Paper ID #37054Student Use of Artificial Intelligence to Write Technical EngineeringPapers – Cheating or a Tool to Augment LearningDr. Ronald P. Uhlig, National University From 2010-2014, Dr. Ronald P. Uhlig was Dean, School of Business and Management, National Univer- sity, La Jolla, CA. He returned to the engineering faculty in 2014 and is currently Chair, Department of Engineering, School of Technology and Engineering. During 2005-2010 he served in multiple positions including Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, and Academic Pro- gram Director for the Master of Science in Wireless
content generation assignment intwo sections of a senior computer science and engineering (CSCE) capstone course. In these twosections, 49 students were asked how interactive ethics assignments helped them becomeknowledgeable about ethical issues, analyze the ethical implications of their projects, and thevalue of choosing their own ethics topics. Students in both sections on average rated the ethicsassignments highly for learning ethics issues and being able to choose topics, with more mixedratings of the ability to analyze their own capstone projects. From written responses, we foundthat students valued assignments for bringing awareness of relevant ethical issues in society, forproviding opportunities to learn with and from peers, and for
professional and ethical responsibilities. Thisportrayal can lead students to perceive ethical behavior as exceptional rather than expected. Afinal limitation is the passive nature of the learning process in this approach. Students engagewith these cases by writing analyses or taking tests, rather than by actively grappling with theethical dilemmas presented. This passive engagement reduces opportunities for personalreflection and the development of critical thinking skills required in the students’ future careers.In recognition of the limitations described above, educators have recommended several strategiesfor increasing student engagement in engineering ethics: Some recommend electronic bulletinboards and chat rooms, which encourage students to
ethics by using a blended style of independent tasks and a peer-learning activity. Specifically, this paper investigates three main questions: 1. Does microlearning increase student engagement? 2. Does increased engagement result in higher performance on ethics assessments? 3. Is a blended approach of independent microlearning and an in-class team case study effective in bridging the lower order of memorizing ethical terms to applying ethical principles to a dilemma?The question on engagement was evaluated through an end of semester Likert style survey, andthe impact of the learning approach was assessed by comparing student participation in themicrolearning modules to performance in an end of semester ethics quiz. The Likert
members are then expected to watch the recorded presentation and write a paragraph summarizing the content. This method promotes collaborative learning among students, encouraging them to grasp their solutions thoroughly to effectively communicate these solutions to their peers. These assignment formats have been successfully implemented in various courses, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Python, and other computing-related topics. • Answer questions related to diagrams in exams and quizzes. For example, the activation function is an important part of the design of every layer in the deep learning neural network and there are many of them, as shown in Figure 2. For instance, a sigmoid
the complex professional environment.Engineers interface daily with non-technical peers - clients, managers, directors, executives,stakeholders, government or policy makers, marketing, etc. - and thus an even greater need todemonstrate an excellent ability of communicating their ideas (Norback et al., 2009).The changes made as a result of ABET EC2000 promoted greater curricular emphasis on oraland written communication skills within engineering education (National Academies, 2018).Although many engineering faculty cited a lack of incentives existing, more than two thirds wereinvolved in teaching professional skills across diverse engineering coursework (NationalAcademies, 2018). While great strides have been made in the last two decades of
entire class and was very effective atrevealing perspectives that were otherwise not shared through case studies and groupdiscussions. With arguments coming from their own peers, students seemed willing to expandtheir perspective on each issue and even change their mind. Interestingly, students described theexperience as less “formal” than group discussions, permitting the sharing of more personaltruths.Modified Pisces GameThe modified Pisces Game was primarily mentioned by students in tutorial deliverables and finalreflective essays. It was a very impactful activity in the course and was often highlighted bystudents in their reflections and writing after participating in the tutorial. Five themes emergedfrom a review of sources.Theme 1: Leaving
forindividual engineers to prepare for their professional careers. The approachable writing style andreflective nature of the content make this text ideal for any level of engineering student, but it isparticularly salient for first- or second-year students.Giving Voice to Values (GVV)The GVV curriculum was pioneered by Mary Gentile, former professor with the University ofVirginia School of Business, for application in business. GVV takes an “action-orientedapproach” to values-driven leadership.11 We selected GVV for the Engineering Ethics coursebecause many graduating engineering students will one day step into leadership roles in businessorganizations. A significant body of GVV content is delivered by Gentile as pre-recordedmodules, developed for a
responsibility to generate and disseminate knowledge with rigor and integrity, but also a responsibility to: o conduct peer review with the highest ethical standards, o diligently protect proprietary information and intellectual property from inappropriate disclosure, o and treat students and colleagues fairly and with respect.” [14]While the natural environment may be of concern to individual engineering researchers,these homocentric codes of engineering ethics are still rooted in the mechanistic thinkingof the 17th century, where reference to non-human animals is largely omitted. There areethical guidelines for research involving animals, but they may warrant reconsideration,given new developments and debates over
