“conceptresilience” (faith backed by depth of knowledge) to pick the right ideas from what such aninstructor would explain, the student usually comes back with the sage advice that “s(he) said itwon’t work”. A simple example might be illustrative. It came from sending students to ask theseemingly straightforward question: “What value of efficiency should I use as being possible, forconversion between AC line power and beamed microwave power?” To the unwary aerospaceengineer, the answer to this seems to be what one might describe as “antenna efficiency”.However, reality is far more complicated.It quickly becomes evident that beaming large amounts of power is not a popular subject inmodern textbooks. Antenna design issues generally drive quickly towards the
road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.4) Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.5) Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.President Obama wants to make the U. S. a leader on climate change and energy. Thedisconnect comes when one looks at what it will take to achieve these goals outlined above.Today’s economic direction points to these goals as being overly optimistic. To achieve thesegoals will take massive amounts of capital and national resolve at a time when the economicstimulus seems to be focused on Wall Street and the banking industry, health care reform, andthe military
-2019.[7] Cohen, J., Richardson, S., Austin, S., Economos, C., Rimm, E. (2013). School lunch waste among middle school students: nutrients consumed and costs. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 44(2): 114-121. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.09.060[8] World Wildlife Federation (WWF) (2019). Food Waste Warriors: A deep dive into food waste in U.S. schools. World Wildlife Fund, available at https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/food-waste- warrior-report-2019.[9] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2018 Fact Sheet. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-and-recycling/advancing- sustainablematerials-management[10] New York aims to curb food waste
home’s volume to surface area ratio, which reduces the total amount ofheat transfer through the walls. The homes in Figures 3(m), (n), and especially (q) and (r) werebuilt into the ground to make an Earthen home. This also increases the efficiency of the home byadding insulation to the home’s walls and reducing the rate of heat transfer through the walls.The home in Figure 3(m) and (n) also featured a large rainwater collection system. The homes inFigures 3(a), (b), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (s), and (t) all incorporated a PV system.Considering that solar photovoltaics is a major portion of the course, and students gainsignificant lab experience working with PV system components, it is not surprising that moststudents incorporate
produce the same output voltage from a mass flowcontroller. The GCF is a function of specific heat, density, and the molecular structure of thegases. In our case pure hydrogen is used as the baseline gas but flow controllers are usuallycalibrated with nitrogen. To calculate the Gas Correction Factor (GCF) for pure gases, followingformula is used: (0.3106)( S ) GCFx = (d x )(cp x )where GCFx is the gas correction factor for gas x (In our case hydrogen gas used),0.3106 is the factor of (Standard Density of nitrogen) and (Specific Heat of nitrogen),S is the molecular structure correction factor where S is 1.03 for
hybrid power systems and microgrids. The topics covered include the needs andbenefits of distributed generation, wind and solar energy potential assessment, models of energystorage devices, power electronic interfacing, life cycle assessment and cost analysis, and gridintegration issues. The benefit of such broad coverage is to give the students a comprehensiveview of the various RES components. Each student picks one area to explore further by studyingand presenting one or two research paper(s) to the class as well as doing an end-of-term projectdeveloping a written report and presenting the results of their work to the entire class.The objective of this course is to present and introduce the students to various renewable energytopologies and
9780824792374 • Turan Gonen, Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 9781482207002 • J. Duncan Glover, Thomas Overbye, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design, Sixth Edition, Cengage, ISBN 9781305636200 • Luces M. Faulkenberry, Walter Coffer, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission, Prentice Hall, ISBN 9780132499477 • James Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, 1st Edition, Wiley, ISBN 978-0470889398While students were only required to purchase the Kersting textbook, material for the coursewas derived from all of the supplementary textbooks as well. However, any book assignmentsor book examples came from the required textbook.Lecture
