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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 340 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Tuesday 5-Minute Work-in-Progress Postcard Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Usama Zahid, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Evin Scott Groundwater, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Yanfen Li, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Celia Mathews Elliott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Michael Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dallas R Trinkle, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kelly Ritter, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; P. Scott Carney, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Marcia Pool, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Karin Jensen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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First-Year Programs
sophomore Bioengineering class, over 50% of students reported feelingunprepared for technical writing assignments (data unpublished), despite some of thesestudents having earned credit for the RHET 105 course. In sum, while the RHET 105 courseprovides many valuable lessons in rhetoric and research-based writing, it cannot provideengineering students with disciplinary-specific skills necessary to write in the genres thatengineering careers will demand.Lack of student preparation for technical writing assignments is one of several challenges thatfaculty face when developing student writers. Teaching technical writing is also very time-intensive. Peer review has been used successfully in some cases, but it requires that students betrained in reviewing
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Professional Skill Development
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Alan Degenhardt, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Brian S. Woodard, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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First-Year Programs
reports which the authors deemed generally unimpressive, so thestructure of the class was changed to address this deficiency. Students now submit two individualwritten assignments prior to the final technical report, which are returned with inline feedbackfrom the instructor. Additionally, students are assigned to blind peer review reports fromclassmates. Evidence has been collected to compare similar final reports between offerings of thecourse, and evaluations show a drastic improvement in the quality of the final reports with theseadditional writing assignments and feedback as part of the course. Surveys are taken at thebeginning and end of the semester to assess student perceptions of their skills in several areas.The results of these surveys
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5A: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Ross Tapia, New Mexico State University; Elizabeth Ann Howard, New Mexico State University; Rolfe Sassenfeld, New Mexico State University
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First-Year Programs
mathematicsco-requisite course to college algebra, in order to reach more students. We have alsoimplemented a mandatory peer mentor led workshop for all students. Peer mentors provide thestudents with an upper classman peer who can provide support inside and outside of theclassroom. In our paper we will continue to discuss specifics regarding the ENGR 100 course,peer mentoring, intervention strategies, and FYE components.Literature ReviewAccording to Kuh (2008)1 freshman year experience programs are highly influential inimproving student success and create positive impact on their pathway to a degree. Keycomponents of successful FYE programs are utilizing learning communities. In addition Kuh(2008) recommends writing intensive curriculums that focus on
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Munden, Fairfield University; Marcia Arambulo Rodriguez, Fairfield University; Djedjiga Belfadel, Fairfield University; Michael Zabinski, Fairfield University
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First-Year Programs
design would best assesscritical thinking skills. This course goal was separate from the engineering professionalismcourse goal. Initially, the individual technical writing assignment (ITW) and the individual oralpresentation (IOP) were chosen as the tools to assess the course outcomes tied to effectivecommunication, and the engineering professionalism goals. Critical thinking was seen more asthe domain of problem solving. However, this meant that the focus of the individual technicalwriting was very narrow in its purpose. The initial focus of that assessment was to demonstratecompetence in writing using a technical style, citing peer-reviewed work, and including correctinformation. These were all skills seen as necessary to proper engineering
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Retention
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado, Denver; Dakota Ryan Edmonds, University of Colorado, Denver
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First-Year Programs
,students covered topics such as purposeful writing, revision and writing process, argument andanalysis, critical reading, research and technology, and multimodality. The course also utilizedthe book Writing in Engineering: A Brief Guide by Robert Irish for student reference. This bookgives guidelines for writing in engineering and was chosen because it was easy for students tounderstand and apply concepts from it. The assignments in the course were broken up into stepsfor the students which included a rough draft process with peer revisions. The ENGL 1020course also allowed students to get support for the research paper they wrote in the ENGR 1208course. Students peer reviewed their research papers in the ENGL 1020 course with the guidanceof the
Conference Session
Potpourri of First-Year Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rod Paton, University of Auckland; Chris Smaill, University of Auckland; Gerard Rowe, University of Auckland
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First-Year Programs
Page 15.587.9this context, the theme that emerged was the use of both self- and peer-assessment in group-work projects and assignments. One important initiative here was the implementation in 2009of peer-assessment exercises. These were conducted fortnightly in tutorials. Prior to “peer-marking tutorials”, students were asked to write solutions to specified questions. At the startof the tutorial these solutions were collected by the tutor who re-distributed them amongst thestudents. A detailed marking scheme was then displayed and the tutor guided the studentsthrough it as they marked the work of one of their peers. The markers were required to awardmarks, write short explanatory notes where marks had been lost, and also write their name
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hyun J. Kwon, Andrews University
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First-Year Programs
