-peak.Eileen Milligan, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlexander Rokosz, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyElizabeth Schanne, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDr. Reza S. Rahaman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Rahaman returned to MIT in 2018 after a 29 year career in the Consumer Packaged Goods, Pharmaceuticals, and Agricultural Chemical Industries to lead the four School of Engineering Technical Leadership and Communication (TLC) Programs – the Gordon-MIT Program in Engineering Leadership (GEL), the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP), the Graduate Engineering Leadership Program (GradEL), and the School of Engineering Communication Lab. Immediately prior to MIT, Reza was the Vice
-making andconflict management practices thereby enhancing productivity. In addition, support systems forinclusivity and accountability such as the responsibility matrix, team building ice breakers oractivities, and action items trackers facilitated trust management and relationship building [24].Furthermore, team management artefacts such as project schedule(s), task list(s), meeting notes,procurement and budget tracker(s) supported students’ efficient time management practices.While the project schedule facilitated planning of design project activities, the task listsfacilitated work transparency; meeting notes enabled progress tracking of tasks, and theprocurement tracker allowed for cost transparency of design project purchases. The
satisfaction regardless of the venue. The typical way to show results from a 5-point Likert scale is to show the values indistribution bars. Visualizing in this way is helpful for research when measuring impact but lesshelpful to inform decisions on actions to take based on the results. In this work, we convert theresponses into a percentage to support program benchmarking and facilitate goal setting and thenuse that to assign a letter grade. We then convert the results from each student to a percentage bysumming up all the scores given by the student and dividing by 35 (i.e., seven items x five-pointscale). For example, a student who responds to the PS items with 5's to six items and 4 to oneitem, provides a score of 34 out of 35 possible points
Paper ID #44107Whistle While You Work: Drivers and Impacts of Happiness at Work forEngineersMr. Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University Seth Sullivan is the Director of the Zachry Leadership Program in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the university, he worked in consulting in the private sector and as an analyst in the U.S. Government. Heˆa C™s earned ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Whistle While You Work: Antecedents and Impacts of Happiness at Work for EngineersAbstract This research explores the
division division nal Co-construct Construct rs o Self-authorship Pe knowledge knowledge Discover community al Participate s s ion with guidance Pr of e COP Beginner practice Master & and discourse expertise Belonging LID r
lens of funds of identity in this studyallows for the exploration of leadership identity and engineering identity as related to Blackengineers' cultural identity. Leadership and engineering serve as professional identities that areclosely related to practical and institutional funds of identity, where this group's Black identityinfluences social and cultural funds of identity. Additionally, this work utilizes Ross et al.'s [27] lens regarding resilient identities. Intheir work, Ross et al. [27] considered how Black women in the engineering industry developand experience their identities. The researchers describe resilient identity as "a consistent view ofoneself in spite of contexts that threaten the congruency of those multiple
recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesBarton, A. C., & Yang, K. (2000). The culture of power and science education: Learning fromMiguel. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the NationalAssociation for Research in Science Teaching, 37(8), 871-889.Bowen, C. L., Thompson, L. L., Menezes, G. B., & Restrepo Nazar, C. (2022a).Work-In-Progress: Measuring Systemic Educational Wellness using the Eco-STEM EducationalEcosystem Health Survey. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.Bowen, C. L., Heubach, S., & Dong, J. (2022b). Eco-STEM Tools: Changing the Culture ofTeaching and Learning in STEM. In 2022
implementinginclusive design of spaces including the following recommended spaces: improve physicalaccess beyond federal, state, and local requirements, provide amenities like quiet, wellness, ormeditation room(s), all-gender and/or family restrooms, exterior green space, public restrooms,public education areas, publicly-available event space, indoor weather shelters, fitness spaceswith accessible and inclusive activities and equipment, and spaces that encourage frequent,casual social interaction to reduce probability of social isolation [29]. Inclusive Spaces and Cultures in EngineeringPromoting inclusive cultures within engineering environments is of critical importance tosociety, especially considering that these professionals play a key role in
entries can include something you found interesting, surprising, or challenging. • Describe something valuable you learned, such as a skill you developed this week through both the cohort programming and your individual project. • Describe what you learned this week specifically about engineering education research and from what person and/or activity? • What have you learned about yourself this week from participating in the REU? Please link each learning outcome you describe to the person(s) and/or activities that helped you learn each. • How have your activities this week helped you address your research question? • Write any questions you have or ideas you want to explore further.” • Has
ofEngineering of Andrés Bello University. They also thank the Educational and Academic Unit(UNIDA) for its mentoring and guidance in developing scientific articles in higher educationresearch.References[1] S. Berres, L. Maldonado, P. Grassia, E. Ventura-Medina, and V. Magueijo, "Competencias necesarias en graduados de ingeniería según representantes de la industria regional Chilena", in XXIX UFRO 2016 - Formación de Capital Humano en Ingeniería en el contexto de una Sociedad Global, pp. 9, Temuco, Chile, 2016.[2] L. M. Pedraja-Rejas, E. R. Rodríguez-Ponce, C. J. Espinoza-Marchant, and C. P. Muñoz-Fritis, "Liderazgo y cultura en carreras de ingeniería: estudio en una universidad chilena", Formación Universitaria, vol
discipline-based educational research, including design self-efficacy, project-based learning, critical reflection in ethics, and high-impact practices.Lauren Christopher, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Dr. Lauren Christopher attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she received her S. B. and S. M. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1982, specializing in digital signal processing and chip design. She worked at RCAˆa C™s David SaChristine Krull, Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisEric W Adams, Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisShahrzad Ghadiri, Indiana University - Purdue University IndianapolisRichard Vernal Sullivan, Indiana University-Purdue University
first Executive Board of JLLA: Randi Mendes, President;Stephany Santos, Vice President; Arshia Yusuf Mirza, Secretary; Justin Fang, Treasurer; DonyeilHoy, Parliamentarian and Armin Tahmasebi Rad, Event Coordinator. Thank you for paving theway for future John Lof Scholars.References[1] A. M. Agogino, Educating the Engineer of 2020, vol. 3, no. 2005. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2005.[2] Tang, X., Burris, L., Hu, N., & Brenkus, N. (n.d.). Preparing ethical leaders in engineering research and practice: Designing an ethical leadership module. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.18260/1-2--33190[3] Sullivan, S., & Koufteros, B. (n.d.). Meaning and impact: A review of Personal
Professional Engineer in Nevada with experience working on a variety of water, stormwater, and wastewater system projects. He is also the Faculty Director of the Student Innovation Idea Labs at Cal Poly Pomona, which oversees the campus startup programming and maker spaces.Mr. Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University Seth Sullivan is the Director of the Zachry Leadership Program in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the university, he worked in consulting in the private sector and as an analyst in the U.S. Government. Heˆa C™s earned ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Benchmarking a foundation for improving psychological safety in
tools and concepts. Theexpectation was that the students would be more honest in their assessment of their learning thanin the final reflections where there may have been a tendency to tell the instructor what theywant to hear.The student Self Evaluations and interviews were coded using Saldana’s [33] structural codingapproach, a first cycle coding method with a focus on particular topics relevant to the researchquestions. In this case, Kendall et al.’s [3] definition of engineering leadership provides aframework to evaluate the evidence of the development of engineering leadership competenciesin the course: Engineering Leaders (a) employ the full range of engineering skills and knowledge in the design of socio-technical innovations