career development components with required evaluation and tracking of student participants.Mr. William Pennock, New Jersey Institute of TechnologyProf. Erick S. Vasquez-Guardado, University of Dayton Erick S. Vasquez-Guardado (Erick S. Vasquez) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Dayton. Dr. Vasquez earned his B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering (ChE) at Universidad Centroamericana Jose Simeon Canas (UCA) in El Salvador, an M.S. in ChE at Clemson University, and a Ph.D. in ChE at Mississippi State University.Fahmidah Ummul Ashraf, Bradley University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024WiP: Exploring the Impact of
and has redesigned the course to include a variety of sustainability and climate change(S/CC) topics situated within the context of social entrepreneurship and wicked problems (WPs).Since 2015, the author has been periodically modifying and improving the course. This paperdescribes the redesign and implementation of this course since 2015, focusing on the sectiontaught in 2023, as the most recent iteration of the course.The course focuses on three overarching topics: 1. Wicked problems (WPs). WPs are defined as very complex problems. They are hard to define and are characterized by having no stopping point, no point in which the problem has been clearly “solved” [1]. Climate change has been described as an example of a WP [2
students in STEM majors [5]. Active learning experiences are broadlydefined as activities that students do to further knowledge and understanding of a topic and canbe anything from brief pauses during lectures to allow for reflection to semester-long off-siteprojects. Active learning can be particularly beneficial for the most challenging aspects of acourse, such as the analysis of frames and machines in a statics and dynamics course for whichstudents must apply their knowledge of several previous topics to systems with complexstructures and multi-force member(s). Additionally, entrepreneurial mindset learning (EML) has been incorporated intoengineering programs. Through EML, student learn how engineering principles combinedcuriosity and a
this degree program, were undergirded by the following theory of action:degree programs in social entrepreneurship are more successful when they have aninterdisciplinary focus, and they are guided by and supported by stakeholder engagement.The paper has delineated the theoretical commitments, the processes, and the major takeaways orlessons learned from this co-development process.referencesAlkire, L., Mooney, C., Gur, F. A., Kabadayi, S., Renko, M., & Vink, J. (2020). Transformativeservice research, service design, and social entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary frameworkadvancing wellbeing and social impact. Journal of Service Management, 31(1), 24-50.Author (2022)Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). “Business Employment Dynamics
engage with potential customers, analyzing the market's reception and financialfeasibility of their ideas. EM13’s reflection on the significance of seeing the broader context,beyond mere problem-solving, underscores this point: “I think what gave me confidence ininnovation and entrepreneurship is understanding the bigger picture. It’s not just solving aproblem, but also trying to sell it to someone, having someone pay for it. […] Askingquestions like: what's the problem you're solving? Who are you solving it for? Why are thealternatives inferior, and why is now the right time to solve this? What’s the marketopportunity?”Expanding on this, integrating this big-picture perspective early in the learning process iscrucial for understanding the
observed. The CW scores weresignificantly different between female and male students, except for black/white shading. Therewere no significant differences between the AE scores for female versus male students. Therewas a negative correlation between CW and ISE scores. A correlation between multilingualismand travel with artistic creativity and ISE attributes could not be established. The results illustratethat there are significant differences between artistic creativity and innovation attitudes inengineering students.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based in part on work supported by the National Science Foundation underAward No. 2205067. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s
Curiosity indirect assessment that uses Kashdan etal.’s [27] 5-Dimensional Curiosity Scale were developed by a previous team of OSU researchers[21].The Curiosity indirect assessment applies Kashdan et al.’s [27] Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale(5DC) which has been validated and previously used within an engineering education context[27]. The five dimensions or constructs of Curiosity in this scale are Joyous Exploration (JE - theelements of curiosity that spark joy,) Deprivation Sensitivity (DS – curiosity that causes tension),Stress Tolerance (ST – curiosity that associated with the unknown), Social Curiosity (SC –curiosity with interpersonal interactions), and Thrill Seeking (TS – risky behaviors or situationsone partakes in due to curiosity with
, leadership, teamwork, innovation, and civic andpublic engagement. The survey aimed to understand students’ “attitudes towards professionalskills is to predict their intention to master those skills during college and enact them aftergraduation” [13, p. 1430]. This recent work is focused on helping universities develop curriculathat incorporate professional skill development within technical courses and seems particularlyuseful for engineering educators. Another option might be using the Miville-GuzmanUniversality-Diversity Scale—Short form (MGUDS-S) to determine their openness to andappreciation of cultural diversity [14].Students should be taught creativity theories and methodologies in engineering design courses toincrease creativity in
continuation of this work, this paper involves bothcomputer science and engineering students to connect their theoretical learning to that of their futurecareers.Table 1. Similar Research Performed at Universities Involving STEM & Concept Mapping Author(s) Year Student Focus Activity Results Chiou [8] 2008 Accounting 124 students at the School of The students had Management of a university their thoughts on in Taiwan were enrolled in course subjects an advanced accounting clarified while also
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materials science, the neuroscience of learning, humanitarian engineering, and undergraduate research involvement. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Implementing Entrepreneurial Minded Learning in a First-Year Seminar CourseEntrepreneurially minded learning (EML) was implemented in a first-year seminar course at ateaching-focused public institution in the Southeast United States. Entrepreneurial mindset (EM)is characterized by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)’s 3Cs, which arecuriosity, connections, and creating value. To assist the first-year students with the developmentof EM, a 7-week long project was developed and incorporated into the course
