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Displaying all 10 results
Conference Session
New Methods and Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Donald Carpenter, Lawrence Technological University; Melissa Grunow, Lawrence Technological University; Katie Hayes, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
). 2. identify and develop their personal leadership philosophy and approach using written self-reflection and peer assessment. 3. be able to work in teams and use creative problem-solving to develop a project for the purpose of creating positive and sustainable change. 4. be introduced to the concepts of leadership beyond their academic studies (whether professional or personal), including entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.The primary course topics include: ≠ History of leadership theories ≠ Currently practiced leadership models (e.g., relational, shared, situational, etc.) ≠ Individual responsibility and ethics ≠ Diversity and globalization ≠ Team building, working in groups, and inclusive practices
Conference Session
Leadership and Strategic Planning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Cardella, Purdue University; Robert Davis, Purdue University; Shripad Revankar, Purdue University; Loring Nies, Purdue University; Carolyn Percifield, Purdue University; Leah Jamieson, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. IntroductionIn the five years leading up to the beginning of our current strategic planning cycle, the Collegeof Engineering at Purdue had undergone a period of significant growth both in faculty andfacilities. The key questions facing the college centered around how to identify and realize theopportunities that this growth was creating. With this in mind, when the work on the nextgeneration strategic plan began in late 2006, inclusiveness and widespread engagement ofstakeholders were defining goals for the planning process. Reflecting this goal of including alllevels of faculty and staff as well as students, outside academic and industrial experts andalumni,approximately hundreds of people across 25 continentshave been engaged in the preparation ofthe
Conference Session
Post BS Entrepreneurship Education Needs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerome Schaufeld, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Gretar Tryggvason, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; McRae Banks, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
interest in the subject matter Figure 5. The results of student assessment of the course for both the first and the second offering.3.1.3 GradesThe grading of the course consisted on several components: Homework (15%); Projectpresentation and report (35%); Quiz (30%) and class participation (20%).Homework, due in every lecture challenged students to reflect on the reading for the upcomingclass. The write-up was limited to one page and had to provide a synopsis of the material readand a few points for the class discussion of the material. The students initially had somedifficulty with the concept, including limiting it to a page, but after the first weeks there was anoticeable improvement
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Wells, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
in comprehensive documents reflecting product,production system and business enterprise design, as well as the prototyping experience(fabrication and performance evaluation).[6] student learning: The central issue throughout the project was student learning. From theperspective of the capstone experience, the purpose of the project was always focused onexpansion and development of student skill sets and attitudes. By far, the most importantoutcome has been that the three surviving engineering students are ‘scarred for life’ withintellectual habits of innovation and entrepreneurialism.Assessment: There are several measures through which to assess the accomplishments of thisproject. First, the suitability of innovation team projects as
Conference Session
New Methods and Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Reimer, Lawrence Technological University; Margaret Pierce, Lawrence Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
employers and determine thebest strategies for approaching employers who may be eligible to participate in the EIP program. Once the student begins an EIP, they establish brief learning objectives and complete a preassessment survey. Whenever possible, a site visit by an OCS staff member and appropriatefaculty are conducted. At the end of the EIP, participating students complete a post assessmentdocument as well as a brief report about their experiences. These requirements reinforce thelessons learned through reflective writing assignments that challenge them to review andintegrate what they have learned.University – Marketing, Operating, Monitoring, Compensation, AssessmentThe EIP has been designed to be flexible and easy to administer, while
Conference Session
Post BS Entrepreneurship Education Needs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Borchers, Kettering University; Sung Hee Park, Kettering University; Michael Harris, Kettering University; William Riffe, Kettering University; Massoud Tavakoli, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
financial risk) regarding their attitudes toward entrepreneurship. As a baseline, one survey has been given to first year students (n=111) and one to seniorstudents (n=89). Since we exposed none of these students to faculty innovations resulting fromthe workshop, we expected very little difference in their scores – and this is exactly what weobserved. As we survey more students, we expect first year scores will remain constant while thegap between the two groups will increase, reflecting the impact of the faculty innovations duringthe tenure of the student at the university. Figure 1 depicts this hypothesized relationship: E-Ship Attribute Senior s
Conference Session
Post BS Entrepreneurship Education Needs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Shartrand, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance; Phil Weilerstein, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance; Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Katharine Golding, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
businessschools in the U.S., Canada, and abroad. Of the schools that responded, 50 reportedoffering a entrepreneurial program of study (defined as at least four courses in the area ofentrepreneurship). Levie [4] conducted a similar inventory of entrepreneurship educationin the UK. To examine the institutionalization of entrepreneurship, Katz [5] conducted asurvey examining the extent of endowed chairs and professorships of entrepreneurship,finding that between 1999 and 2003, the number of these positions grew by 71 percent.While these studies reflect foundational work on offerings of entrepreneurship in highereducation, and document the growth of offerings, none have paid particular attention toentrepreneurship education within the STEM fields, focusing
Conference Session
Improving Student Entrepreneurial Skills
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University; David Barbe, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
thinkingprocesses need incubating time.Innovators look for diverse opinions and multiple ideas. They self reflect, self criticize, anddevelop good balance between confidence and distrust. They tend to withhold compulsivecriticism of their own ideas, while at the same time make sure that they do not feel that they areexperts or are overconfident.(By the way, the following “fill in the blanks” exercise resulted in more than 120 meaningfullydifferent solutions.)Observing is not enough. Innovators know they must also get their hands dirty. They areexperimenters. They are goal oriented and like to take an idea to its prototype. They have noproblem failing as they see it as part of success, an opportunity to learn from and improve in thefuture. WD-40 so named
Conference Session
New Methods and Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Ernest, Western Kentucky University; Jana Fattic, Western Kentucky University; Ni-Bin Chang, University of Central Florida; Shalini Chitrapu, Western Kentucky University; Paige Davenport, Western Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
reflecting the impacts of lead release in WDSs. The other tworoutine contamination scenarios were related to chlorination and its impact due tothe by-products.During the process of creating the scenarios and their simulations, EPANET wasintegrated into the GIS platform. Tools were developed to correct problemsassociated with working with real world spatial data. Problems included: mainsnot split at intersections, mains not split at junctions (meters, fittings, etc), fittingsmissing at intersections of mains, elevation data missing, missing mains(unconnected pipe network), junctions not snapped to mains, and meter locationsdo not necessarily match locations in water usage file.A rule-based expert system is software that provides the knowledge of an
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dahm, Rowan University; William Riddell, Rowan University; Tom Merrill, Rowan University; Leigh Weiss, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
open-endedprojects that reflect professional practice in the Junior and Senior years. Indeed, most Junior-and Senior-year projects are externally sponsored. The College of Engineering faculty believesthat this progression is logical, taking full advantage of project-based learning and allowingstudents to develop toward professional practice throughout their studies.Like many engineering programs, Rowan University is also striving to develop a sense ofentrepreneurship in their students. The College of Engineering has established a venture capitalfund that allows undergraduate students to pursue entrepreneurial ideas, and has been developingcontacts with faculty from the College of Business Administration. A recently developed techpark that is