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- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 1
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- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College
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Engineering Physics & Physics
Paper ID #8451Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom:Dr. Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College Dr. Wenli Guo is a professor of physics and her experiences include spectroscopy, pedagogy, etc. Page 24.1152.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Take Ownership of Learning Outside Classroom: Reflection through Journal Writing in a Conceptual Physics Course
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 2
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Timothy J. Garrison, York College of Pennsylvania
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Engineering Physics & Physics
overten percentage points. This paper describes the restructuring of the course to integrate the lecture,lab, and recitation components. It also covers how the traditional laboratories have been replacedwith interactive laboratories and includes methodologies and best practices. The paper addressesthe peer instruction method (also known as think-pair-share) including formation of conceptquestions and best practices. Five years worth of pre- and post-class assessment data arepresented and show that significant performance gains were achieved as each of the elements(blended lecture and lab, interactive laboratories, and peer instruction) were incorporated. Lastly,the paper describes the current initiative to remove the remaining lecture component
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 3
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Wenli Guo, Queensborough Community College; Vazgen Shekoyan, Queensborough Community College
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Engineering Physics & Physics
now more commonly considered as a process wherestudents become active learners and teachers become facilitators who help them to constructtheir own knowledge and skills (Barr & Tagg, 1995; Decorte, 1996; Nicol, 1997, 2006). InPhysics Education Research (PER), active-engagement strategies have been widely adopted andhave shown to be one of the most successful methods of improving students’ learningexperience. These researches have been focused on student-centered learning such as inquirybased learning, peer-instructions as well as developing and implementing innovative learningmaterials inside classrooms. However, it is worthy to point out that in this very important highereducation innovation process, little attention has been paid to
- Conference Session
- Engineering Physics & Physics Division Technical Session 2
- Collection
- 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Warren A. Turner, Westfield State University; Glenn W. Ellis, Smith College; Robert J. Beichner, North Carolina State University
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Engineering Physics & Physics
-based, pedagogically appropriate approaches and curricula including Peer Instruction 6,Workshop Physics7, Real-time Physics8 and Studio Physics9.But, what about circular mechanics? Arnold Aron’s observes 10, “The kinematics of circular motionin a plane is usually glossed over very quickly because of the obvious parallelism to rectilinearmotion. For students who have genuinely mastered the concepts and relations of rectilinearkinematics, this is appropriate since unnecessary repetition would waste their time.” Thisphilosophical approach has pervasively infiltrated introductory textbooks. Whole chapters aredevoted individually to the topics of velocity, acceleration, etc. while all of rotational kinematicsand sometimes even dynamics are crushed