. Visual communicationbecame enhanced by 60%; however, writing skill and technical depth decreased by 24%.According to survey results, students favored web publication over conventional term report by92% and felt that it is an effective way to deliver their projects. The results indicate that webpublication could be an exciting and effective way to develop communication skills for thedigital generation. Students still need training in the art and skill of technical writing.Introduction:As we transition from an industrial to digital age, engineering communication must also face thechallenges due to the proliferating use of the internet [1]. The internet provides many types ofcommunication opportunities. Technical communication is evolving because
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Research and Spatial Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cassondra Wallwey, Ohio State University; Tara Gupte Wilson, Ohio State University; Alexander James Egyed, Ohio State University; Olivia Vick, Ohio State University; Michael Parke, Ohio State University
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First-Year Programs
to explore nanotechnology they can incorporate into their designprojects, and develops fundamental technical communication skills. Students are responsible foridentifying reliable scientific literature, reading and understanding the technical language used,and presenting it in a way their fellow peers will understand. This requires the ability tocomprehend technical writing and also consider their audience when presenting the information.Students must have a strong, working understanding of the content so that they are able to clearlyexplain ideas and answer questions from peers and instructors.Assignment 3: Laboratory Data CollectionThree labs take place over the course of the eight-week project timeline. The first of the threelabs spans
Conference Session
The Best of First Year Programs: Best Paper Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noah Salzman, Boise State University; Ann Delaney, Boise State University; Catherine Rose Bates, Institute for STEM & Diversity Initiatives; Donna C. Llewellyn, Boise State University
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First-Year Programs
University Innovation Fellows organization (now part of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, a.k.a. the Catherine Rose Bates, Institute for STEM & Diversity Initiatives Catherine Bates received a bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and Creative Writing from Florida State University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing with an emphasis in fiction from Arizona State University. She serves as the Program Director for the NIH Southwest Bridges to Baccalaureate program and the Program Coordinator for the NSF Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program. In her current role at the Institute for STEM & Diversity Initiatives, Catherine is dedicated to expanding re
Conference Session
FPD 6: Transitions and Student Success, Part II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacy Holander Gleixner, San Jose State University; Katherine Casey, SJSU College of Engineering; Jared T. Tuberty, San Jose State University; Sanela Latic; Patricia R Backer, San Jose State University; Emily L. Allen, San Jose State University
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First-Year Programs
students spoke in panels during dinners including panels withthe peer mentors, advice from first year students, student club representatives, and students withglobal travel as part of their SJSU experience.Enhance Math and Writing PreparationA primary goal was to strengthen the academic success of the EXCEED students. The EXCEEDprogram included ten hours each of math and writing workshops. The workshops were taught byfaculty who teach pre-calculus and remedial English classes using a set of topics designed bysurveying faculty of freshmen and entry level engineering classes on the areas they felt studentsstruggled with the most. The workshops included homework which was also used as a tool toteach time management and study skills.Build Community
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Monday 5-Minute Work-in-Progress Postcard Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica A. Kuczenski, Santa Clara University; Tricia Serviss, Santa Clara University
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First-Year Programs
%)and illustrates effective targeting toward their peer audience.The infographic assignment has been implemented winter quarter 2017 in two sections of theIntroduction to Engineering course (total of 90 students placed in 30 teams) and also in onesection of a Critical Thinking and Writing course (~20 students). The Introduction toEngineering course repeated the assignment and both draft and final rubric assessments wererecorded. The full rubric results are available in Appendix E with summarized results availablein Table 3. The infographic platform chosen by student teams again favored Piktochart (57%)with other platforms chosen including Venngage, Google Slides, MS Word, and various Adobesoftware. The top vote earning infographic posters from
Conference Session
The Best of First-year Programs Division
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laurel Whisler, Clemson University; Abigail T. Stephan, Clemson University; Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University
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First-Year Programs
Westmoreland Academic Success Program. In this capacity, she provides vision and direction for the Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) programs and provides support to the General Engineer- ing Learning Community. She is also co-developer of Entangled Learning, a framework of rigorously- documented, self-directed collaborative learning. She has an M.A. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Continuing to Promote Metacognitive Awareness in a First-Year Learning Strategies CourseAbstractThis complete, evidence-based practice paper builds upon our previous work [1] in
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
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First-Year Programs
teamsatisfaction and student assessments of team contributions. In first year team-based studentdesign courses, instructors use student self- and peer-assessment information to gauge teamfunctioning and even to affect student project scores. However, students’ identity characteristics,such as their gender and race, may impact the scores they receive from others as well as thescores they assign. The poster will also describe the creation of and results from a learning-analytics style investigation of the researcher’s own student team assessment data, and the posterpresentation will allow others to query the data set with their own questions. The final data setincludes assessment information from 620 first-year engineering students working in 132 teamsof 4
Conference Session
FPD V: Increasing Engagement and Motivation of First-year Students
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine S. Zerda, University of Houston; Diana G. de la Rosa-Pohl, University of Houston; Stuart A. Long, University of Houston; Fritz J. Claydon, University of Houston
