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Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Teresa L. Larkin, American University
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Engineering Physics and Physics
community and they know that I would never ask them to participate in ademonstration in which they will look foolish in front of their peers. In no time, I will havestudents jumping up out of their seats to take part in a demonstration. I also let them take outtheir phones and take pictures when we do demonstrations. Students really enjoy this.Example from Physics 230 (Changing Views of the Universe)The second and third short writing examples come from the Physics 230 course and were givennear the start of the Spring 2020 semester. These examples are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.The example shown in Figure 2 was distributed on the first day of class. Students wereinstructed to submit their responses electronically prior to the second day of class
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathaniel Raymond Nunez, University of Detroit Mercy; E. Prasad Venugopal, University of Detroit Mercy
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Engineering Physics and Physics
thenutilized when students test original hypotheses that are extensions of the original research. Theappropriate standard for these research questions continues to be their worthiness for publicationor presentation, thus training the writing and speaking skills of students.Our REU ModelAt the University of Detroit Mercy, we designed a pilot project based on this model. Anundergraduate student researcher was tasked with reproducing and extending a physicslaboratory experiment published within the pages of The Physics Teacher or the AmericanJournal of Physics. These journals have well-deserved reputations within the physics communityfor peer-reviewed, research-based innovations in undergraduate teaching and research. Theycontain a wealth of ideas and
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica R. Hoehn, University of Colorado, Boulder; Noah D. Finkelstein, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Engineering Physics and Physics
the terms equity and equality. The students then engage in adata interpretation activity—we give them a packet of graphs that show representation in STEMalong various dimensions (race, gender, LGBTQ+ identification), and ask them to first considerwhat information they can gather from the graph and then what it means. They work together insmall groups on this activity, and then report out to the whole class about interesting things theydiscovered. Next, we conduct a notecard activity where every student writes an answer to thequestion, “(Why) does representation in STEM matter?” on a 3x5 index card. They trade cardstwice with random peers such that they end up with an anonymous student’s notecard. We thenuse this to facilitate a class-wide