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Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
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Engineering Management
included in theengineering and engineering technology curriculum. The findings indicate that American toolshops are using innovative technologies, updating machinery, and instituting new strategies. Thetool shops making this transition are the adaptors creating new competitive advantages byrevising their strategies to reflect competitive changes, offering products fitting into uniqueniches, supplying specialized customer services, and providing rapid delivery. The results fromthis study have been incorporated into engineering and engineering technology courses to betterprepare graduates for careers in engineering management for manufacturing based industries.IntroductionForeign competition has had an extremely negative impact on American
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
difficult by not disclosing their real needsand wants and the perception of value can vary greatly from one customer to another.An organization’s greatest strength might well be its ability to rapidly transform new ideas,technologies, and processes into improved or totally new products. Time compression has threecritical aspects: “(1) shortened product life cycles; (2) shortened development times; and (3) …decreasing payback periods” (Narayanan21, 2001, p. 48). The product must also be designed tomeet or exceed the customers’ expectations in terms of application, performance, features, cost,safety, and dependability (Chang5, 2005). These characteristics reflect a dilemma betweenreducing cycle time for the organization and improving the product for
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Czuchry, East Tennessee State University; Michael Parker, Bristol Tennessee Essential Services; Robert Bridges, B&W Y-12 Technical Services, LLC
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Engineering Management
a total systems perspective. Extrapolating tomanagerial implications one might conclude that Systems Engineering and EngineeringManagement disciplines could make a significant contribution in resolving the “sustainability”debate in higher education.IntroductionThe purpose of this applied research is to: 1) Explore the emerging emphasis on the triple bottomline as organizations strive to survive in this turbulent decade; 2) Use relevant literature and theauthors’ practical experience to suggest a conceptual framework that could guide organizationsthrough a revolutionary process that involves disruptive or discontinuous changes to processesand business models; 3) Reflect implications of these sustainability transformation onEngineering
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
improve performance. In every case, the percentages forplanned performance measuring systems were significantly lower than those for alreadyimplemented monitoring methods.For those systems being considered, the top choices were number of inventory turns, change inorders shipped, organizational growth, change in lead-time, and total time: order to delivery.When viewed by the total number of selections the ranking shifts to number of inventory turns,number of new quotes, number of orders won, number of customers, organizational growth, andchange in orders shipped. The competitive nature of the business is evident with these selectionsfor improving efficiency and streamlining operations. Also reflected in the results is theimportance of monitoring
Conference Session
Engineering Management Program Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie Borror, Arizona State Universtiy; Douglas Montgomery, Arizona State University; Carmen Pena, University of Texas, Pan American
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
in real life. Page 15.1185.6Figure 4. SPC Lab 1 RubricResultsThe first SPC laboratory was implemented at the University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA) inMANE 4311 – Quality Control during the Fall 2009 semester. Twenty-four students wereenrolled in the course. Assessment results are provided in Tables 1-3.Table 1 contains the student demographic information. Participation in the demographic surveywas voluntary and students were offered extra credit on their laboratory grade as an incentive toparticipate. Fourteen students completed and submitted a demographic survey. Thedemographics are reflective of the UTPA student demographics. Male students
Conference Session
Engineering Management Program Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie Borror, Arizona State Universtiy; Douglas Montgomery, Arizona State University; Carmen Pena, University of Texas, Pan American
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
RubricResultsThe second SPC laboratory was implemented at the University of Texas – Pan American(UTPA) in MANE 4311 – Quality Control during the Fall 2009 semester. Twenty-four studentswere enrolled in the course and twenty students submitted the second SPC laboratoryassignment. Assessment results are provided in Tables 1-3.Table 1 contains the student demographic information. Participation in the demographic surveywas voluntary and students were offered extra credit on their laboratory grade as an incentive toparticipate. Fourteen students completed and submitted a demographic survey. Thedemographics are reflective of the UTPA student demographics. Male students comprised 79%of the course. All students enrolled were Hispanic. 79% of students reported a
Conference Session
Engineering Management Program Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anoop Desai, Georgia Southern University; Jean-Claude Thomassian, State University of New York, Maritime College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
0 0 0 1 2 3 36 workplace safety and workplace hazards Column Totals 47 40 84 37 57 57Figure 2: House of Quality for Converting Customer Requirements into Curriculum DesignFeatures: ConceiveIt is clear from Fig. 2 that most stakeholders required graduates of the program to be conversantwith scheduling principles, and optimization principles. This is reflected in
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanna Long, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Hector Carlo, University of Puerto Rico; Jane Fraser, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Abhijit Gosavi, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Scott Grasman, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
organizational cultures,time zones, and practice. This framework fosters experience-based learning and examines thevalue-added communication skills achieved through the addition of a global, virtual studentproject environment to supply chain-logistics management courses.Literature ReviewThe globalization of the world economy and the impact of technology on workforce preparationand curriculum design are reflected in the literature and showcase a strong awareness of thevalue of globalizing the curriculum. This shift is readily apparent when comparing the concernsof authors in past decades over lack of global awareness with the strong advocacy and promotionof globalization in current literature2, 10, 18.Traditional supply chain courses provide students