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Conference Session
EDGD: Assessment & Student Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Delson, University of California, San Diego; Lelli Van Den Einde, University of California, San Diego
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Engineering Design Graphics
,thentheydonothavetheopportunitytodemonstratepersistence.ResultsTheresultsareanalyzedbyseparatingtheclassintothreegroupsbasedupontheirpre-testscores,Low(<=70%),Mid(70%=90%).Forcomparison,theresultsoftheearliesttrialsinthegroupfrom2014areshowninTable1,andthelatesttrialinthegroupfromspring2017isshowninTable2. Table1.OverallPerformanceResultsforStudentsof AllTestGroupsinthe2014TrialinElectiveCourseMAE7. Pre Test Pre Test Pre Test Group: Low Group: Mid Group: High All Groups (n=13) (n=17) (n=22) (n=52) Avg. Pre-Test Score 53% s=9.8% 78% s=5.9% 93% s=4.4% 78% s=17.2% Avg. Post-Test Score 61% s=13.2% 87% s=7.9% 90% s=6.0% 82% s=15.0% Avg. Test
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lukas W. DiBeneditto, Purdue University, New Albany; Rustin Webster, Purdue University, New Albany
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Engineering Design Graphics
comparemultiple student files to an instructor's grading key. CADcompare augments the grading processof technical and engineering CAD drawings by highlighting differences that can be easily missedby a human grader, such as incorrect line type(s), color(s), or double lines (i.e., lines on top of eachother). Some CAD software has built-in comparison tools, however, none of the comparison toolsaccept PDF files to compare, are web-based applications, or can compare multiple student files atonce like CADcompare can. Grading engineering CAD drawings with accuracy and fairness cantake a lot of time, the intended use of CADcompare is to act as a grading tool to help instructorsgrade faster, more accurately, and without unintended bias. Spring 2017, a Windows
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy V. Ernst, Virginia Tech; Shelley Glimcher, North Carolina State University; Daniel P. Kelly, North Carolina State University; Aaron C. Clark, North Carolina State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
with real-world examplesas compared to theoretical examples traditionally employed in introductory engineering graphicscourses.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1725874. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] J. V. Ernst, T.O. Williams, A. C. Clark, and D. P. Kelly, “Psychometric properties of the PSVT:R Outcome Measure: A preliminary study of introductory engineering design graphics,” in 70th EDGD Midyear Conference Proceedings, Daytona, FL, USA, January 24-26, 2016.[2] S. A. Sorby and B. J. Baartmans
Conference Session
EDGD: Assessment & Student Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University; Luis Genaro Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin, Waukesha
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Engineering Design Graphics
inthis study is RapidMiner, and different subsets of data are utilized in the machine learning phase,thus reaching more robust predictive conclusions.IntroductionIt is almost ubiquitous nowadays to read or hear about trends or conclusion(s) that have beenestablished with the application of data analytics techniques to consumers’ information, frompreference in terms of flavor or color, to behavioral trends in terms of purchasing online ortendency to walk short distances [1]. The field of data analytics has received substantial attentionin the past years due in part to the competition level in a globalized economy, which has resultedin the almost imperative need for focused or personalized services, thus resulting in this globaltrend of collecting
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi-hsiang Isaac Chang, Illinois State University; Kevin L. Devine, Illinois State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
consider the MR attributes proposed by Milgram et al. to choose theright display device(s) to match his or her pedagogy. In this project, we plan to investigate howthe use of VR can affect the learner’s behavior and performance during the design verificationstage of industrial robot programming. Figure 2 illustrates the setup of the project. X Figure 2 Project setup: From RobotStudio to VR inspection to ABB Robot Conventionally the robot program was reviewed through desktop simulation prior todownloading it to the industrial robot for execution (red dotted line). We plan to use the virtualreality environment, circled in blue, as an intermediate stage to review the robot program
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John E. Bell, Michigan State University; Cui Cheng, Michigan State University; Hannah Klautke, Michigan State University; William Cain, Michigan State University; Daniel Joseph Freer, Michigan State University; Timothy J. Hinds, Michigan State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
