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Conference Session
Engineering Management: Project Management and Partnerships
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Angolia, East Carolina University
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Engineering Management
student experience3 and favors learning styles that are intuitive, verbal, reflective,and sequential, as defined by the Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS). Felder andBrent point out the futility of trying to tailor instruction individually4 and Alghasham posited thateducational planners desiring to enhance teamwork should group students of mixed learningstyles.5-7 A balanced pedagogy blending learning styles will challenge students to step outsidetheir comfort zone to “stretch and grow.”3 This allows those that favor the opposite end of thelearning style spectrum, sensory, visual, active, and global, to benefit from the proposedpedagogy. Through the approach presented, new graduates will have a better chance to apply anappropriate
Conference Session
Developing Better Engineering Managers - Curricular Ideas from Year 1 Through Graduate School
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peilin Fu, National University
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Engineering Management
- Lean Systems - Final project report and presentationThreaded DiscussionsThe online threaded discussion provides students an opportunity to participate in virtualconversations at any time and any location. It can help students synthesize knowledge intounderstanding of the weekly course learning objectives. Evidence showed threaded discussionsincreased the amount of time students spent on class objectives comparing to face-to-facediscussion as in an onsite class. And the students appreciated the extra time for reflection oncourse issues4. It was also reported that online threaded discussion can improve critical thinking5.A study at Athabasca University 6 found online
Conference Session
Engineering Management: Supply Chain, Systems Thinking, and Lean Initiatives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raed Jaradat, Mississippi State University ; Sara E. Campbell, Mississippi State University; Sawsan Abutabenjeh, Miami University
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Engineering Management
profilesAs shown in Figure 2, the instrument consists of seven scales to measure fourteen majorpreferences. These fourteen categories reflect an individual’s systems thinking capacity indealing with complex system problems. The first pair, level of complexity (C-S) describes anindividual’s comfort zone for engaging complex system problems. The second pair, level ofautonomy (G-A), describes an individual’s inclination in dealing with integration of multiplesystems or internal systems. For instance, (G)-type systems thinkers focus more on applying aglobal perspective and treat the system as an integrated unit. The third pair, level of interaction(I-N), describes what type of scale an individual would choose to work with. The fourth pair,level of
Conference Session
Developing Better Engineering Managers - Curricular Ideas from Year 1 Through Graduate School
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy K. Zander, Clarkson University
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Engineering Management
habilitation at a cost to the agency, to working in manufacturing and being employed. It isnot important that the product create a large revenue stream, but it must cover the operations ofthe facility and employ workers. Products that have been developed by student teams in the pastinclude identification tags for uniforms, to-go boxes made from recycled paper, assembly andcharging of fire extinguishers, and traffic cones with reflective tape. An illustration from thework of the student team that worked on the fire extinguisher project is shown in Figure 2.Other products sold in this state through the “preferred” product process include personal carekits for prison intake, food service items, hard hats, personal protective equipment, and evenspecialty
Conference Session
Engineering Management: Supply Chain, Systems Thinking, and Lean Initiatives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ekaterina Koromyslova, South Dakota State University; Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University
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Engineering Management
andAdministration department. One person from each department is a leader (Department Head);one person is CEO of the company. The class is provided with basic input information requiredfor the design, such as demand forecast, specification, bill of materials, material requirements,cutting waste, labor time, and the company operating time. The project guidelines reflect ill-structured problem based approach with relaxed framework and freedom for performance. Onlyone written report is required from whole class. Oral presentation of the project should be givenat the end of semester (one from whole class). Each group (department) is responsible for thereport section related to the department’s activity, and for integration of all sections together intoone
Conference Session
Engineering Management: Project Management and Partnerships
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Paul Pferdehirt, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jeffrey S. Russell, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John S Nelson PE, University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Civil & Environmental Enginieering
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Engineering Management
a fictitious project executive committee for approval.2. Project Cost and Value Previously this lesson was titled “Project Budgeting.” We revised the lesson’s title to “Project Cost and Value” to reflect that: 1) in the end, project sponsors care far more about how much the project cost than its original budget; and 2) the most important monetary consideration for project managers is delivering owner/sponsor-defined value. In this lesson, we spend considerable effort discussing project value. Effective project managers have thoughtful, probing discussions with project sponsors of project value. Every project has deliverables, whether that be a facility, a product prototype, or functioning software. The goal, however, is to