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Displaying all 14 results
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Pioneering Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Green, Mississippi State University; Jerry Emison, Mississippi State University
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Engineering and Public Policy
in the course. Not only would thishelp engineers better communicate to others the benefits engineering provides, something theCommittee on the Engineer of 2020 also says is necessary, we, as instructors, could begin theconversation. To accomplish this objective we required numerous writing assignments, requiredoral presentations, and ensured that there was ample class discussion. For the second version ofthe course we added the requirement that each student read a national newspaper on a regularbasis and, at some point of their choosing in the semester, provide a copy of an article they readrelated to engineering and public policy and their analysis of the article and the policy issue.Course DesignAlthough the course was designed to meet the
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deanna H. Matthews, Carnegie Mellon University; H. Scott Matthews, Carnegie Mellon University
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Engineering and Public Policy
assessments intended for the public (which many are). Learning how peer review is done, and the role of critical feedback, is a critical piece of the standard process. This means both writing peer reviews and reading/ comprehending existing reviews.Study MethodThe research involved study over a 2 year period. We asked faculty who taught a full-semesterlife cycle assessment course that used our textbook as a resource to participate and eleven facultyat different institutions volunteered. These institutions included eight doctoral, highest researchlevel universities, and one each of doctoral - higher research, doctoral - moderate research, andmasters institutions. The courses included mostly courses for graduate students but
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kacey D Beddoes, Oregon State University
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Engineering and Public Policy
include gender in engineering education research, interdisciplinarity, peer review, engineers’ epistemologies, and global engineering education. Page 26.626.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Engineering Faculty Members’ Discussing the Role of University Policy in Addressing UnderrepresentationIntroductionDespite over thirty years of research and outreach to recruit and retain female engineeringstudents, women remain significantly underrepresented in engineering.1 While a large amount ofliterature has been generated on gender inequalities in faculty careers, no
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retaining and Developing Women Faculty
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Theresa M. Vitolo, Gannon University; Karinna M Vernaza, Gannon University; Lori D. Lindley, Gannon University; Elisa M. Konieczko, Gannon University; Weslene Tallmadge, Gannon University
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity, Engineering Deans Council
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, Women in Engineering
Each (points) (points) (points) (points) (points) Item Professional, Peer-Reviewed & Communicated External Grants received 5 larger than $50,000 Published International Journal articles / Book 5 Chapters Published Articles; National or International 4 12 4 Conference Paper/Proceedings External grants received less than $50,000 but 4 more than $20,000 External grants received 3 6 6 less than $20,000 Research/poster presentations given at 3
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Pioneering Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Tull, Lafayette College; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
outside of the classroomincluding a local planning commission meeting, and a field trip to Washington D.C. to meet withdecision makers involved in technology policy. The agenda for the 2004 trip to D.C. includedvisits at the EPA, Congressional Research Service (CRS), and with congressional staff members.There are also often relevant guest lectures on campus.Group Projects and DebatesThe last outcome relates to the student practice of their verbal, written, graphical, and teamworkskills with special emphasis on verbally communicating technical information. This is achievedthrough group projects, presentations, class debates, and peer reviews including a peer-review ofvideotaped presentations. To enhance the quality of these presentations and
Conference Session
Impacts of Public Policy on Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
compliance with the Broadening Participation criteriawithout imposing undue work on the individuals or institutions submitting grant proposals. Thegoals and procedures of the workshop group are described elsewhere [10].RecommendationsAlthough individuals write the funding proposals for their projects, it is their home institutionsthat must account for the education and research activities of their faculty and staff, institutionsthat develop policies that support or impede diversification efforts, and institutions that are morelikely to have (and be able to track over time periods that exceed those of individual grants moreeasily than would an individual PI) data on the demographic characteristics of those involved infunded projects. This led to the
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retaining and Developing Women Faculty
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Margaret B. Bailey P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Maureen S. Valentine, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Sharon Patricia Mason, Rochester Institute of Technology; Carol Elizabeth Marchetti, Rochester Institute of Technology (COS); DeLois Kijana Crawford, Rochester Institute of Technology; Wendy A. Dannels, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID)
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity, Engineering Deans Council
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, Women in Engineering
Career Hiring Process Satisfaction Navigation Integration Leadership Scholarship Recognition (WLI) Grant writing (F) Promoting Mid-Tenure Grant Climate Your Work
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Pioneering Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Sicker, University of Colorado-Boulder; Tom Lookabaugh, University of Colorado-Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
