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Conference Session
Integrating Social Justice in Engineering Science Courses
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna M. Riley, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
of expressions of North-South global inequality and its relationship to colonialhistories, each subsequent year presented new real-time insights into the same dynamics thatdeepened the case study and lent it continued currency.Module 1: Life Cycle Assessment in Mass and Energy BalancesCourse Context: A semester long project in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was implemented in asecond-semester first year mass and energy balances course. The course prepares students toformulate and solve material and energy balances on engineering systems and lays thefoundation for subsequent courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and advanced electivesin thermochemical processes. More fundamentally, it introduces the engineering approach toproblem solving
Conference Session
Innovative, Engaging Pedagogies for Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jennifer Fiegel, University of Iowa; Beth Rundlett, University of Iowa; A. Allen Bradley Jr., The University of Iowa; Katelyn Rose Murhammer, University of Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
were basedon was provided to the students so they could compare their outcomes to those of the actual case. Figure 6. A positive outcome sample endpoint from Scenario A. Figure 7. A sample endpoint with a negative outcome from Scenario A.Student Performance and AssessmentThe game was implemented in the fall semester of 2019 in 6 of 13 discussion sections in thefirst-year engineering design course (IEPS) required of all undergraduate students in the Collegeof Engineering and in the materials and energy balance course for second-year students in theDepartment of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Out of 476 students enrolled in the twoclasses, 218 students participated in the interactive case study. As a pre