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Conference Session
Scientific Literature and Data: Proliferation, Storage, and Open Access
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Stout, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Anne Graham, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Engineering Libraries
short with respect to data. OpenAccess, a movement that originally addressed publications like books and journalarticles, has evolved to include data. Librarians at MIT conducted an experiment in 2005-2006 that underscored the issues of management and dissemination. The knowledgegathered from the results of this experiment informed them of how to strengthen librarianservices to academic communities. In its fledgling stages, data storage and disseminationare ripe to mature in the upcoming years. Such an evolution is crucial to science. Afterall, as renowned physiologist Claude Bernard said, “Art is I; science is we 27 .”1 Lewis J. Memory Overload. Wired. February, 2003.2 Carlson S. Lost in a Sea of Science Data. Information Technology
Conference Session
Business & Entrepreneurial Information for Engineers
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Drew, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Engineering Libraries
; Innovation. About CEI. 2006, WPI Venture Forum. 2006, Christensen, P. and R. Peterson. "Opportunity Identification: Mapping the Sources of New Venture Ideas."Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (1990).Gilad, B., S. Kaish, and J. Ronen. "The Entrepreneurial Way with Information." in Applied Behavioural Economics,Vol. II, edited by Sholomo Maital. Vol. II, 480–503. New York: New York University Press, 1988.Shane, Scott. "Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities." Organization Science 11, no.4 (July 2000): 448 – 469.Shane, Scott and Frédéric Delmar. "Planning for the Market: Business Planning before Marketing and
Conference Session
Engaging Uses of Course Management Systems, Blogs, and Open Source and a Database as Tools for Library Instruction
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Sapp Nelson; Michael Fosmire; Amy Van Epps, Purdue University; Bruce Harding, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
.) as furnished by the mill?• When using lock wires to secure bolted connections, what are the recommended type and diameter(s) of the wire?• What is a gathering operation in forging?• In 2002, when did Daylight Saving Time begin in Europe? Answer to be date and GMT.Expert systemsExpert systems are used in many applications, particularly in business, to simulate theknowledge of an expert in a field and respond to the input of a user with suggestions based onthis expert knowledge within a narrow, well-defined domain. A system is designed to provide an Page 12.1106.4inexperienced user with information and assistance with a problem