the IEEE, as well as a member of the ACM and the Internet Society. He serves on the faculty of the Institute for Regulatory Law and Economics. He was also the Chair of the Network Reliability and Interoperability Council steering committee, an FCC federal advisory committee that focuses on network reliability, wire line spectral integrity and Internet peering and interconnection. Doug also served on the Technical Advisory Council of the FCC. His research interests include network security, technology based policy and telecommunications policy. His teaching interests include distributed systems, network security and telecommunications public policy. Doug holds a PhD from the
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea E. Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Andrea Lyn Liebl, University of South Dakota; Alyssa M. Kiesow, Northern State University; Mary Emery; Pam F. Rowland; Cynthia Anderson
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
ameliorate stigma with taking maternity leave, the policy states that “Faculty membersshall not be disadvantaged for compensation, promotion, or advancement because they have beengranted a tenure review extension. However, should the faculty member choose to revert tohis/her original timeline, this would be allowed. For this, the employee must notify his/hersupervisor in writing by March 30 of the academic year prior to the original tenure year. “The Benefits and Challenges of a Statewide ApproachThe statewide approach has a number of advantages, most specifically ● Key players at the top can encourage cooperation across the institution ● System focus provides a system-level platform to bring up issues of equity and fairness ● Project data
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel B. Oerther, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Engineering and Public Policy
ofEngineering Practice,” presented at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition [17] andan online discussion of, “Nursing Should be a STEM Discipline! Author Regards FlorenceNightingale as First Environmental Engineer,” which appeared in Reflections on NursingLeadership in February, 2018 [18].ResultsThe 2013 NAE report, “Messaging for Engineering: From Research to Action,” included anumber of calls to action [3]. Of great relevance to the members of ASEE was a call to include arecurring session on “messaging” at the annual ASEE conference and at the yearly EngineeringDeans Council Public Policy Colloquium. A search of the ASEE PEER document repositorywith the phrase, “changing the conversation,” identifies a total 214 publications from
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of K-12 Engineering Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tao Hong, Purdue University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
of work 0.499. My motivation for teaching science is to promote an enjoyment of learning 0.5210. I believe DET should be integrated into the K-12 curriculum 0.5311. I am interested in learning more about DET though workshops 0.6812. I am interested in learning more about DET through college courses 0.3413. In a science curriculum, it is important to include the use of engineering in developing 0.48 new technologies14. I am interested to learning more about DET through peer training 0.5415. My motivation for teaching science is to help students develop an
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retaining and Developing Women Faculty
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gretchen L. Hein, Michigan Technological University; Daniela Faas, Harvard University; Anne M Lucietto, Purdue University; Jacquelyn Kay Nagel, James Madison University; Diane L Peters P.E., Kettering University; Rebecca M. Reck, Kettering University; Mary C. Verstraete, The University of Akron; Deborah J. O'Bannon P.E., University of Missouri, Kansas City
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity, Engineering Deans Council
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, Women in Engineering
roles in their colleges anduniversities, and face the same challenges to increase the number of women in their fields. TheSociety of Women Engineers provides copious resources to assist women in all of these areas.Regional and Society conferences offer workshops directed at career development for femalefaculty and for those aspiring towards a faculty position including the following topics from themost recent Society conference in 2015: ● How to Choose your Academic Service Obligations Wisely ● Reviewing Academic Papers: How to Give Useful, Effective Feedback as a Peer Reviewer ● Pedagogy 101 - Introduction to Teaching ● Tips on Grant Proposal Writing for NSF CAREER Grants and Other Programs ● Alternative Pathways to an Engineering
Conference Session
Building Blocks for Public Policy in Curricula
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joel Haight, Pennsylvania State University; Richard Devon, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
Page 11.854.7limitations. Due to the relatively recent nature of the event, the news media both print andtelevision were overwhelmingly the most available formats. While it would have been preferredfor the students to use more academic formats for their sources, such as those that undergo peerreview and acceptance prior to coming out in print, it is nearly impossible to have it both waysfor such a recent event. Such recent events have not yet received the scrutiny or have not beenstudied long enough to have successfully generated extensive peer reviewed literature.Assessment Method (including Rubrics)The assessment of the project was accomplished using several inputs for both the written workand the oral presentation. The averaged grades given
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David O. Kazmer, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Katie Bardaro, PayScale, Inc.
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
datais difficult in practice. A second significant assumption is that the theory of human capital doesnot explicitly model the intellectual ability, emotional commitment, or educational quality at theindividual level. Again, the influence of some of these determinants on the value of humancapital and economic value added of engineering education may be studied, but is not theprimary focus of the current work.Analysis MethodologySalary Data: Salary data was derived from the Payscale’s database, the world's largest store ofindividual employee compensation profiles. Each compensation profile is provided byindividuals motivated to gain access to peer salary comparisons for negotiation purposes. Thedatabase contains profile data for about 4% of the