logic routines, with each routine consisting of one or more rungs, each rung consisting ofone or more instructions, and each instruction consisting of zero, one, or more data tags as itsoperand(s). The set of instructions implemented is a subset of most commonly used instructionsas summarized in the following. No instruction which is hardware-dependent is included. For acomplete list of implemented ladder logic instructions by the zPLC, refer to the user’s manual. a) Relay Logic: This type of instructions takes a Logic tag as its operand, such as, Examine if closed (XIC), Examine if open (XIO), Output energize (OTE). b) Timer and Counter: This type of instruction takes a Timer or Counter tag as its operand, whose status bits, .TT
included letters and/or numeric for the used printer (M for MakerBotor S for PRUSA), layer height (100, 150, or 200 μm), material (P for PLA), percentage infill (20%,40%, or 70%), infill pattern (D for Diamond, L for Linear, or H for Honeycomb), and number ofshells (2, 3, or 4). The layer height and number of shells were fixed after to 200 μm and 2 early onas they were both discovered to have no significant effect on the dimensions. An example of codedspecimen is M200P70H2-2 which is the second specimens of a batch that was printed withMakerBot printer with 200 μm layer height, PLA, 70% infill, Honeycomb pattern, and 2 shells. db3 L
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provided documentation for conductingthe exercise, information for the teacher and student(s), including a student worksheet.These materials were prepared with teachers, parents, and school audiences in mind asthey may all want to consider using them to support manufacturing learning in and out ofthe classroom.The activity drafts are available online to facilitate the distribution of materials as theyrelate to manufacturing. These activities are available online for all teachers across thecountry. Hence, the authors are not limiting their initiative by one community or state andencourage everyone to use those for the benefit of the nation’s attitude towards therevival of manufacturing at the I4.0 level.Development of the Example MaterialsIn the