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Displaying all 6 results
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- Outside the Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Neal Lewis, University of Bridgeport; Ted Eschenbach, TGE Consulting
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Engineering Economy
options analysis, but does not spend significant time on the subject No, we don’t teach real options analysis. 7. Is the course a graduate course or an undergraduate course? We have one or more graduate course(s). How many? We have one or more undergraduate course(s). How many? 8. Please provide the information below. Name City/Town Position State/Province Institution/University Country City/TownResultsResponses to the survey began arriving within hours of the email being delivered to the EED listserve. Over the following 4 weeks, 41
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- Outside the Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Peterson, Arizona State University
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Engineering Economy
, An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering, 1998, Addison-Wesly Educational Publishers Inc.3. Brauer, Roger L., Safety and Health for Engineers, Second Edition, 2006, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.4. Meredith, Jack R., and Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Project Management, Managerial Approach, Sixth Edition, 2006, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.5. Ostwald, Phillip F. and Timothy S. McLaren, Cost Analysis and Estimating for Engineering and Management, 2004, Pearson Prentice Hall6. Peterson, William R., Rafael E. Landaeta, and Bryan Magary, “Is It Time For A New Paradigm?”, 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings (June 12 – 15, 2005, Portland, Oregon), American Society for Engineering Education, Session 2639 (CD-ROM
Conference Session
Applications of Engineering Economy
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Merino, Stevens Institute of Technology; Jakob Carnemark, SKANSKA
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Engineering Economy
, then Case 3.1 (See Appendix III, Figure 3 - 3.1) and the ATAapproach would be used.Some other observations about this case: Minimum effectiveness and maximum budgetconstraints were not considered. Obviously, if these are known, they would influence thedecision.Also, the gap in Capital Cost and Life Cycle Cost is large compared to the reduction in downtimehours. That may mean that other cases like III A, etc. should be examined. It appears that theremay be an ‘S” curve in Cost Effectiveness between Tier III and IV.Implications for Engineering Economics (EE) EducationThis case illustrates how the analysis method, Figures of Merit and decision criteria areinfluenced by downtime estimate units and whether this estimate should be included as part
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- The Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hartman, University of Florida
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Engineering Economy
Learning in the Large IntroductoryPsychology Class,” Teaching of Psychology, 18, 1991.2. Ives, S. M., “Faculty Center for Teaching and e-Learning: A Survival Handbook for Teaching Large Classes,”UNC Charlotte Faculty Center for Teaching, accessed from, December, 2007.3. Felder, R. M., “Beating the Numbers Game: Effective Teaching in Large Classes,” Proceedings of the 1997American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June, 1997.4. Felder, R. M., D. R. Woods, J. E. Stice, and A. Rugarcia, “The Future of Engineering Education II. TeachingMethods that Work,” Chemical Engineering Education, 34(1):26-39, 2000.5. _______, “Engineering Economy: Suggestions to Update a Stagnant Course Curriculum,” Proceedings of the1998
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- The Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rajkamal Kesharwani, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Xiaomeng Chang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; william sullivan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
quality of the added pages and categorizing thesepages in the proper place. A user may write a page or even a number of pages which he wants tocontribute. To give the links to this page/s is a decision only at the discretion of the administrator.In addition, the administrator can provide moderator privileges to certain users. Thus, this sitecan be viewed as being controlled by the selected group containing the administrator and themoderators. The ultimate privilege rests with the administrator. This gives certain protection tothe site from users with ill intentions. Even when any improper data is created and added to thesite, periodic scanning of recent changes by the administrator and moderators can result infiltering out of such data. The
Conference Session
Applications of Engineering Economy
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Robertson, Arizona State University; Michael Kozicki, Arizona State University; Slobodan Petrovic, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
capability of a technology is usuallyeasier to define in terms of the products it can deliver so many parameters have product-related metrics.Most development work on the assessment tool has been applied to nano-electronicfunctions. The consumer market gives a good demonstration of how products movethrough their life cycle in a year or less showing the familiar bell-shaped revenue curve.However, the underlying components and technologies can last for many productgenerations. They show the classical S-curve but there is an additional feature that makesprediction difficult. As one technology matures, it is replaced by a more advancedversion. Thus there are many generations of maturity for the same basic technology.This is reflected in different