, “Feeding Our Profession”, IEEE Power & Energy Vol. 1(1), 2003.4. U.S Energy Information Administration, Renewable Energy Annual 2002.5. L. B. V. D. C. Haba, "e-Learning System for temperature and Humidity Sensors and Distributed Measurement," Iasi, Romania , 2007.6. F. L. R. D. L. W. E. H. C. Arlett, "Meeting the needs of industry: the drivers for change in engineering education," vol. 5, no. 2, 2010.7. F. R. Brushett, R. S. Jayashree, W.-P. Zhou and P. J. Kenis, "Investigation of fuel and media flexible laminar flow-based fuel cells," Electrochimica Acta, vol. 54, p. 7, May 2009. Page 26.803.148. E. Kjeang
also planned to develop in-class laboratorydemonstration activities for further understanding and analysis of the subject matter.Bibliography1. Barbara Mean, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia and Karla Jones "Evaluation of Evidence-BasedPractices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies," U.S. Department ofEducation Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service. RevisedSeptember 2010.2. U.S. NRC, “Combined License Applications for New Reactors,” Sep 22, 2010, available online athttp://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors.html.3. U. S. Energy Information Administration, “Electric Power Annual 2010 Data Tables,” Nov 09, 2011, availableonline at http
) Benchmark: Sentence(s) Answer Sankey Diagram 2 Final Exam: Multiple Choice & Sentences Answer 3 Policy Goals and Impacts Sentence(s) Answer (Sustainability Analysis) Earth-Sun Interaction Sentence(s) Answer 33.2. Final exams: energy-sun interactionAnother method used to assess the learning outcomes of the Energy Systems & Sustainabilitycourse and to help determine student
demonstrates the finished project to the entire class. Each term awritten report summarizing the project is also required as part of the senior project design course. Page 24.1169.7This process synthesizes all of the basic materials in the core courses and can also be used as partof the requirements of the senior project requirements for each student. In the followingsubsections of the paper we are presenting some the HOMER applications.3.2 Solar Radiation and Wind Speed DataThe HOMER simulator will be driven by traces of solar power output s(t) and wind power outputw(t) (see Figure 3 for details). These traces are obtained from empirical data on
of equipment in the University of Pittsburgh’s power systems laboratory.This would include modelling battery energy storage systems and out renewable energy systems.Lastly, students will use COMSOL Multiphysics in both the semiconductor device theory classand the applications of fields and waves class in the fall. Students will use the software tosolidify their knowledge and visualize some of the abstract phenomena which are not possible tosee.The faculty involved will collect data on all three courses and use that data in the continuousimprovement process for the courses.Bibliography[1] B. E. Allen, C. D. Caudill, R. A. Howard, S. Hunter, C. L. Magee, S. Ostrach and W. B. Rouse, Approaches to Improve Engineering Design
Arduino could be looked into for minimizing powerlosses. The H-bridge could have its speed modified in relation to the events of external andenvironmental influences. For edcational studies, we recommend providing details about the economic analysis for theproject in order to obtain a much more profound understanding of how much the rate of return ofthe investment will be available to the owner. First step is to find the set-up cost, which is a one-time expense to include the initial cost of developing the solar panel unit(s); equipment used,shipping cost, and installation or any labor costs associated with the construction of the unit(s).There is also the consideration of annual operation and maintenance costs that need to be takeninto
, 120 V, 0.19 A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation.Figure 3. Inrush current and power characteristics for a GE Helical 40W, 120 V, 0.37A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation. Page 14.116.7 Figure 4. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania Movie Flood Light Bulb.Figure 5. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania, 130 V 200 W incandescent bulb. Figure 6. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 150 W incandescent bulb. Figure 7. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 25 W incandescent bulb
