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Conference Session
Investigating Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuels in the Classroom and Lab
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cortney Martin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brandy Bratton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David Dillard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Michael Ellis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Maggie Bump, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
suggested other applications forthe study. Figure 3. Students participating in a lab tour.Throughout the phased, summer-long paper-writing process, the students posted drafts andpaired off to peer review one another’s papers. More difficult issues and questions were broughtto the lunches for discussion with peers and the research group facilitator. Students had varying Page 13.726.5levels of experience with technical writing and were able to help one another which reinforcedtheir own understanding. The facilitator met with student/graduate mentor pairs at least once todiscuss project and paper progress.Students suggested a
Conference Session
Solar Power, Wind Power, and Energy System Initiatives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Swedish, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
maintain a log book for the duration of the project. Thislog book could be examined by the instructor at any time. Two interim written reports wererequired. At the conclusion of the project, an oral presentation was given, in which all of thestudents participated. Finally, after a short space of time for a final edit based on comments fromthe oral presentation, a final written report was submitted. The students received both an individual and a team grade for the course. The individualgrade was based on the student’s performance within the team, as evaluated both by the Page 13.1410.4instructor and by the student’s peers. Peers twice
Conference Session
Sustainable Energy Issues in Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cortney Martin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Barbara Bekken, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Sean McGinnis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
credits) met five of the seven generaleducation requirements at the University. Only the writing and discourse and quantitative andsymbolic reasoning requirements were not explicitly met, although both were integral to thecourse. ES met three times each week. A 75-minute period on Tuesday allowed the wholegroup to meet with a guest speaker or faculty lecturer. A second 75-minute class on Thursdayswas devoted to discussion of the speaker and the week’s readings. A three-hour workshop onFridays provided a block of time for field trips or activities of longer duration. On Thursdaysand Fridays, students generally met in smaller communities of 20-30 students. In addition to atraditional text book that spanned all four semesters, students were asked to
Conference Session
Novel Energy Applications in Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Schroeder, University of Toledo; Mohammad Elahinia, University of Toledo; Walter Olson, University of Toledo; Mark Schumack, University of Detroit Mercy
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
an effort in theCollege of Engineering at the Ohio State University where the freshman engineering classeswere redeveloped into a combined course with hands-on laboratory elements2. Teamwork,project management, report writing and oral presentations were the main parts of this program.Recently, in their research, Smith et al. focused on classroom-based pedagogy of engagement3.The authors recognized that active and collaborative learning provides better ways for students tolearn by being intensely involved in the educational process. These learning methods can furtherbe implemented by encouraging the students to apply their knowledge in many situations. Thearticle, as illustrated in, also indicates the superiority of the problem-based learning
Conference Session
Investigating Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuels in the Classroom and Lab
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Fletcher, Lawrence Technological University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
experience focused only on membrane electrode assembly (MEA) components and performance. Good hands-on experience. Want to eventually work at TARDEC.B-27) Any other comments about your participation in the LTU-TARDEC Fuel Cellresearch group?: Not only did I learn about Fuel Cells while working on this project, but I also got to learn about design and implementation of experiments, was involved in test stand development and about interaction with peers, superiors and clients. The progress and involvement in the LTU-TARDEC research group nearly eliminated the learning curve that I would have required to become fully successful at an engineering company. There is no doubt in my mind that the knowledge I