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Conference Session
Remote Instruction/COVID-19 Strategies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Suleiman M. Obeidat, Texas A&M University; Jumanah A. Hajjat, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
decreases studentmotivation and engagement (Hastie et al. 2010; Karal et al. 2011). Synchronous online learning has received more attention than asynchronous onlinelearning and growing worldwide via several digital platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.With advanced virtual learning tools offered by several video conferencing platforms, the studentscan interact virtually in the synchronous class with their instructor and peers (Watts 2016;Francescucci and Rohani 2019). Web conferencing tools of several platforms make synchronouslearning more functional and create a sense of student attendance in a real-time learningenvironment. Students can share their voices through audio tools, write their questions in chatwindows, and give prompt
Conference Session
Focus on ETAC Accreditation
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ilya Y. Grinberg, Buffalo State College, The State University of New York; Jill Singer, Buffalo State College, The State University of New York
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Engineering Technology
activities is provided for the course instructor. More information aboutEvaluateUR and EvaluateUR-CURE are found at 1. EvaluateUR-CURE Outcomes Outcome Categories Outcome Components Communication • Uses and understands professional and discipline-specific language • Expresses ideas orally in an organized, clear, and concise manner • Writes clearly and concisely using correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence structure Creativity • Shows ability to approach problems from different perspectives
Conference Session
New Directions for Engineering Technology
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Osazuwa John Okundaye Jr., Texas A&M University; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Francis Quek, Texas A&M University; Sharon Lynn Chu, University of Florida
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Engineering Technology
practices such as coordinated decision making in stochastic supply chains, handling supply chains during times of crisis and optimizing global supply chains on the financial health of a company. She has published her research in Journal of Business Logistics, International Jour- nal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and peer-reviewed proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology & In- dustrial Distribution and the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Texas A&M University. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science &
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Curriculum and Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chen Xu, New York City College of Technology; Lili Ma, New York City College of Technology
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Engineering Technology
. Design 8. Design control systems in the frequency domain using Bode/Nyquist techniques. 9. Be familiar with the most common controllers in industrial use. Lab 10. Integrate the concepts of feedback control systems with real-time simulation using MATLAB.2.2 Create inclusive learning environment using different technologiesIn distance learning, students can feel disconnected from instructor and their peers [3]. Weexplored various technologies to create a friendly and inclusive learning/teaching environment. Zoom was used in synchronous virtual meetings. Professional zoom license was providedby the institution. Instructor and students hold synchronous weekly meetings
Conference Session
STEM Issues
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University; John L. Irwin, Michigan Technological University; Sarah Tan, Michigan Technological University
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Engineering Technology
-term goals in their professional career. This tool has been adapted for use in the educationalsetting in a faculty mentoring capacity. The ET program advisors assign the freshman or transferS-STEM student scholars with faculty mentors to match their area of research interest. Thefaculty mentors meet with the students a minimum of three to four times a year to review theirIDP, make suggestions, and provide input for reaching their goals. The goals of the IDP processare to; develop a deeper more meaningful relationship between advisor and student, reflect anddevelop a strategy for the scholar’s educational and career, and manage expectations and identifyopportunities. In the initial meeting there are several prompts for the student to write
Conference Session
Remote Instruction/COVID-19 Strategies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christine Delahanty, Bucks County Community College ; Susan Herring, Bucks County Community College; Tracy Timby, Bucks County Community College; Vladimir Genis, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
betterunderstanding of various financial areas. The Global and Cultural Awareness competency areaprovides opportunities for students increase their cultural awareness respect, and understandingof diverse cultures. Personal and Professional Development focuses on personal growth that willlead to students becoming more confident in themselves, and a better employee. Students tracktheir progress and share their accolades with peers, advisors, and employers using Suitable, animpact measurement tool for academic institutions. Bucks+ was originally adopted by the Business + Innovation Department and is modeledafter Temple University’s recently developed Fox Leadership Development Program (FLDP)[20]. This program is a graduation requirement for Temple's
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Pedagogy 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Technology
-linear sensors is used in the classroom and is exemplified with the NTC sensor. The need to understand the underlying mathematical model of the sensor during calibration are also discussed as part of the lecture. The students wire the circuit and write the LV program. Data is collected in a file and the concept of file input/output was introduced. The experiment uses beakers with distilled water heated to different temperatures along with a digital thermometer to act as the calibration standard. A second LV file is used to read in the data file and perform a calibration curve which was based on the underlying model.i. Linear IC based temperature sensor. ○ In this experiment, an IC based linear temperature sensor