AC 2009-354: A SUN-TRACKING SOLAR-POWER SYSTEMLiping Guo, Northern Illinois University Liping Guo received the B. E. degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 1997, the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Auburn University, AL, USA in 2001 and 2006 respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology Program in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois University. Her research interests are mainly in the area of power electronics, renewable energy, embedded systems and control. Dr. Guo is a member of the ASEE, IEEE and a member of the honor society
Page 11.1297.121) Deffeyes, Kenneth S. Hubbert’s Peak – the Impending World Oil Shortage, Princeton University Press (2001).2) Kunstler, James Howard, http://www.kunstler.com/mags_diary16.html.3) Smil, Vaclav. “Peak Oil: a Catastrophist Cult and Complex Realities,” World Watch Magazine (January/February 2006).4) Culp, Archie W. Principles of Energy Conversion, McGraw-Hill, Inc. (1991).5) Sorensen, Harry A. Energy Conversion Systems, John Wiley & Sons (1983).6) Hinrichs, Roger A. and Kleinbach, Merlin. Energy – Its Use and the Environment, Brooks/Cole (2002).7) Ristinen, Robert A. and Kraushaar, Jack J. Energy and the Environment, John Wiley & Sons (1999).8) Hubbert, M.K. “Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels,” in American Petroleum
a need to quantify the program’s efficacy as a tool forreducing the attrition rates of participating STEM majors as reducing the number that switchmajors or drop out altogether is considered to be the program’s primary goal. The end result ofthis research, along with all quantifying data, is slated to be the topic of a future paper.Bibliography 1. C. Brame, “Active Learning,” https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/active-learning/, (accessed Dec. 2016). 2. J. Handelsman, S. Miller, C. Pfund, Scientific Teaching, 1st ed., W.H. Freeman, New York, 2007 3. S. Freeman, S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, M.P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
energized and the contacts touch shouldbe 90 to 100 milliseconds. As seen in Figure 6 and Figure 7, the time was 170.2 milliseconds. Figure 6. Cursor Values from Close Operation Test Close Velocity of Command Breaker Mechanism [m/s]Closing CoilCurrent [A
refine the systemspecifications. Table 1 shows the finalized PVEPS system requirements. Table 1 PV emergency power system requirements ID Requirements 1 Power generated by solar panel(s) shall be stored in lead-acid AGM batteries 2 The batteries shall be able to power the following devices for two consecutive days: 1. Two White LED lights (continuous) 2. The suction machine (used 3 hrs. each day) 3. Two “car-charging sockets” for charging 12VDC appliances (used 3 hrs. each day) 4. One 5V DC USB charger for charging cell phones and tablets 3 The system shall contain on/off switches to individually control each appliance
) where f s(x) is an activation function. Typically this activation function is a sigmoid function, such as (4): (4) An ANN consists of multiple interconnected artificial neurons, arranged in several layers. The neurons are arranged in layers: one input layer, one output layer, and multiple hidden layers. The neurons in the input layer have the activation function f s(x) = x . Hidden layers and output layers may have sigmoid or other activation functions. ANN First Implementation An ANN so implemented is called a “feed forward” network. This consists of two layers of neutrons, in which one of the layers evaluates the synaptic weight of each input and sums the weights as input
it is easy for the students toadjust the faucets, as well to have a monitoring tool that allows to spot larger changes to the flowrates. HEAT EXCHANGER #1 Test on 10/18/2017: Cold Flow Flow Hot Cold Hot In Hot Out Cold In Out Hot Cold Diff. Diff. Time, s (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (GPH) (GPH) (°F) (°F) 14 73 72 71 70 1 1 1 1 267 77 75 72 75 76 72 2 -3 279 80 77 71 78 76 74 3 -7 308 87 81 71 82
Google Drive. This practice had several majorbenefits. The most important impact of this practice was that the knowledge and experiencestudent gained in their project accumulated and stored in a single location. The students workingon the same topic had access to the folder as well as the instructor(s). When new students startedto work on the same topic, the Google Drive folder from past teams was shared with them andthey had access to everything the previous team(s) had done and used.The final overall course assessment was according to the following items: Proposal 15% Interim report 15% Final report 30% Progress reports or meetings 20% Poster
