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Displaying all 6 results
Conference Session
Professional Engineering Management Initiatives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Merino, Stevens Institute of Technology; S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Conference Session
New Trends in Engineering Management Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zbigniew Pasek, University of Windsor
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Scientist and the Cinema, Reaktion Books9. Gainor, D., 2006, Bad Company II. For the American Businessman, Primetime Is Crime Time, Business and Media Institute10. Higgins, S., 1999, Movies for Leaders: Management Lessons from Four All-Time Great Films (Management Goes to the Movies), Cowles Publishing Co.11. Higgins, S., Striegel, C., 2003, Movies for Business, New Media Ventures.12. Johnson, S., 2005, Everything Bad Is Good for You. How Today’s Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, Riverhead Books13. Landy, M., 2000, The Historical Film: History and Memory in Media, Rutgers University Press14. Legal Information Institute website,, accessed on Jan. 17, 200815
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
graduates since2000 showed that over 50 percent of EM graduates either become analysts or enter theIT/Systems field. Knowing that a majority of Stevens Engineering Managementgraduates do not follow the typical path into traditional engineering, creating focus areasspecializing in the career path of over half the graduate EM population was deemedappropriate and necessary to serve the undergraduate Engineering Managementpopulation well.Summary of Successful Endeavors and ChallengesStevens Institute of Technology had no concentrations in the Engineering ManagementProgram since its inception in the late 80’s. However, other more established programs,such as Mechanical Engineering, which has been at Stevens since its inception in 1870,had many
Conference Session
Professional Engineering Management Initiatives
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Merino, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
) QualificationsBased on the above it is obvious that the quality of the ASEM EM BoK depends greatly upon thequalifications of the EM faculty and industry experts. The ASEM EM BoK had a rating systemto qualify the reviewers. Requirements are similar to those used for accreditation and Promotionand Tenure decisions.Criteria include the following: - PhD in the subject field - Professor or at least Associate Professor level - Tenure Status - Refereed articles in field - Text(s) in the field - Funded research in the field - Practical experience at the executive levelOverall ratings were excellent and will be published in a journal article on this topic.Future Plans to Use EM BoKThere a number of other activities that is based on the approved
Conference Session
New Trends in Engineering Management Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ertunga Ozelkan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Agnes Galambosi, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Exchange Quarterly, 7(2), 257-261 [6] Martens, R., Bastiaens, T. and Kirschner, P.A. (2007), New Learning Design in Distance Education: The impact on student perception and motivation, Distance Education, 28(1), 81–93 [7] Méndez, E., Casadesús, M. and de Ciurana, Q. (2006) Gironacel ®: a virtual tool for learning quality management, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43(3), 313–324 [8] Ong, S.K. and Mannan.M.A. (2004), Virtual Reality Simulations and Animations in a Web-Based Interactive Manufacturing Engineering Module, Computers and Education, 43(4), 361-382 [9] Ramasundaram, V., Grunwald, S., Mangeot, A., Comerford N.B. and Bliss, C.M. (2005), Development of
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Niewoehner, U.S. Naval Academy; Craig Steidle, US Naval Academy; Eric Johnson, US Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
STS-107’s. Crater-like equations were also used as part that foam had neverof the analysis to assess potential impact damage to the wing leading edge RCC. Again, previously been a safetythe tool was used for something other than that for which it was designed; again, it of flight issue.predicted possible penetration; and again, the Debris Assessment Team usedengineering arguments and their experience to discount the results.As a result of a transition of responsibility for Crater analysis from the Boeing A new support teamHuntington Beach facility to the Houston-based Boeing office, the team that conducted failed to admit whenthe Crater analyses had been formed fairly recently, and therefore could be