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Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron S. Gordon, Clemson University; Jeffery M. Plumblee II, Clemson University; Claire L. A. Dancz, Clemson University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
Paper ID #18040Developing Leadership through an Immersive Service-Oriented InternationalInternshipAaron S. Gordon, Clemson University Aaron Gordon is a Senior Civil Engineering major at Clemson University with extensive experience in sustainable development, construction, and project management in Haiti. He has spent almost a year in Haiti’s rural Central Plateau on projects ranging from repairing small schools, water distribution/treatment systems, sanitation infrastructure, and aquaculture programs. Additionally, he is the founding director of Clemson’s chapter of Grand Challenge Scholars.Dr. Jeffery M. Plumblee II
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development: Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Tools
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. S.. Shelley, California State University, Long Beach; Kenneth Wayne Santarelli P.E., California State University, Long Beach; Christopher R. Warren, California State University, Long Beach; Amelia Bahrami, California State University, Long Beach
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
Paper ID #18372Observations of the Application and Success of Leadership Development Toolswith Undergraduate Engineering EducationDr. J. S.. Shelley, California State University, Long Beach J. S. Shelley, Ph.D., P.E. Detailed from the Air Force Research Laboratory on an Intergovernmental Per- sonnel Agreement, Dr Shelley is the Faculty Lead in Mechanical Engineering for CSU Long Beach’s Antelope Valley Engineering Programs, ABET assessment coordinator and Student Success Champion. She has been teaching for CSULB since Fall 2011.Dr. Kenneth Wayne Santarelli P.E., California State University, Long Beach Dr. Santarelli
Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Bayless, Ohio University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
used as the overarching tie in the leadership “S-triangle”pedagogy, which is illustrated in Figure 1. This approach links understanding of self, style, andsituation through hands-on application of leadership experience and discussions withPaper 18207 Page 2experienced leaders, as well as exploration of focused activities to help students reflect onleadership roles and characteristics.This work is the third evolution of an assessable “hands-on” capstone project for the semester-long leadership development course. The original effort was added to the curricula as a separateand late-in-class activity to reinforce learning through application. [5] This effort was
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development: Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Tools
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University; Bryce E. Hughes, Montana State University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
sampling techniquesduring campus site visits (Patton, 2015).AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Kevin Fosnacht with the National Survey of StudentEngagement for assistance in providing the initial analysis of the data being used to validate theproposed model presented in this paper.ReferencesAllie, S., Armien, M. N., Burgoyne, N., Case, J. M., Collier-Reed, B. I., Craig, T. S., . . . Wolmarans, N. (2009). Learning as acquiring a discursive identity through participation in a community: improving student learning in engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 34(4), 359-367. doi:10.1080/03043790902989457American Society for Engineering Education. (2014). Divisions: American Society
Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meg Handley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Dena Lang, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Andrew Michael Erdman, The Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
. Students then had time to reflecton the feedback before practicing again with another recruiter during the mock career fairexperience. Additionally, an important logistical element of the activity centered on the timingof the mock career fair in coordination with the actual career fairs on campus. Students werethen able to reflect on their experiences in the classroom, establish conclusions, and try out whatthey learned and refine their pitch during the actual career fair the following day(s). Thislogistical consideration provided ease in confirming employer attendance. One hour and fifteenminutes is ideal for a class of 30-40 students, requiring that each student speak with at least threedifferent recruiters for feedback. Fifty to sixty minutes
Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ricky T. Castles, East Carolina University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development: Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Tools
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Hu Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Tianyi Zheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
among students, and to provide constructivesuggestions to curriculum design. Future comparisons of current findings and priorstudies that were performed in a North American or a European context will also helpdeepen our current understanding of engineering leadership in different culturalcontexts.Acknowledgement This research was supported by Chinese Ministry of Education, Humanities SocialScience Study Program (15YJC880147).Bibliography[1] Kumar, S. & Hsiao, J. K. (2007). Engineers learn ‘soft skills the hard way’: Planting a seed of leadership in engineering classes. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 7(1): 18-23.[2] National Academy of Engineering (NAE). (2004). The Engineer of 2020: Vision of Engineering in the New
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development: Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Tools
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Klassen, University of Toronto; Serhiy Kovalchuk, University of Toronto; Doug Reeve P.Eng., University of Toronto; Robin Sacks, University of Toronto
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Engineering Leadership Development Division
fromthose that were based on leadership as a process [13]. The former is based on traditional notionsof a leader as an individual with power and authority based on their position within anorganization or society. It was exactly this notion of leadership that was associated with theresistance encountered in our earlier studies. The latter, leadership as a process, has beenarticulated by many scholars, but we chose to use Northouse’s simple definition of leadership as“a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”(p.3) [13]. We also use Rottmann et al.’s orientations to engineering leadership: Technicalmastery - “shar[ing] their technical problem solving skills with others through informalmentorship” (p. 7
Conference Session
Insights and Practices for Engineering Leadership Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan R. Parkinson, Brigham Young University; Gregg Morris Warnick, Brigham Young University; Randall Davies, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
Interpretations.” Research in Higher Education, Vol. 7, pp. 67-78, 197713 Scherr, F. C., Scherr, S., Journal of Education for Business, v65 n8 pp. 356-58, 1990 11