range of scientific applications. ‚ Epistemological development that provides the cognitive infrastructure for longer-term gains in scientific reasoning and correlates with more general advances in critical thinking. ‚ Critical thinking as demonstrated by increasingly sophisticated analysis, evaluation, application and synthesis as indicated, in part, by the ability to discover patterns of information in data across fields, interpret the meaning(s) of those patterns, and argue convincingly for significance of the interpretation. ‚ Greater engagement of students in learning.ResultsA comprehensive set of both quantitative and qualitative development measures have beenassessed throughout the ES
10mA 3.3 VoltsReferences[1] J. M.Rabaey, M. J. Ammer, J. L. da Silva Jr., D. Patel, and S. Roundy, “Picoradio supports ad hoc ultra-lowpower wireless networking”, IEEE Computer, pp. 42–48, July 2000.[2] Roundy, S., Steingart, D., Fréchette, L., Wright, P. K., Rabaey, J., “Power Sources for Wireless Networks”, Proc.1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN '04), Berlin, Germany, Jan.19-21, 2004.[3 Stordeur, M., Stark, I., “Low Power Thermoelectric Generator – self-sufficient energy supply for micro systems,”16th Int. Conf. on Therm, 1997, pp. 575-7][4] E.M. Yeatman, “Advances in Power Sources for Wireless Sensor Nodes,” Proc. Int.Workshop Wearable andImplantable Body Sensor Networks, Imperial College, 2004
: ‚ Design of Thermal Systems by W. F. Stoecker1 ‚ Analysis and Design of Energy Systems by B. K. Hodge and R. P. Taylor2 ‚ Design of Fluid Thermal Systems by W. S. Janna3 ‚ Elements of Thermal-Fluid System Design by L. C. Burmeister4 ‚ Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems by Y. Jaluria5 ‚ Design Analysis of Thermal Systems by R. F. Boehm6 ‚ Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems by N. V. Suryanarayana, O. Arici and N. Suryanarayana7 ‚ Thermal Design and Optimization by A. Bejan, G. Tsatsaronis, and M. Moran8 The main criteria for choosing the textbook are topical contents, problem sets, workedexamples, and design projects. Comparing these textbooks is difficult as many core topics aresimilar but each
ere the indoorenvironment is being maintained at TL=20 ˚C C in a climate where the outdoor temperature TH is40 ˚C. C. The condenser is sized to allow a condensing saturation temperature (Tsat,c) of 45 ˚Cwhile the evaporator is sized to allow an evaporating saturation temperature (Tsat,e) of 12.5 ˚C. Page 24.89.8 2x103 R134a ∆Τc Isentropic s= .9 Isotherms
Environment Program/Industry and Environment, Ecodesign: A promising approach to sustainable production and consumption. Tech. Rep. CP18, 1997 8. Timkur, S., et. al. New Engineering Design Concepts for Sustainable Products, Proceedings of ASEE Annual conference and Exhibition, 2006. 9. Design for Environment (DfE) or Ecodesign Definition, http://www.dantes.info/Projectinformation/Glossary/Glossary.html, 2006. 10. Hollowayu, L., Materials selection for optimal environmental impact in mechanical design, Materials and Design, pp.133-143, 1998. 11. Gungor, A., Gupta, S. M., Issues in environmentally conscious manufacturing and product recovery: a survey, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 36, pp. 811
of the project was viewed very favorably by the students.References1. Somerton, C.W. and Bénard, A., “Developing a Design Based Alternative Energy Course”, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Chicago, June 2006.2. http://www.geothermal.marin.org/GEOpresentation3. Somerton, C.W., Genik, L.G., Thelen, W., Lewis, D., and Strawn, S., "TEEHOUSE: Thermal Environmental Engineering Design and Cost Software for a Building", 2002 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Montreal, June 2002 Page 25.31.11 Appendix A Cold Geothermal Project Assignment ME 417
60000 50000 40000 30000 C a s h F lo w ($) 20000 10000 0 -10000 0 5 10 15 20 25 -20000 -30000
trained human resources to support this national effort.Solar photo voltaic technologies have been increasing its participation because they rely on themature and powerful semiconductor industry, and also because they offer unique operationalcharacteristics which the residential and commercial sectors can use for distributedgeneration.This environment has created within Universities a strong interest from students forthe acquisition of knowledge on Renewable Energy. Correspondingly, Faculty has madesignificant number of proposals to develop on-site low power photovoltaic generation resources,as a response to the student´s interest.This paper describes the work done during 2010 at the Electrical Engineering Department of TheUniversity of Texas Pan