Paper ID #41895Interdiscipinary Project (ME/EE) for Students in Shop to Increase Conductivityof Aluminum StockGiselle S. Veach, University of IdahoDr. Herbert L. Hess, University of Idaho Herb Hess is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Idaho. He received the PhD Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993. His research and teaching interests are in power electronics, electric machines and drives, electric ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Review and Proposal for Increasing Conductivity of Aluminum
member with the background in geology has been involvedin doing outreach for the project as well as configuring the technical specifications, while thesecond group member has been involved in building the software and contributing new softwarerelated ideas.III.C. Algorithms CNNs were used as early as the 1990’s to automatically detect handwriting on checks[12]. CNNs are an iteration of artificial neural networks also called “backpropagation neuralnetworks” [13]. CNNs use “convolutional layers” that apply matrices (filters) of different valuescalled “weights” onto an image using a convolution operation. It is speculated that earlier layersin the neural network can identify low-level features such as edge gradients. With every newlayer
much less of its energy into mechanical motion than electricity; the average energy expended for gasoline is 0.805 MJ, while the average energy expended for electricity is 0.279 MJ [4].Test 3 - Performance Our third test was concerning performance. We would've accelerated the go-kart from 0-20 mph (and determined speed based on the rpm of the axle, which would be measured by the Arduino RedBoard) using solely the gas engine, and then done the same for solely the electric motor, recording the time needed for each. The table below shows the standard acceleration of gas and electric cars obtained from research [5] [6]. Gas Acceleration Gas Acceleration Electric Acceleration Electric Acceleration Time (s
)Kinyua, A., Negusse, E., Adesua, E.D. Adedapo, A., Akingbola, T., Isa, A., Oshineye, O., Yazdandoust, F.,Adedoyin, A., Mirindi, D., Isola F., Payne K., Owusu, G.K., Mallory, K., Wilson, K., Houston, T., Peterson,M., Dzotcha, A., Ariyibi, A., Pramanik, S., Koissi, N., Moncrieffe, K., Damoah, R., Murdock, M., Dyson, K.,Almahdi, A., Bista, K., Gaulee, U., Peters, K., Owolabi, O., OladoKun, H., Addo E., Keels-Fields, T., Holmes,C. and Wilson, J. Morgan State University, 1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD, USA.AbstractOur HBCU has a well-established record of providing quality college and pre -college programs in mostacademic disciplines in the state and the nation. We present our on-going experiences in thedevelopment and
thermodynamics; Carnot Cycle; thermodynamic, overall, and isentropicefficiencies; effectiveness of heat exchangers; refrigeration and heat pump cycles, includingabsorption and cascade refrigeration, and other advanced cycles; air-conditioning processes ofhumid air; Reheat Rankine cycle including means to improve its efficiency; Otto and Dieselcycles; Brayton with intercooling, reheating, and regeneration; property diagrams, p-v, T-v, T-p,T-s, h-s, p-h, and Psychrometric chart.This paper examines course offerings in the fall of 2019, 2020, and 2021. The three offeringsdiffered in content delivery methods. Course in 2019 had one-third of the lectures flipped and alllabs were in person. Course in 2020 had completely flipped lectures and all instruction
withoutdelving into the intricacies of the diverse chemical reactions that may occur. In summary, thebrevity of topics in the VR game may not fully capture the inherent complexities of subsurfacehydrogen production operations.References 1. J.A. Okolie, B.R. Patra, A. Mukherjee, S. Nanda, A.K. Dalai, J.A. Kozinski, Futuristic applications of hydrogen in energy, biorefining, aerospace, pharmaceuticals and metallurgy, Int J Hydrogen Energy. 46 (2021) 8885–8905. 2. IEA, "The Future of Hydrogen – Analysis," IEA, (2019). future-of-hydrogen. [Accessed May 14, 2023]. 3. S. Salahshoor, S. Afzal, "Subsurface technologies for hydrogen production from fossil
cs g E g ER s y l g AD ro or si in
might live around these systems and facilities and be impacted bytheir presence for decades. While these logics may have served the field for decades, we are ofthe view that moving forward, particularly in the nuclear (and other energy) field(s), these logicsare going to become increasingly impractical. This is because of the growing interest in smallerscale (eventually perhaps even personalized) energy systems sited in much greater proximity topeople and communities than have the systems of the past. As a result, there is a growing interestfrom communities that might host these systems to shape key decisions about how these systemsand facilities are designed. Despite this shift, students are given little to no formal training onhow to frame
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spentseveral weeks discussing the meaning of “equitable and sustainable STEM education.” Thegroup found that developing empathy for other communities is an important and recurring themeamong curricula that are designed with equity in mind [4-6], and hands-on activities arewidespread [6-8]. In addition, STEM literacy and the integration of multiple STEM areas werecommon themes [9-13]. Among all of the articles reviewed, the team found Jackson et al.’s“Equity-Oriented Conceptual Framework for K-12 STEM Literacy” [4] to be especially relevantand helpful in guiding the development of the lesson activities. Overarching themes thatappeared repeatedly in the team’s literature review and guided the subsequent work on theproject include the following
teach global software engineering.Proceedings of EDULEARN17 International Conference on Education and New LearningTechnologies, Barcelona, Spain.Darban, M. (2021). Learning in virtual student teams: an examination of sharedleadership. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18., W., Soderholm, D., Wedel, M. (2007). Teaching and learning. In E. Crawley, J.Malmqvist, S. Ostlund, & D. Brodeur (Eds.), Rethinking engineering education. The CDIOApproach (pp. 130-151). New York: Springer.Guo, P., Saab, N., Post, L. S., & Admiraal, W. (2020). A review of project-based learning in highereducation: Student outcomes and measures. International Journal of Educational Research, 102,1-13
]. Table 1: Measured wind resource in terms of Weibull parameters [17]. Weibull Distributions Month k c (m/s) VmW (m/s) January 1.64 5.64 5.04 February 1.6 6.78 6.08 March 1.82 6.73 6 April 1.41 4.83 4.39 May 1.7 5.7 5.1 June 1.95 6.35 5.66 July 2.02 7.66 6.78 August 1.87
analysis of battery charge controllers for comparing three off-gridPV power plants," Heliyon, vol. 7, no. 11, p. e08331, 2021/11/01/,[2] M. Can Filibeli, et al., "Embedded web server-based home appliance networks," Journal of Network & Comp.Appl., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 499-514, 2007/04/01/, doi:[3] M. K. Ghodki, "Microcontroller and solar power based electrical energy management system for renewableenergy applications," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 852-860,2013/01/01/ 2013, doi:[4] H. S. a. U. B. a. K. Harismah, "Design, Construction and Testing of Portable
their children in STEM activities and nuclear science programs. These activities haveresulted in deeper, sustained student engagement and understanding of mitigating factors that ourstudents face and need to be addressed to enhance a nuclear workforce pipeline at an HBCU.IntroductionIn the USA, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) continue to award a largeshare of bachelor's degrees to African American students in Science, Technology, Engineering,Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). HBCUs are also the baccalaureate origins of one-quarter toone-third of black science and engineering (S&E) doctorate recipients [1]. However, as shownby the National Science Foundation data [2] for college aged population (18-24 years), blackstudents
Figure-4: Water Velocity Readings in USGS [5]6. Results and Discussions: Once all the components are confirmed, it is decided to chose averaging out the 4 days data.Table-2 contains velocity of water flow data that was used in this study. These pieces were thenput into the power equation to get the total wattage that can be produced. Then multiplied theamount by 24 to find the watt-hours for one day and then multiplied that amount by 365 to seehow much power could be produced in a year. This calculation was repeated for the maximumvelocity to find the absolute maximum amount of power that could potentially be obtained if thatvelocity continued for a year. Table-2: Bayou Water Velocity (m/s) Data Sample 1
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