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Displaying all 15 results
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics V
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Ochs, Lehigh University; Lisa Getzler-Linn, Lehigh University; Margaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology; Scott Schaffer, Purdue University; Mary Raber, Michigan Technology University
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Engineering Ethics
. Mission Statement Development Identify Establish Generate Select Test Set Plan Plan Customer Target Product Product Product Final Downstream Needs Specifications Concepts Concept(s) Concept(s) Specifications Development Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics, Academic Integrity
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shobi Sivadasan, Stevens Institute of Technology; Brian Sauser, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Engineering Ethics
textbooks. Researchers have plagiarized reports,articles, and book chapters.” Most people may not be aware that the late civil rightsleader, Martin Luther King Jr., was believed to have plagiarized5 his doctoral dissertationin theology, completed at Boston University. In his dissertation he used information fromBoston University graduate, Jack S. Boozer’s dissertation without proper citation. Eventhough this came to light in 1991, nearly 35 years following King’s death, it tends toportray one of the greatest American leaders in a bad perspective. Even though theinquiry committee at Boston University acknowledged that he had indeed committedplagiarism, his degree was not withdrawn and the case was declared closed6.An article written by Australian
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics V
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Oliver, University of Toledo
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Engineering Ethics
4to resign. Siemaszko declined to resign. Being concerned that quitting might indicate that hewas guilty of misconduct, Siemaszko chose to be fired.16 Shortly after being fired Siemaszko filed a whistle-blower lawsuit against FENOC withthe Occupational Safety and Health Administration claiming that he was fired for his efforts toraise concerns about safety at Davis-Besse. FENOC defended itself by claiming that:  “Siemaszko failed to follow the Boric Acid Corrosion Control procedure and inaccurately recorded the results of his 2000 … inspection and cleaning activities”, and  “Siemaszko was a key technical contributor to the Company’s response(s) to NRC Bulletin 2001-01… which contained inaccurate and/or
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics - Courses and Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock Barry, United States Military Academy; Matthew Ohland, Purdue University
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Engineering Ethics
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics, Academic Integrity
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Engineering Ethics
14.952.5Activity:Copying another student during test /quizUsing unapproved reference duringclosed-book test/quizTaking exam for another studentPay some else to take examCopying another student’s HWChange test/HW answer after gradedStore answers to test in calculator /PDAPermit student to look at your examCopying an old lab reportSubmit or copy HW from prev. termClaim to hand in HW when haven’tAsk ?s on exam haven’t taken yetWork in group on take home examWork in group on web based testDelay exam or paper with false excuseWork in gp on HW when no policyWitness cheating and do not reportStudy with other students for a testFigure 1. Percentage of CU students in CVEN and EVEN first year courses that rated variousactivities as cheating or unethical but not cheating
Conference Session
Topics in Engineering Ethics IV
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Catalano, State University of New York, Binghamton; Caroline Baillie, Queens University, Kingston
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Holiness, The Dalai Lama, In My Own Words: An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy,Hay House, 2008.3 John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, Indy Publish, 2005.4 Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard and Michael Rabins, Engineering Ethics, Wadsworth Publishing,2008.5 Roger Crisp and Michael Slote, Virtue Ethics, Oxford University Press, 1997.6 John Locke and Paul Sigmund(Editor), The Selected Political Writings of John Locke, W.W. Norton,2005.7 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Sheryl Crowe,
Conference Session
Topics in Engineering Ethics IV
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Salvatore Marsico, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre
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Engineering Ethics
system states and territories are given power toregulate by the United States Consitution’s 5th Amendment1 police power through the 14thAmendment2. Also, each of the states govern their citizenry through their respective stateconstitutions3 which virtually mimic the federal constitution. Through their exercise of the policepower they enact legislation to protect the welfare of the public: "The Constitution devotes thedomain to union, to justice, to defense, to welfare, and to liberty.4"One of the ways to protect the public is officially recognize that a profession is distinct from avocation and then regulate the profession through regulatory agencies such as registrationboards. It was not until the early 1990’s that Florida courts distinguished
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics: Using Case Studies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Didier Valdes, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Erika Jaramillo Giraldo, University of Puerto Rico; Jorge Ferrer, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; William Frey, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
to the situation causing the ethical problems.(3) Identification of possible courses of action: Usually there are several possible courses ofaction. Some result in misconduct while others effectively and ethically solve the problem(s).(4) Distinguishing “moral questions”, “moral disagreements”, and “moral conflicts.” Amoral question is a situation in which moral duties are clear to the subject, although they may bein conflict with other issues of interest to the agent such as financial and political interests. Thesesituations do not require moral deliberation so much as moral courage. Moral disagreementsarise when the agent feels subjectively certain, but holds a point of view in conflict with otherpersons’ moral judgments. These situations
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics - Courses and Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Norma Mattei, University of New Orleans
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
”, Research in Higher Ed., Vol.38, 379-396.[2] Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; 2007, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs - Effective for Evaluations During the 2008-2009 Accreditation Cycle”, ABET, Baltimore, MD, pg 2 of 19.[3] Passow, H.; M. Mayhew; C. Finley, T. Harding, and D. Carpenter, 2006, “Factors influencing engineering students’ decision to cheat by type of assessment,” Research in Higher Ed., Vol. 47, #6, 643-684.[4] Whitley, B., 1998, “Factors associated with cheating among college students: a review”, Research in Higher Ed., Vol.39, #3, 235-277.[5] Carpenter, D.; T. Harding; C. Finley; S Montgomery; and Passow, H.; 2006, “Engineering students’ perceptions of and attitudes
Conference Session
Topics in Engineering Ethics IV
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brent Nelson, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
).15 J Benyus, Biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature. (HarperCollins, New York, 1997).16 S Vogel, Cats' Paws and Catapults. (W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1998).17 I. Ajzen and M. Fishbein, "Attitude-Behavior Relations - Theoretical-Analysis and Review of Empirical- Research," Psychological Bulletin 84 (5), 888-918 (1977). Page 14.1221.718 R. E. Dunlap and K. D. Vanliere, "New Environmental Paradigm," Journal of Environmental Education 9 (4), 10-19 (1978).AppendixPlease list your priorities and considerations when designing a system or device. Please do notmodify your answers after you
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics: Using Case Studies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.5. Salkind, N. J. (2006). Exploring research (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.6. Baura, G.D. (2006). Engineering Ethics: An Industrial Perspective. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.7. Pinkus, R. L. B., Shuman, L. J., Hummon, N. P., & Wolfe, H. (1997). Engineering ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.8. Whitbeck, C. (1998). Ethics in engineering practice and research. New York: Cambridge University Press.9. Martin, N.W., & Schinzinger, R (2005). Ethics in Engineering (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.10. Crawford, A. E., Saul, E. W., Mathews, S., & Makinster, J. (2005). Teaching and learning strategies for the thinking classroom
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics V
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Jordan, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Francisco, CA, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007, 216 pages.7 Jordan, W., Ethical Issues Related to Engineering Service Learning, presented at the Gulf Southwest RegionalMeeting of A.S.E.E., Albuquerque, N.M., March 2008. In CD based Proceedings (no page numbers).8 Deborah Johnson, Ethical Issues In Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1991, pp. 175-185.9 Jordan, W., Parker, H., Eppink, J., Hemmen, S., McGhee, R., and Eberhardt, M., Building Bridges for a BetterFuture: “Bridging the Gap”, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Edinburgh,U.K., August 2007.10 See news report at the following web site: William Oakes and Marybeth Lima, Service Learning: Engineering in Your Community
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics - Courses and Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald McEachron, Drexel University; Sheila Vaidya, Drexel University; Stacey Ake, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
intellectual development in the college years: A scheme. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. In Clarkenburn, H.M., Downie, J.R., Gary, C. and Matthew, R.G.S. (2003). Measuring ethical development in life sciences students: A study using Perry’s developmental model. Studies in Higher Education, 28, 443-456.27. Mill. J. S. (1978). On Liberty. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing. Page 14.60.15
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics V
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tammy VanDeGrift, University of Portland; Donald Chinn, University of Washington, Tacoma
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
to relatively poor school districts.There were 10 applications for the positions, and they have been narrowed down to four outstandingcandidates. They each had a one-day interview where they talked with five to seven different people inthe company (typical was three developers, two product managers, a program manager, and one of theVPs). Information from their resumes and notes from their interviews are attached.All of them have graduated from UWT with a degree in CSS.Your goal is to make the following decision regarding hiring: Who should be hired for the two positions(program manager and software developer)?The context for the in-class activity will be the final hiring committee meeting to make the hiringdecision(s). Each person will make
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics: Using Case Studies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Skvarenina, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
; Exposition Copyright 2009, American Society for Engineering Education”and keep asking until you get an answer. The second is suggested by the NSPE and is known asthe “P-L-U-S” Framework. The individual should consider whether the action is consistent with:Policy/Regulations, Laws/Regulations, Universal societal/organizational values, andself/personal values.AssessmentTo demonstrate that students have a basic understanding of the importance of ethics, I usedseveral methods. At the end of the class session, I asked students to write down what were thetwo most important things they learned in the class. A number of students were surprised athow wide spread the misconduct was at Enron. Several noted that it involved financial