/IT
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Tawfik, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Elio Sancristobal, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Sergio Martin, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Rosario Gil, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Alberto Pesquera Martín, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Tovar Edmundo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Martin Llamas-Nistal, University of Vigo; Gabriel Diaz Orueta, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED); Juan Peire; Manuel Castro, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED)
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers, University of Vigo , Spain. From 1999 to 2003, he was the Head of the ICT Area of the University of Vigo. He is author or co-author of more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed international refereed journals and conference proceedings. He has directed several national and international research projects in telematics and technology-enhanced learning fields. He is very involved in activities within the IEEE Education Society (IEEE ES). He is Vice President of IEEE ES for Publications, elected member of the Board of Governors, and member of the Strategic Planning Committee. Since its founding in 2004, he has been a member of the IEEE Ed- ucation Society