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Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Denny Davis, Washington State University; Jerman Rose, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
• Business plan rehearsal (part 2) • Business models12 • Conceptual business model review • Feedback on business plans13 • Business plan preparation • Business plan competition14 • Business plan presentation to class • Formal design and business reviews • Business plan competition15 • Reflection on course and learning • Reflection on course and learning • Course and team reviews • Course and team reviews Page 12.679.5Course Goals and Learning OutcomesThe overall goal of the course is to prepare students for the professional challenges they will facein entrepreneurial
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akash Choudhary, University of Missouri; Donald Myers, University of Missouri; Halvard Nystrom, University of Missouri; Mihir Gokhale, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
to understand the impact of entrepreneurship in terms of abusiness education in general 4, 9. However, little literature could be found to analyze theeducational impact of an entrepreneurship course and how it affects the entrepreneurial decisionsand interest in entrepreneurship of the engineering students who have taken it.Research purpose This research will try to capture the reflection of former engineering studentswho took a specific entrepreneurship course. This study will try to ascertain whether theseengineering students perceive that the course helped them: choose a career; better understandentrepreneurship and new product development; prepared them to pursue entrepreneurship andnew product development activities; communicate and
Conference Session
Systems Engineering and Entrepreneurship
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Karanian, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Pilot 3 Sensing connection, Expects confrontation, characterThe stories are organized to reflect the perspective that the author takes toward the problem ofdefining entrepreneurial leadership. Story one, defines the term with an extensive illustration ofthe Film Maker’s vision and approach, outlining the emerging attributes through 5 assertions andsets the stage for the remaining stories. The four remaining story results, presented as mini-composites are utilized for building next research agenda steps.Story two makes the case for the life cycle and career path challenges of the female leader as asenior level administrator in engineering education with a focus on sensing connection andexpecting confrontation, referred to as ‘dean’ for
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Coyle, Purdue University; Nancy Clement, Purdue University; Joy Krueger, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
higher education, or community service program, and with the community; and (iii) helps foster civic responsibility; and(B) that- (i) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the community service program in which the participants are enrolled; and (ii) provides structured time for the students or participants to reflect on the service experience.Service Learning thus embodies teaching and learning strategies that integrate communityservice with instruction and reflection to enlighten the learning experience, teach civicresponsibility, and strengthen communities. The National Service Learning Clearinghouse [11]provides a timeline for the development of Service
Conference Session
Critical Success Factors for Technopolis Creation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
W. Andrew Clark, East Tennessee State University; Peter Hriso, East Tennessee State University; Craig A. Turner, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
situations in their own communities; and • That enhances what is taught in school by extending the students’ learning beyond the curriculum and into the community and helps to foster the development of sense of caring for others.”Eyler and Giles2 find that there is an empirical fit between our goals for students and theoutcomes for service learning. They state that “if we want students who are lifelonglearners, can use what they know and have the capacity for critical analysis, thenprograms like service-learning, which help them construct knowledge from experienceand reflection, should form the core of their educational experience. Service-learning,and especially programs with good community placements, application of service
Conference Session
Patenting & IP Issues for Commercializing University-Developed Technology and Launching Innovative Technical Entrepreneurship Ventures in Universities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Schox, Stanford University; David Chesney, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, I modified the syllabus to reflect how I had learned patent law in law school. Iincorporated the Socratic Method and taught from a law school casebook6. The class includedlively debates over the intricacies and nuances of the law, such as the Festo rule7 (the exceptionto the exception to the exception to the rule of infringement). One of my main goals for thecourse was to teach engineers how to determine whether their invention is patentable andwhether making and selling their invention infringes upon a competitor's patent. Despite thesolid attendance by the students and my detailed explanation, some of my students still confusedthe patentability and infringement tests on the exam. Some of the students applied the
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Martin Grimheden, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
participation in external activities provided byother actors of the Swedish innovation system. Examples are participation in innovationcompetitions, existing lecture series and contacts with business coaches.The logbookFundamental for most creative work is the idea log, scrap book or design log. Each studentdocuments his/her own process, reflections and learning experience. This logbook is used anddiscussed in the project meetings to illustrate the process since last meeting.Synergistic integrationIn perspective of the PIEp program, the course described is dependant on receiving knowledgeand experience from the other fields and using all possible mechanisms to succeed in bringingthe ideas to the market. Through PIEp, access to mentors and coaches is
Conference Session