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). All comparisons between pre- and post- responses for each question were statistically significant (p < 0.0001).We analyzed the open-ended responses to uncover themes related to professional skills andempathetic design. When asked the question in the post-survey “What was/were the mostbeneficial aspect(s) of the course to you?” the overwhelming response by 50 of the 52 totalresponses mentioned that the customer interviews, which were a requirement for the businessmodel reports, were the most beneficial. Several other students mentioned that they will utilizecustomers’ perspectives when working in the future: “The most beneficial aspects [of the course] were definitely from the insights and connections
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: “Being motivated to do better after facing failure repeatedly, to bounce back and do better in the future.” “A healthy mindset towards failure is recognizing that failure is possible and always a risk of attempting something new.” “It is being able to fail but not being discouraged but rather thinking ’I’m about to learn something.’ It’s being glad you failed, finding your hiccup(s), and then moving forward with your new knowledge.” “Being open to trying hard things without knowing the outcome.”Despite occasional negative moments or challenges, most students concluded that the overallimpact on their mindset has been positive. Students reflected on their positive adaptations study focuses on testing a pedagogical model designed to foster collaborativeentrepreneurship competencies in students pursuing technical careers. Entrepreneurship as a keycompetence for the economic and social progress of the country. However, the current training intechnical careers does not adequately cover the collaborative skills associated withentrepreneurship. The general objective was to test Moscoso´s pedagogical model that integratesspecific competencies, such as leadership, team communication, and team mediation, within thecurriculum of technical careers. The specific objectives focused on designing and proposing apedagogical model for the development of each of these competencies, comparing responses to aquestionnaire applied
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discussion activity in the workshop investigated in thisstudy is like the AUT, but two major differences: (1) the participants were given physical objectsthat they can explore by their senses and (2) the participants were asked to determine the object’sbasic function(s) along with its societal functions and metaphorical connotations. By giving theparticipants physical object by asking the participants to think of the societal function of anobject, the workshop facilitator invited participants to expand their thinking to include thesocietal context beyond one’s individual experience. Furthermore, by asking the participants tothink of metaphorical connotations, the workshop facilitator invited participants to furtherexpand their thinking and dig
entrepreneurship.However, no organization or program aims to integrate entrepreneurship and STEAM withsustainability simultaneously. For instance, KEEN (The Kern Entrepreneurial EngineeringNetwork) partners with more than 50 colleges and universities across the United States. KEENfocuses on teaching undergraduate students the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) so they can createpersonal, economic, and social value through a lifetime of meaningful work.Also, in sustainability and specifically in the AEC industry, there are many governmentprograms and non-profit organizations at the local, national, and global levels, such as U.S.Green Building Council, Engineers Without Borders (Designing Sustainable Solutions), andWorld Green Council.Moreover, since the early 1990’s
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Dr. Najmus Saqib is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Marian University. He has been teaching in his field since 2017. Saqib is passionate about student learning. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines, focusing on ”Optical Diagnostics of Lithium-Sulfur and Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy”. At Mines Saqib was a member of the MODES Lab, led by Dr. Jason M. Porter. His work on Li-S batteries was the first of its kind to use quantitative infrared spectroscopy for operando polysulfide measurements. He has also applied operando spectroscopy to improve the understanding of electrolyte decomposition mechanisms
., D. Moore, M. Natishan, L. Schmidt, Shirley Vining Brown, C. Lathan, I. Goswami, and S. Mouring. 1999. “Faculty and Student Views on Engineering Student Team Effectiveness.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 5 (4)., Megan, and Richard Goldberg. 2022. “Work in Progress: Creating Micromoments to Develop a Student’s Entrepreneurial Mindset.” In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition., Jiri, and Esat Alpay. 2023. “The Retention of Information in Virtual Reality Based Engineering Simulations.” European Journal of Engineering Education, January, 1– 20. https
and example of sections that were repeated for each class period. Figure 2. Examples of open-ended sections of workbook.The Impact Portfolio included four distinct sections, three of which explicitly connected to theKEEN 3Cs. The curiosity section asked students to find a video and article that connected withtheir professional interests and provide a summary of main takeaways and connection to theiroverall interests and goals. A section emphasizing connections required students to identify onesustaining and one disruptive innovation in their field of interest, the innovation process thecreator(s) took to implement, and the impact the innovation has had on the specific field andsociety. The creating value section asked students
studies. Then, wewill delve into the discussion section, where we will interpret the results within the context ofexisting literature and theory. This section will also explore the practical implications of ourfindings for educational institutions. Finally, we will conclude by offering a reflective summaryof the significance of the study and its contributions to entrepreneurial education research.MethodologySurveyA Cronbach's Alpha of 0.890 was attained during the survey validation process for theEntrepreneurial Competencies dimension and 0.876 for the Entrepreneurial Intention dimension.Table 1 shows the corresponding Cronbach´s Alpha reliability analysis by dimensions.Descriptive statistics were used in sample characterization for data analysis
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