doingspatial reasoning tasks, so it is possible that this extra time is a contributing factor in the reportedgains. On the other hand, students gained substantially simply by taking the class, so the benefitsof the app on its own are not clear.Another direction for further research should focus on additional development of the app.Possibilities include adaptive presentation of lessons based on student progress, further use ofgamification to enhance motivation and engagement, and building assessment into the app itself.References[1] S. Sorby, B. Casey, N. Veurink, and A. Dulaney, “The role of spatial training in improvingspatial and calculus performance in engineering students,” ​Learning and Individual Differences​,vol. 26, pp. 20–29, 2013.[2] O. Ha
Conference Session
EDGD: Assessment & Student Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore J. Branoff, Illinois State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
examining students’understanding of a datum reference frame (DRF) specified on a drawing and their ability tomodel a 3D part with a consistent DRF origin. It was clear that students in TEC333 had difficultyrecognizing the DRF when given a drawing with GD&T. This was especially true when holeswere used as datum features. Since one of the main tenants of GD&T is to provide consistencythrough design, manufacturing, and inspection, conducting a closer examination of design intentwithin the drawing, constraint-based model, and the inspection method could provide useful datafor improving instruction.References1. Neumann, S., & Neumann, A. (2009). GeoTol Pro: A practical guide to Geometric Tolerancing. Longboat Key, FL: Technical
Conference Session
EDGD: Potpourri
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Joseph Kirstukas, Central Connecticut State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
Similarity,” accessed February 2, 2018.[3] Kasprowicz, Dominik, Wada, Hilekaan, “Methods for automated detection of plagiarism in integrated-circuit layouts”, Microelectronics Journal, September 2014, Vol.45(9), pp.1212- 1219.[4] Amaya-Bower, L., Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Effect of Video Guided Tutorials in a Standard Curriculum and in a Flipped Classroom for a 3D-CAD Course,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, 10.18260/p.27295, 11 pages.[5] Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Development and Evaluation of a Computer Program to Assess Student CAD Models,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA
Conference Session
EDGD: Potpourri
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Chin, East Carolina University
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Engineering Design Graphics
/. [Accessed Oct. 14, 2017].[5] Web of Science. Available: [Accessed Oct. 14, 2017].[6] Web of Science: Trust the difference. Available: paign=OA%20WoS%20Link&utm_term=wosplatform. [Accessed Oct. 14, 2017].[7] S. Fazel and A. Wolf, “What is the impact of a research publication?” Evidence-Based Mental Health, vol. 20, no. 2, May 2017. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Jan. 24, 2018].[8] Scopus. Available: [Accessed Jan. 24, 2018].[9] Engineering Design Graphics
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven C. Zemke, Whitworth University
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Engineering Design Graphics
holistically in a 3D sense.In terms of future study, this case suggests that the use of blindfolded activities may be areasonable curricular option to explore to help sighted students develop spatial abilities.AcknowledgementsThe author wishes to thank Jason Varnado at the Center for Student Academic Success office atGonzaga University for his unfailing support in developing curricular materials for the blindstudent. Without his efforts, the course content would have been diminished. The author alsowishes to thank the blind student for her efforts in the course and explaining how parts andswelled drawings were perceived throughout the course.References[1] S. A. Sorby, "Educational research in developing 3‐D spatial skills for engineering
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caitlin A. Keller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Laura A. Robinson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Holly K. Ault Ph.D., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
applying criteria to undergraduate student learning,” Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 705-719, February 2017. [Online] Available: [Accessed: Oct. 18, 2017].[10] K. D. Gutiérrez, J. D. Hunter and A. Arzubiaga, “Re-mediating the university: Learning through sociocritical literacies,” Pedagogies: An International Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1- 23, January 2009. [Online] Available: [Accessed: Nov. 14, 2017].[11] J. Debes, “The loom of visual literacy: An overview,” Audiovisual Instruction, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 25-27, 1969.[12] S. E. Metros, “The educator’s role in preparing visually literate learners,” Theory into Practice