across all course pedagogies grouped bytype of virtue (performance, intellectual, moral, civic, and integrated) in Tables 5-9 respectively.According to students, performance virtues are most supported by participating in group workand challenging course material. Intellectual virtue growth is most supported by open-endedproblems and projects and engaging lecturers/instructors. Both performance and intellectualvirtue growth were supported by mastery-based learning pedagogies and peer/instructorfeedback. Moral virtue growth was due to wide-ranging experiences including self-directedlearning opportunities, facing challenging communication scenarios, instructor role-modeling,and personal reflection. Civic virtue growth is linked to connecting course
Paper ID #38245[Full Research Paper, Ethical Engineering in Industry and AppliedContexts] Responsibility and Accountability: Faculty Leaders, EthicsFrameworks, and Disciplinary EnculturationDr. Laurie A. Pinkert, University of Central Florida Laurie A. Pinkert is an Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Central Florida. Her research examines the role of communication practices and writing infrastructures in disciplinary development within fields such as engineering.Prof. Jonathan Beever, University of Central Florida Jonathan Beever is Associate Professor
), and individualuniversity professors [4, 14]. At present, the paradigm of primarily using ethical theories andcodes of ethics has been challenged (e.g. [15]) and seems to be in decline [16, 17], and ethicspedagogies additionally include the development of case studies, codes of ethics, or decision-making processes by students, community-based engagement and learning, peer mentoring,critiquing ethical theories, and gamification of ethics education [18]. Specific strategies forpositioning course activities and modules further include stakeholders and the perspective-taking, communication, and engagement process surrounding different participant roles [19, 20,1 ABET requires continuous improvement of engineering programs and in the long run
jointly, literally sitting together in large lecture halls,whereas at other institutions, engineering students in one discipline, say civil engineering, areentirely siloed from their peers in mechanical, electrical, computer, industrial engineering-these programs and their enrolled students are entirely separate from each other and outside ofelectives, students may never share courses, instructors, or even buildings. This latter factormakes survey distribution considerably easier at some institutions than others and influencesthe student responses we receive. These examples, and others, made clear to us how limitedthe results of survey data, and even qualitative interview data, from our study would be if1 The ESIT was developed to assess the
achieved when informed byethically motivated technology experts, including engineers, as injecting ethics into theformation of policy begins with those who write it. For these reasons, it would be valuable tounderstand the relationship between the variables that may influence a technology expert in theirpursuance of a policy career path, such as the development of their various identities (personaland social, engineering, and ethical identities) of these engineers. Discussions have taken placeregarding public policy engineering workforce expectations and development and the use ofthese various identities, particularly ethics identity, in establishing a policy career pathway forengineers. There is not an explicit connection between the influence of
Paper ID #38301”Better Living through Chemistry?” DuPont & TeflonDr. Marilyn A. Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology Marilyn Dyrud retired in 2017 as a professor emerita in the Communication Department at Oregon In- stitute of Technology, where she taught classes in writing, speech, rhetoric, and ethics for four decades. She received her BA in 1972 from the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA, and her graduate degrees from Purdue University: MA in 1974 and PhD in 1980. She became involved in engineering education by joining ASEE in 1983 and is currently active in two divisions: Engineering Ethics and Engineering
write the same word (e.g.,“male”) for both their self-described gender and sexual identities. It is unclear whether thesestudents were indicating they were attracted to the same gender or if they misunderstood whatwe meant by “sexual identity.”The survey also asks if the student is “an active member or veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces,Reserves, or National Guard” and if they are a U.S. Citizen. These identities are particularlyinfluential in aerospace engineering because of the connections between the field and nationaldefense. It would not be surprising if military service were to, for example, influence students’perceptions on the MIC. Furthermore, many non-U.S. Citizens have difficulty securing a job inthe aerospace industry because of
about theassessment of these approaches with solutions involving students writing their own learninggoals, there being personal development goals alongside learning goals, and even the mentioningof emails from students a few years out of the program. These discussions revealed that characterformation can take many forms and that assessment of these interventions remains challenging atthe classroom and university-wide level. This workshop has led to a working group at NotreDame to rethink the approach to character formation for engineering students across the Collegeof Engineering. This is an ongoing project that has informed our approach at various stages andremains an active area of conversation and pedagogical development.Ethics at WorkDr
be included,conducted by the instructor, to examine how the technology sector is developing mechanismsand procedures to avoid these types of failures – specifically by building diversity and inclusioninto the engineering design process. Student engagement and feedback will be enhancedthrough the use of online discussion forums (which can be asynchronous) in which students arerequired to comment on particular case studies and engage with their peers as they analyze thecauses of failure.Specific reading assignments for the DIV learning module include excerpts from "TheAlignment Problem" by Brian Christian (12), "Technically Wrong" by Sara Wachter-Boettcher(13), and “Race after Technology” by Ruha Benjamin (14). These are critically acclaimed
main content is divided into three modules: “EngineeringEthics”, “Information Retrieval and Technology Writing”, and “Psychological Health”. Eachmodule is independent of each other, but the content of each module is helpful for improvingstudents’ basic qualities and engineering ethics literacy. The Activities to Increase Student’s Interests Compulsory courses can enhance students’ awareness of engineering ethics, whilepractical activities in engineering ethics can enhance their subjective initiative and fullymobilize the enthusiasm of each student. Beijing Institute of Technology organizes a debate competition with the theme of“engineering ethics” to stimulate students’ engineering ethics thinking. By simulating realengineering