bachelor's degrees of a largeprivate university in Chile during the first semester of the academic year 2020. During thatsemester, education changed from experiential face-to-face teaching to synchronous virtualeducation. In the presented model, we had to reflect on how sessions should be structured toteach content. The Module's design objective was to have the possibility of bringing the value ofthe face-to-face experience -focused on active methods from the constructivist educationalparadigm- to the virtual world. Besides, we had to maintain the expected learning levels andmake them significant. To analyze the students' perception of the Module's success, weadministered an instrument already used before. The tool consisted of a Likert
from historicaland cultural perspective. This research first analyzes the origins of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education; secondly, explores the influences of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education; finally, analyzes the implications of entrepreneurial culture inhigher engineering education based on a cultural perspective, especially in the culturalecology of Chinese mainland. This research preliminarily shows that the practice ofengineering entrepreneurship education within colleges and universities in Chinese mainlandurgently seeks rational reflection on the inheritance of traditional culture, the valuesexcavation of traditional business culture, the value recognition of entrepreneurship education,and
(Curiosity, Connections, Creating Value), as well as the additional areas identifiedin the eKSOs of communication and collaborations.2.1 Makerspaces developing curiosityStudent self-reflection essays have revealed that students feel that the multitude of resourcesavailable in the makerspace inspires curiosity [11], potentially by allowing students to developthe eKSO of Explore multiple solution paths. While no research was found that systematicallyexamined curiosity development due to the makerspace, two of the eKSOs under curiosity areDevelop a propensity to ask more questions and Be able to formulate salient questions. Tomko’scase study analysis of students in the makerspace highlights that a student “asks question afterquestion, and this method
thecompanyStudents are asked multiple questions corresponding to each of the seven areas above. Theiranswers to these questions show the level of intrapreneurial competencies.Intrapreneurial Motivation Scale Survey (IMSS)The IMSS includes questions designed to get at intrapreneurial motivation. This is a 12-questionset designed to get at various levels of motivation.Cohort 1It is important to note that the data reflected for Cohort 1 in this paper shows data collection forthe first components of TIP. Not all data tools were used (for example, interviews) because, atthis time, not all of the components of TIP have been experienced by the students.Students are given multiple experiences, in each course, to develop intrapreneurial dispositionsand competencies
lower-division engineering students, of whom 11 were enrolled in an engineeringmajor with a significant emphasis on entrepreneurship and 25 were enrolled in other engineeringmajors. Structured interviews of covered the participants’ family background, their motivations forenrolling in their major, their expectations with respect to career (including startups), their attitudestoward risk, and reflection on the interview. In the course of the interviews, participants were askedto rate their risk tolerance and their interest in pursuing a startup. Analysis of the interviews suggeststhat the principal indicator of entrepreneurial intent was interest in a startup, that most students’perceptions of the desirability of startups are negative, and that
in basic humanneeds. Additionally, it is important to implement these innovations through social entrepreneurship andleadership efforts for achieving the desired societal impact. To apply the above principles effectively,students (especially the Gen-Z students) need to have a skill set in understanding the role of engineeringinnovations in a globalized society with an attitude of leadership to serve society [16], which was themotivation behind this class. Selected successful social innovations across the world were studiedthrough the lens of fundamental science and engineering along with the societal impact. At the sametime, students also reflected on how the innovators applied/integrated leadership skills/approacheswith social
FacultyDevelopmentAbstractFor several years Engineering Unleashed has provided in-person faculty development eventsfocused on expanding an entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate engineering programs.During Spring 2020, it was decided that ten faculty development workshops scheduled to be in-person multiple-day summer workshops would be delivered in a virtual format due to COVID-19. Workshop teams of facilitators and coaches structured the pivot to remote learningeffectively and efficiently, reflecting the entrepreneurial mindset that infuses the workshops. Thepandemic created an opportunity to build community and connections using new tools.In this paper we share how the workshop teams of 47 facilitators and coaches restructured theirworkshops, creating value for
foundationalengineering concepts and EML [9]. In particular, incorporating entrepreneurship and businessconcepts together with a design experience when training lower division engineering studentscan lead to higher retention rates and GPAs [10].Emphasizing the EM concept of curiosity among first year engineering students may be welltimed [11]. Design projects at this stage enable students to explore their creativity and practicetheir engineering skills early in the curriculum [12]. Additionally, reflective practice activitiesrevealed that first year engineering students resonated most with the concept of curiosity whenreflecting on themselves as learners, relating it most frequently as a motivator of their learning,part of their learning identity, and a path to
Tech, her MS degree in Biomedical Engineering from the joint program between Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University, and her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Surrey.Dr. Lauren Lowman, Wake Forest University Lauren Lowman is a Founding Faculty member and an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Depart- ment at Wake Forest University and has served in this role since 2018. In this role, she has developed new interdisciplinary curriculum that bridges engineering fields and reflects the Wake Forest University motto of Pro Humanitate (”For Humanity”). Lauren received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Civil and Environ- mental Engineering with a focus in Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics from Duke University, and a B.A
to non-Hispanic White or Asian male genderedpopulations [43]. In the United States, among the students enrolled in undergraduate STEMprograms in 2018, only 18% represented racially minoritized populations [46]. Regardingentrepreneurship, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) reported similar negative trendsin 2012 with racially minoritized business owners only making up 22% of all U.S. businessowners [34] despite reflecting 33% of the U.S. population [48]. These disparities look even morestark when examining the representation of racially minoritized or marginalized populations inSTEM entrepreneurship [4], [5], [24]. These inequalities formed by unequal systems of powercan be further examined through the lens of intersectionality [15
4 2.2 Total 186 100.0Individual Skill Development. Table 6 reports mean scores and their standard deviations foreach of the skills/scales assessed at the beginning (Week 1), middle (Week 6), and end (Week10) of the internship. These results reflect self-assessment by the students at the beginning,middle, and end of the summer program. Mean scores for the group increased for every skillarea. Scores for growth mindset and creative mindset remained stable. They were not explicitlytargeted by the curriculum for the program.Table 6. Individual Skills Assessments at the Beginning, Middle, and End of InternshipSurvey of Intern Team Effectiveness
chance to reflect on their improvements and progressand realize where designs might fail. This is a critical piece in the engineering self-efficacy development[13]. Second, it allowed the professor the opportunity to understand which students required moreindividual support and design coaching in the classroom. Those that were independently problem solvingand constructing could be left to their own devices. Those that were stuck were offered more guidance andprompting to help move the activity along. If the activity were done in teams, those that struggled to getstarted might not get the opportunity to independently construct limited fidelity prototypes due to the natureof team dynamics and would miss this critical part of the design realization
, which can leadto discoveries of new knowledge and innovations. These learning outcomes can impact classmates,community members, and/or society. Figure 1. The progression of active learning pedagogies employed within the Cardiovascular Engineering course.Overview of the Innovation-Based Learning PedagogyAs with many active learning pedagogies, IBL works between two frameworks Constructivist andCynefin. The IBL pedagogy uses aspects from the traits of constructivism: student-centeredlearning, interdisciplinary lessons, collaborative lessons, reflection, and assessments [4