Best Practices in Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Thornton, University of Maryland; Jacqueline Rogers, University of Maryland (Retired); Kristen Waters; Nathan Myers, University of Maryland; Lisa Rawlings, Prince George's Prince Community College
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
includes those who have faced economic and social challengesand many are non-traditional students. The PGCC campus serves people from a wide age rangeincluding students with families and children and the Hillman Program reflects this population.If successful, the Hillman Entrepreneurs Program will provide a replicable model for integratingnon-traditional community college students successfully into four-year colleges. Page 12.1429.5 3Program Setup and TimelineNo precedent existed for the Hillman Entrepreneurs Program, but the working team kept itsfocus on finding and supporting the type of student Hillman
Conference Session
Utilizing On-Line Technology in Entrepreneurship Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry Richards, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
possibletopics. We brainstorm during class, but many good ideas come in after class by e-mail.We typically distribute lists with over 60 possible projects for the teams to select from. I Page 12.422.5had originally planned to let teams form around topics – as we usually do in thetraditional version of this course. But this proved awkward, so we assembled the teamsfirst and then allowed to them to select the topics they wished to pursue. We createdteams to reflect diverse expertise and geographic dispersion. Each team had both on- andoff-site members. In later offerings, we permitted a few teams with all members at asingle location.Titles of the projects
Conference Session
Best Practices in Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kari Clase, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
speakers. In future semesters, the biotechnology option course will takeadvantage of complementary programs on campus that invite guest speakers with topicsrelated to entrepreneurship. An example is the biomedship program, a focusededucational program at -----University that provides formal training in innovation andentrepreneurship in the context of biomedical technology.Finally, it is important to note that some of the comments may be a reflection of thediversity of the students and must be interpreted in respect to Tables 1-3. The studentsthat enrolled in fall 2006 represented the first cohort of the entrepreneur program and thusbecause there were not many option courses available, some students may have taken theclass that were not very
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wilburn Clouse, Vanderbilt University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
organizationsuniqueness in the community as a major contributor to the success of their organization. Thecafé’s target market is members of the Athens community and those affiliated with TennesseeWesleyan College which average approximately 14,000 people. The café will operate at a pricepoint that reflects the demographics of the community it serves, which has an average income ofabout $20,762. The organization’s marketing plan is based on the size of the community theyserve and focuses initially on direct mail and community flyers. The creators of the PhoenixCyber Café predict moderate risk and request $150,000 and predict a net profit of $137,807 inthe first year.Please rate each Project with the following scale with 5 being the highestAppearance 1
Conference Session
Creating a Technology Incubator and Creating a Seed Fund
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Wierman, Johns Hopkins University; Lawrence Aronhime, Johns Hopkins University; Marybeth Camerer, Johns Hopkins University; Benjamin Gibbs, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
motivatingfellow students as employees, negotiating with suppliers, and financial decision-making.Controversial IssuesPerhaps the majority of discussion regarding the formation of HSE focused on a few issues,described in the following sub-sections. While some of these issues were anticipated, othersproved more controversial than originally expected.Bonuses and CompensationAdvisors and supervisors of student agencies at other universities warned that one of the mostdifficult issues would be formulating policies regarding bonuses and salaries for managers.Discussions reflected differing perspectives on the value of simplicity, flexibility, and incentives.The simplest alternative is to pay each manager a fixed percentage of profits of his/her enterpriseat
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen High, Oklahoma State University; Paul Rossler, Oklahoma State University; Martin High, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
students then watched an engaging video about the California-based productdevelopment company, IDEO that set out to redesign the shopping cart. The following isthe out of class assignment. “Using Microsoft Word or other computer document software, write a brief summary of the IDEO video. Did they follow the design process as outlined in class? What did you like or not like about the video? What other comments do you have? This should be about 200 words.”The students wrote some very intriguing reflections of the IDEO video. Commentsincluded: “IDEO’s approach to design and production may seem way out of line to some, but I, personally, think that it is genius. By creating a creative environment, workers no
Conference Session
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Non-traditional Ways to Engage Students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Russell Dinardi, Lafayette College; Sharon Jones, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
increasingdue to the increases in innovative technological advancementsCreative Thinking - The ability to think of original, diverse, and elaborate ideas.Critical Thinking - The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfullyconceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating informationgathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, orcommunication, as a guide to belief and actionEntrepreneurship - Innovation; the process of starting or growing a business orventureEntrepreneurship Education – Programs, schools, and other ways to informpotential entrepreneurs about the tools necessary for a successful small businessLeadership - “The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers