also offerscourses pertinent to the transportation and automobile industries through its ManufacturingEngineering and Industrial Technology programs.Table 2: Transportation components in ENE & WRM curricula at Central State University Course Transportation-related component(s) – not a complete list Water Transportation Systems Elective Engineering Hydrology Flooding, Culvert Design Introduction Applied Hydraulics Culvert Design Principles Water Model Applications Culvert Design software (Culvert Master) Urban Water Problems Water Quality issues related to land and water transportation Air Quality Engineering Transportation-related Air & Noise issues
#1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] F. Commodore, M. Gasman, C. Conrad, and T.-H. Nguyen, “Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University,” Front. Educ., vol. 3, May 2018, doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00039.[2] O. S. Tan, Problem-based Learning Innovation: Using Problems to Power Learning in the 21st Century. Thomson, 2003. [Online]. Available:
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someone memorable. After looking over my resume, the first question they asked was if I could explain what “a focus in sustainability” meant. They had never heard of a sustainability designation and were intrigued by the unique skillset I could bring. … They were impressed by the curriculum, and … [o]ne interviewer said, ‘I wish I had that when I was in school.’ I became memorable.”L. S. (2020 graduate) said, “As I look towards my life after graduation, I'm confident that the education I received inside and outside the classroom as part of the sustainability designation helped guide my career trajectory. … [M]y ultimate career aspirations are towards sustainability leadership in all of its facets—renewable energy
Paper ID #36861Panel Discussion: Ideas for an Enjoyable and Productive SabbaticalDr. Jean M. Andino P.E., Arizona State University Jean M. Andino is a faculty member in Chemical Engineering and Civil, Environmental, and Sustain- able Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). She earned a Bachelorˆa C™s degree in Engineering Sciences at Harvard University and a PhD in Chemical EngineDr. David V.P. Sanchez, University of Pittsburgh David V.P. Sanchez is an Associate Professor in the Swanson School of Engineering’s Civil & Envi- ronmental Engineering department and the Associate Director for the Mascaro Center for
form (Table 2) in the EOP Activity Worksheet todocument the core LO they chose, the reason they selected that LO, and which ABET studentoutcome(s) would be achieved with this LO, as denoted by the orange circle icon and associatednumbers at the end of each LO (see Appendix 2).Step 4: EOP prompted teams to utilize the physical copies of the EOP Framework:Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Core Learning Outcomes [12] for inspiration and ideas forclassroom activities and resources that they could bring into their selected engineering course tointroduce sustainability to students or to suggest their own ideas of activities/assignments.Example activities provided by EOP included a reading and discussion question, a video thatintroduces a
SDGs in light ofBiblical principles. Finally, students work in small groups to research one or several SDGs todetermine the importance of each topic, current progress toward each topic’s achievement, andprogress yet needed. As a follow-up assignment, students are asked to write a short paper orcreate a poster highlighting the SDG(s) they studied.Discipline-Specific Systems Thinking ModulesWith the final three topic areas (systems thinking, design, and communication & teamwork),multiple learning modules were developed for each relating the topics to specific applicationswithin the field of civil engineering. The first five modules of the SaS framework wereconstructed was to allow them to remain the same for any design discipline, while