- questionnaires.TABLE 1: Multiple–choice results collected from questionnaires given before theworkshop. The results indicate the percent value for each answer.1. A car is moving along a horizontal highway in astraight line at a constant rate of 25 m/s. Itsacceleration is 47 [A][A] 9.8 m/s2 0 [B][B] 9.8 m/s. 41 [C] – correct answer[C] zero. 12 [D][D] 25 m/s.2. A ball is thrown straight upward. What is theacceleration of the ball at the highest point?[A] zero 53 [A][B] 9.8 m/s2 , upward 12 [B][C] 9.8 m/s2, downward
understanding of these concepts? (A) Collaboration with students and faculty (B) Analysis of the literature (C) Constructing the model (D) Testing and evaluation (E) Analysis of the data (F) Redesign (G) None of the above.Content LearningQuestion 4 By participating in this project you were solving the problems of interfacing different kinds of sensors to the Tmote sky model. What kind of signal Tmote requires on the input? Select an applicable answer(s). (A
or static. b. For kinetic friction, apply the rule Fkf = µk FN . c. For static friction, know when you can and can’t assume Fsf = µ s FN . (You only can assume this when something is at the threshold of slipping.) d. Do not assume FN = mg !Day 4 – Trigonometry1. Given some angles and/or sides of a triangle, find other angles, sides, and trigonometry functions using the Pythagorean theorem and SOHCAHTOA.2. Given a figure with angles labeled in one or more places, figure out what other angles in the figure must be equal to the given ones.3. Vector components a. Given the magnitude and angle of a vector, find its components. b. Given the components of a vector, find its magnitude and angle. c
ongeometrical optics with a survey of wave optics. In order to compensate for the lack oflaboratory work, an optics project was introduced alongside class demos. Studentsbrowsed for possible topics for a couple of weeks and then proposed one based oninstructor’s feedback. The project concluded with a short presentation of the work infront of the class and a brief written report. In order to increase class interest in theproject, the presentation took the form of a competition and the winner(s) were chosen bythe class, who judged the presentations according to preset criteria. Student feedback wasrecorded and quantized, and the peer evaluation and feedback were returned to thepresenters. The winners received small prizes in recognition of their
120 14 12 100 V a lue of S e ns or R e ading 10 80 8 Range (in) 60 6 4 40 2
these topic areas are assigned. Here students haveseveral options and must make efficient choices in order to solve the problem(s) at hand. Theseprojects are intended to challenge students' judgment and creativity as well as their problem-solving abilities. Each student team is required to submit a final written report upon completion Page 13.1112.5of each project.The writing activity in both courses involved the preparation of a professional paper forpresentation at a conference held at the end of the semester. The discussion that followshighlights this writing activity and demonstrates that regardless of class size, the experience canbe a rich
, causality binds together reasoning processes that are commonto all STEM disciplines, including making predictions, drawing implications, making inferences,and articulating explanations.PredictionsReasoning from a description of a condition or set of conditions or states of an event to thepossible effect(s) that may result from those states is called prediction. Prediction assumes amore or less probabilistic relationship between causal antecedent(s) and effect(s) because apotentially large number of causal relationships can participate in the occurrence of the effect.The two primary functions of prediction are forecasting an event (e.g., economic ormeteorological forecasting) and testing of hypotheses to confirm or refute scientific
transistor (field-effect transistor), since the conduction path between drain(D) andsource(S) is electrically isolated from the gate(G). The fact of the technology is emphasizedby the circuit symbol and the requirement of a reasonably high gate field. The figure and thefacts emphasize that this requirement can be accomplished at the low voltage levels ofintegrated circuits only if the gate is separated from the semiconductor substrate by a thininsulation layer, which, for the choice of silicon as substrate, is SiO2, one of the bestelectrical insulators known. Since this oxide layer must be on the order of nanometers (10-9m), the strong link to technology is immediate and recognizable.The transistor action is also relatively simple and reasonably
). The mechanisms of analogical learning. In S. Vosniadou & A. Ortony(Eds.), Similarity and analogical reasoning (pp. 199-241). New York: Cambridge University Press.15. Medin, D.L., & Ross, B.H. (1989). The specific character of abstract thought: Categorization problem solving, and induction. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), Advances in the psychology of human intelligence (Vol. 5, pp. 189-223). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.16. Loewenstein, J., Thompson, L., & Gentner, D. (2003). Analogical learning in negotiation teams: Comparing cases promotes learning and transfer. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2 (2), 119-127.17. Catrambone, R.., Holyoak, K. J. (1989). Overcoming contextual limitations on
performancein introductory mechanics classes at MIT.3 What they found was that high gains from pre to postMBE tests were achieved by using written homework assignments and group problem solvingmethods in class, strategies that were also used in this shortcourse. For their study, normalizedgain is defined as follows, S after − S before Page 13.980.7 gain = 100% − S beforewhere Sbefore is the test score from the pre-examination, Safter is the test score from the post-examination, and the 100% denotes the maximum achievable
direction), directly into the page (in the –z direction), or it may be zero. magnetic The z-component of the magnetic field in this field region region changes with time according to the function 6 cm Bz = Kt2 – P, where t is time, K = 0.12 T/s2, and P = 3.0 T. Outside of the 6 cm radius, the magnetic field is always zero. 11 cm A thin metal ring of radius 11 cm is concentric with the region of magnetic field. The ring has a +y resistance of 1.3 x 10–3 Ω. (a) At time t = 3 s, find the magnitude of the
?” CommunityMatters, ABET, Inc., Nov. 20072. F. Mak, S. Frezza, “Using Student Learning Outcomes Assessment to Assure EC2000 Program Effectiveness”,2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, paper AC2005-618.3. R. Echempati, “Learning Experiences of Using Teaching and Assessment Tools for Solid Mechanics Course”,2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, paper AC2007-1143.4. ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. Effective for Evaluations During the 2007-2008Accrediting Cycle. http://www.abet.org/forms.shtml Page 13.438.7