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Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Veera Gnaneswar Gude P.E., Mississippi State University
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Environmental Engineering
and thinking through writing. Exploratory writing exercise involved atopical discussion of stormwater treatment process. A formal writing exercise was given in theform of a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) assignment which included a peer–review session prior to final grading. A reflective writing exercise was included to summarizelearning experiences through classroom and writing activities throughout the semester to identifyareas of strengths and weaknesses and accomplishments and pitfalls and areas/topics for futuredevelopment.Student learning experiences and the effectiveness of writing exercises were discussed. Thebenefits of writing exercises were evaluated through the ABET outcomes and a survey andevaluation of students
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon L. Isovitsch Parks P.E., University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown; Laura J. Dietz, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
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Environmental Engineering
integrated extensive oral andwritten communication practice, including writing, presenting, interviewing and networking withprofessionals, along with traditional engineering design skills. In addition, classroom lectureswere supplemented with a combination of on-site industry tours, guest lecturers, peer review oforal presentations, and a team design project from an actual consulting firm project. Studentsatisfaction measures on the various classroom activities as well as industry professional andfaculty measures on end of term student communication skills are presented.MethodsA senior level, undergraduate, civil engineering/technology elective on water and wastewaterengineering was designed to integrate oral and written communication skills
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fethiye Ozis P.E., Northern Arizona University; Meliksah Demir, Northern Arizona University
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Environmental Engineering
learn” remains to be one of the biggestchallenges college students face in their first year, especially when we take nation-wide readinglevels into consideration (US Department of Education, NAEP, 2015). In Fall 2015, a “MindDump” pedagogical strategy was implemented to encourage students to read the class material forpre-exposure. The students have 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence in class to write downeverything they can remember from their reading (Whitman, 2015). Mind Dumps are used as cheatsheets during exams. The same procedure with the addition of guided reading questions wereadapted for the Spring 2016 semester. Aggregated survey results from the first two semesters(N1=78, N2=75) showed that about one third of the students Agreed
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Inez Hua, Purdue University; Loring Nies, Purdue University
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Environmental Engineering
program and unique approaches relative tosimilar programs at peer institutions. We seek a broad systems perspective on addressingenvironmental issues, with a focus on ecological interactions and resilient designs that take intoaccount complexity and connectivity between systems. In the undergraduate curriculum, thisphilosophy drives the early focus on systems thinking and systems understanding and leads tothe inclusion of significant course requirements in ecology, sustainability, and industrial ecology.These course requirements are in addition to those typically found in Environmental Engineeringprograms at peer institutions. A complete list of the program objectives, student outcomes anddetails about the EEE degree requirements are included in
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mueller PE P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mark H. Minster, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
freshmen: Introduction to Sustainability, Rhetoric andComposition, and Introduction to Design. To faculty, the interconnections of these classes areclear and essential to the domains of sustainability, sustainable engineering, and sustainabledesign. In the first three years of the HERE program, however, students tended to see these coursesas only tangentially related. Having students write a proposal to improve sustainability, for 1instance, was seen by students not as an essential engineering skill, but as a composition taskunrelated to “doing something,” which uses engineering skills. As the mismatch betweenobjectives on syllabi and comments on
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley A. Striebig, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
and Management at Arizona State University, Cornell University’s Science of Earth Systems major, the University of New Hampshire’s Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, and the Center for Integrated Earth System Science at the University of Texas at Austin.5,6,14,17 Resources for modeling the Chesapeake Bay were developed from various peer-reviewed literature sources and information reported
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pablo K. Cornejo, California State University, Chico
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
and all students should present part of the video uploaded to YouTube (5%).The final choice of a project was made in consultation with the instructor to ensure proper scopeand feasibility. The deliverables for the group project include: (1) forming a group, (2) projectpre-approval (3) project proposal; (4) progress report; (5) final report and (6) an individualnewsletter or group video (all students opted to do the group video). The group project alsoincluded a peer-evaluation component to ensure accountability and fair grading of individual andgroup efforts.Upon forming groups and getting pre-approval for a project idea, groups were tasked with theproject proposal assignment. This assignment entails a presentation
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven J. Burian, University of Utah; Manoj K. Jha, North Carolina A&T State University; Gigi A. Richard, Colorado Mesa University; Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia; John Taber, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
Director for the Global Change and Sustainability Center at the University of Utah where he facilitates interdisciplinary sustainability research initiatives. His research group has contributed new approaches for designing urban water infrastructure, innovative urban databases and water modeling techniques, sustainable solutions for distributed water-energy-food systems in cities, and practical adaptation strategies for water managers facing aging infrastructure, climate change, and other challenges. This research has been funded by NSF, EPA, NASA, DOD, DOE, USAID, National Labs, State Departments of Transportation, and Industry in the U.S. and several countries. More than 75 authored or co-authored peer-reviewed