Paper ID #33949S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP ProcessDr. Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University Laura Kasson Fiss is a Research Assistant Professor in the Pavlis Honors College at Michigan Techno- logical University. She holds a PhD from Indiana University in English (2013). Her work has appeared in ASEE, FYEE, the NCHC Monograph Series, and elsewhere. Research areas include reflection, commu- nication, curriculum design, and Victorian humor.Dr. John L. Irwin, Michigan Technological University As Professor for Mechanical Engineering Technology at Michigan Technological University, Dr. Irwin teaches
mentor has the right attributes, which include: [34] a. An underlying helping, teaching-learning, reflective, and desire-to-mentor nature. b. Identity as a coach/sponsor/role model. c. Character that is respectful, tolerant, non-judgmental, and trustworthy. d. Ability to provide emotional and psychological support. e. Academic knowledge, which enables them to connect the mentee with resources on campus for academic success.Some characteristics that have been documented in the literature to lead to poor mentorship are:dissimilar personalities and habits, self-absorption, manipulative behavior, the delegation ofduty, intentional exclusion, self-promotion, incompetence, sabotage, general dysfunctionalityand deception
involves elements of Project Management, which arereviewed during the quarter. The culmination of the quarter involves the completion of a ProjectProposal by each student, which is reviewed by their academic advisors. Winter quarter (SP II) iswhen the students focus on manufacturing the parts which were analyzed and documented fromthe previous quarter. Along with additional purchased parts, students are required to produce aworking device by the end of the quarter. During this period their project proposals, renamed asproject reports, are continuously updated to reflect new observations, analyses, and revisionswhich come about during the manufacturing process. Finally, during Spring quarter (SP III) thestudents perform various tests on their
misunderstanding and misinterpretation that is detrimental to the learning process. It is difficult for any person to unlearn old information once viewed as accurate, impacting their learning ability within that concept [12].The knowledge types of students possess often reflected in their goal orientation and motivationwithin a classroom space. Svinicki [13] talked about how students' goal orientation andmotivation influence their learning, either positive or negative. Svinicki speaks of two types ofstudents, Performance Oriented and Mastery Oriented. Performance-Oriented is focused ongrade achievement and course requirements over true content competency and understanding.These students are often less willing to take on challenges to
expand the number of students who can benefit from conducting research as the designprojects are embedded directly into the curriculum and are taken by all students in the program.Undergraduate research has been shown to help students take ownership of their own learningand helps them to see the real-world relevance of research as they learn problem-solving skills[1 – 3]. Inquiry-based projects are beneficial because they require a significant investment ofstudent time and effort over an extended period with frequent constructive feedback from facultyand regular opportunities for reflection [4, 5]. This paper addresses the process of developmentof performance indicators and presents the results of assessment and evaluation of both ETACABET and
the project, and to obtain more technical conclusions. Also, the theory ofmatrix analysis will be implemented in courses of structural analysis including more applicationof advanced software.The surveys about team working shows that the students expressed interest in the topics, mainlybecause of the practical applications and importance for society. Also, students show highperformance working in teams, which is reflected in the quality and timing to complete thecapstone projects. The capstone related with the coliseum was done during the Covid-19pandemic and students used different online tools to permit a successful coordination of theirtasks, which also reflected their high team working skills.This type of project permitted the application
% of the students believing they already had at least some or good competencyaround robotics topics [7]. Although post-survey results for the ETSC 277 course shows a dropin confidence, as students performed our inquiry-based engineering lesson, we view this as arecalibration of their personal reality as they were ultimately able to make positive learning gainstoward our robotics lesson. This was reflected in learning assessments throughout the quarter. Infact, student frustration with inquiry-based lab curricula is well documented in science education,where lab students valued more authentic scientific exposure. In general, experiencing thecomplexity and frustrations faced by practicing scientists is challenging and may explain thewidespread
behaviors,encouraging monitoring of those behaviors, encouraging reflection of those behaviors, gradingthe process as a whole not only the result, and using a standardized assessment to do so [10].Researchers and teachers using these methods can create relevant, dynamic, impactful, andvalue-added changes to their curriculum, the approach leveraged in this work.Study MethodsFelder and Brent’s 2003 article [7] defines a model by which to create course material basedupon accreditation requirements. The model is summarized in Figure 1. Figure 1: Elements of Course Design [7]From the defined model and as shown in the figure, course improvements are a continuous cycleof learning objectives, instruction methods, and assessment
the College of Engineering and the engineering technology programs since 2010. Thesestudents were then assigned an admissions-type category to reflect how they entered anengineering technology program for the first time: • New First Time Freshman: A student who enrolled at Texas A&M University as an incoming freshman and selected one of the engineering technology programs at time of admission. It should be noted that this category only existed prior to academic year (AY) 2014-2015. After that, all freshmen entering the college were required to start in General Engineering. • Entry to a Major: A student who entered as a General Engineering student but then entered an engineering technology program
material for Industry 4.0 qualifications so students can appreciate the marketabilityof the new degree in RET. Furthermore, the creation of stackable micro-credits, certificates andworkshops is aimed to enable non-traditional students and professionals to select content mostrelevant to their needs. Experiential learning will be incorporated in the educational activities bydeveloping the hand-on lab experiences in a design iterative approach that creates opportunitiesto reflect on the outcomes and results of an experiment, and then requires the synthesis of a newor evolved approach.Furthermore, the development of the RET curriculum will strengthen and improve the quality ofengineering technology education for undergraduate students by creating
analytical thinking pervades engineering design activities,the integration of the performance of components and sub-systems is vital to the success of allbut the simplest design problems. Consequently, the role of systems thinking is vital in solvingcomplex engineering design challenges while simultaneously considering environmental issues,safety, ethical implications, and economic factors [11]. Systems thinking permits students “tobreak out of the narrow definition of a problem and reflect on the relevant systems and how theyaffect, and in turn are affected by, new and improved technologies” [12]. By integrating systemsthinking experiences into early engineering design challenges, students may become moreexcited about engineering, while learning