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Displaying results 151 - 160 of 160 in total
Conference Session
Industrial Collaborations and Applications
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Durfee, Eastern Washington University; William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University; Donald Richter, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
this synergistic relationship industryis very willing to then serve on advisory boards and respond to needs of the department. Thisoften results in additional projects for students from these industrial partnerships and the synergyof this relationship can rapidly expand the number of projects available. This closer relationshipand demonstrated community link is very important to the future of any university.The Case for Undergraduate ResearchThe quest for knowledge is the driving force behind undergraduate education no matter whatfield is being studied. Typically this means a lot of reading from a textbook, completinghomework assignments, conducting laboratory experiments, listening to lectures, taking exams,and writing reports. Unfortunately
Conference Session
Recruiting and Retention
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Goodmann, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
shop) or purchased fora reasonable price at the local electronic distributor.This teenager, having discovered and begun to develop an interest in electronics, would usuallybe classified by his peers (most were boys) as a geek. He would have little opportunity for a“normal” teenage social life, which would be replaced by a circle of geek friends. These becameboth a social and a technological support system. Many young geeks also had access to localamateur radio clubs with members of all ages and levels of technical knowledge, which were anexcellent support system. Many geeks became amateur radio operators themselves before their16th birthday (the youngest ham on record was 5 years old when first licensed, ten-year-old hamswere not uncommon
Conference Session
Student Enrollment, Attendance, Retention, and Graduation in Engineering Technology Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Austin B. Asgill, Southern Polytechnic State University; Craig A Chin, Southern Polytechnic State University; Florian Misoc P.E., Southern Polytechnic State University; Simin Nasseri, Southern Polytechnic State University; Adimathara P. Preethy, Southern Polytechnic State University; Scott J. Tippens, Southern Polytechnic State University; Randall A. Emert, Southern Polytechnic State University; Ali Khazaei, MET Department at SPSU
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
worked as a senior research associate. She has published eighteen pa- pers, mainly in peer-reviewed journals (such as J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics), and her research areas include Rheology & viscoelasticity, polymer processing (experimental analysis and constitutive modeling), biomechanical engineering, CFD, and micromachinery. She has work experience related to manufacturing and design and currently teaches a variety of undergraduate courses in her field such as engineering mechanics and manufacturing courses.Dr. Adimathara P. Preethy, Southern Polytechnic State UniversityProf. Scott J. Tippens, Southern Polytechnic State UniversityProf. Randall A. Emert, Southern Polytechnic State University Eight plus years
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Design I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Edwards, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Michael Lobaugh, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
for students in other fields. There are several general types ofseminars in use today. These range from general information about the school (known asextended orientation types) to discipline specific, pre-professional types. All of them offeradvantages for first year students trying to get acclimated to college life. In addition toadvantages for the students, other positive outcomes have been shown to result from having aformal first year program for students. For example, improved peer connections, increased useof campus services, and increased out of class faculty/student interaction have been attributed tothese programs.Almost half of the first year seminars are offered as one credit courses. It can be challenging todesign a course with
Conference Session
Graduate Education and Undergraduate Research in ET
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zhan P.E., Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
factors. This paper only discusses specific consideration for the tworesearch projects.4.2. The results and the benefitsAfter these REU projects, one of the student researchers became more interested in pursuing acareer in research related to STEM. He decided to change his major to pursue a BS degree fromElectrical Engineering and possibly obtain a graduate degree. He has applied for anundergraduate research scholarship from the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Itis clear that through the projects the student researchers improved their communication skills,including presentation skills and technical writing skills. They also made significantimprovements in working effectively with faculty and graduate students and with peers on
Conference Session
Robotics and Automation II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Guanghsu A. Chang, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. Creative thinking involves creating andgenerating something new. It also involves the skills of brainstorming, modification, attributelisting, and originality. The purpose of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity among studentsand promote operation and process simplification. Bloom's Taxonomy provides a usefulstructure in which to categorize OLP learning objects when assessing student learning outcomes.Asking students to think at higher levels is an excellent way to stimulate student's thoughtprocesses. In OLP learning process, the purpose of writing Bloom's questions is to apply Bloom'stheory of developing higher levels of thought processes to OLP classroom. Asking high levelquestions of your shared inquiry groups is one way of making
Conference Session
ETD Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Keith L. Coogler, Sam Houston State University
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Engineering Technology
comparison of the InterdisciplinaryExperimental Engineering Project Course to a capstone course is offered in this paper.I. IntroductionMost engineering and technology programs require their undergraduate students to take a seniordesign/capstone course to complete the degree. Most capstone courses are yearlong or a semesterlong, are specific to the student’s major, and are designed to demonstrate, in some way, thestudent’s knowledge of the discipline. To fulfill the requirements of a capstone course, thestudent accomplishes a field-specific project by herself/himself and is required to prepare apaper, a presentation, and/or poster to present the project before a group of peers. In some cases,industrial advisory board members are invited to the
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Pedagogy 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Technology
-linear sensors is used in the classroom and is exemplified with the NTC sensor. The need to understand the underlying mathematical model of the sensor during calibration are also discussed as part of the lecture. The students wire the circuit and write the LV program. Data is collected in a file and the concept of file input/output was introduced. The experiment uses beakers with distilled water heated to different temperatures along with a digital thermometer to act as the calibration standard. A second LV file is used to read in the data file and perform a calibration curve which was based on the underlying model.i. Linear IC based temperature sensor. ○ In this experiment, an IC based linear temperature sensor
Conference Session
Diversity, Recruiting, and Retention in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aram Agajanian, DeVry University-Chicago; George Morgan, Colorado State University; William M. Timpson, Colorado State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
tasks, and has held various teaching, research and administrative positions at Colorado State University, Stanford University and University of Colorado. Dr. Morgan has taught methods and applied statistics to graduate students in education at Colorado State University. In addition to writing textbooks on SPSS and research methods, he currently advises students on their dissertation.William M. Timpson, Colorado State University Dr. William M. Timpson, Professor in the School of Education, is also serving as Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning at Colorado State University. After receiving his Bachelor's degree in American History from Harvard University, Bill went on to teach
Conference Session
Focus on ETAC Accreditation
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, College of Technology (MERGED MEMBERSHIP WITH COE); WEIHUA FAN
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
started totake more leadership roles in the program, created their own student organization recognized byuniversity, organized and hosted leadership and professional development activities, organicallydeveloped peer-tutoring during daily study hour in the designated room, and teamed up with variousscience and technology events oriented towards regional public school districts.Eventually, data talks! Figure 3.1 shows from the S-STEM project reporting site shows the impact ofthe project. During the first four years of the project, we awarded a scholarship to 68 eligible andqualified students, with 55 of them graduated by Spring 2019. Among the 16 scholars in theprogram, six of them graduated in Dec. 2019 and the remaining will graduate in May 2020