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First-Year Programs
-represented groups who may not have access to college-educated role models within theirfamilies and who may not otherwise have access to professional and academic engineeringmentors. PROMES was launched at the University of Houston in 1974 and incorporates keyrecommended structural elements such as a formal introductory course for new freshmen andincoming transfer students, clustering of students in common sections of their courses, adedicated study center, and structured study groups.1 In addition, peer mentors assist freshmenand new transfer students throughout the first year.There is a second learning community within the College of Engineering that supports successfor a different, although sometimes overlapping, cohort. This second community is
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Teams and Teamwork
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jean Carlos Batista Abreu, Elizabethtown College; Brenda Read-Daily, Elizabethtown College
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First-Year Programs
stress.Students may enjoy working collaboratively with others on a challenging goal.However, others often express frustration when team communication breaks down, teammembers manage time differently, or when group members’ contributions areinequitable [2].Previous research in engineering education has examined best practices in engineeringand assessment strategies. These practices include instructor-formed teams that do notisolate underrepresented groups, establishing team policies through team contracts oroperation agreements, and providing accountability through peer-evaluations [3].Google’s research on teams revealed that the highest functioning teams providepsychological safety where team members trust one another enough to share theirconcerns
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gregory Edward Simon, University of Colorado Denver; Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado Denver; Miriam Howland Cummings, University of Colorado Denver; William Taylor Schupbach, University of Colorado Denver; Tom Altman, University of Colorado Denver; Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver; Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver
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First-Year Programs
engineering students and develops aconceptual model focusing on STEM Identity for conducting further research. The College ofEngineering at an urban research university is acutely aware of the increased need for retentionprograms in engineering colleges across the US. To respond to this need, a unique mentorshipprogram, the LMP, was established as one of the main components of an Engineering LearningCommunity (ELC) for first-year engineering students. Students self-select into the ELC programand, upon being registered, are assigned a peer mentor. The peer mentors are sophomorethrough senior-level undergraduate engineering students in the college who hold looselystructured meetings with the mentee students. The peer mentors are in turn supported by
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5B: Work-In-Progress: 5 Minute Postcard Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Wayne Freeman P.E., Northwestern University; Ken Gentry, Northwestern University; Jenna Elyse Goldberg
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First-Year Programs
 are advisers and peers. With this in mind, McCormick decided  to hire four advisers that also taught classes in the First­Year sequence. This decision was key in developing a Advising­as­Teaching Model. The advisers teach sections of Design, Thinking and Communications I and II, the Cornerstone Design classes, departmental service classes, or Engineering Problem Solving classes. The goal is to get the advisers in front of the students in either First­Year, Basic Engineering, or Departmental Core Classes. While it would have been easier to hire professional advisers, but the administration thought the advisers would have more credibility if students interacted with them as professors
Conference Session
FPD VI: Presenting "All the Best" of the First-year Programs Division
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeff M. Citty , University of Florida; Angela S. Lindner, University of Florida
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First-Year Programs
courseequivalents of those taken during the summer residential component of the program. Additionalcourses may include general education classes, First Year Florida (a freshmen introductorycourse), courses to complete a minor, and other introductory courses offered by the College.Weekly peer mentor meetings with assigned students are scheduled at the beginning of eachsemester. All students must attend and participate in weekly meetings with their assigned peermentor. Through the weekly meetings, peer mentors write reports on all members of theirassigned students and report on their academic, personal and professional development. Reportsfrom the peer mentors are delivered to the program coordinator on a weekly basis. The reportsare read for thoroughness
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 7: The Transition from High School to College
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caitlin Cairncross, University of Portland; Sharon A. Jones P.E., University of Portland; Zulema Naegele, University of Portland; Tammy VanDeGrift, University of Portland
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First-Year Programs
Page 26.300.6on campus, and participated in workshops on topics such as effective writing and “survivingengineering.” These co-curricular activities were intended to introduce students to differentresources on campus that could be valuable to them, and to call attention to some of the commonchallenges that students face during their first year. Students also went on site visits to localengineering companies, in order to familiarize them with the local engineering community, andgive them an overview of the various career opportunities available within the field.Throughout their time in the program, participants stayed in a residence hall together and had thesupport of a peer mentor, a sophomore engineering student who provided assistance
Conference Session
FPD 3: Research on First-Year Courses
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jess W. Everett, Rowan University; Maggie A Flynn M.A., Elizabethtown College
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First-Year Programs
likely to recognize or talk about academic benefits. Page 23.514.8The most commonly mentioned relevant words used in response to the question “What value doyou think your ELC brings to students?” were community (or similar) (41), academic (14),support (or similar) (13), faculty (11), relationships (or similar) (9), service (or similar) (9),campus (9), study (9), career (8), experiences (7), tutoring (7), connected (7), peers (6), success(6), retention (5), transition (4), classes (4), writing (3) lab (3), advising (3), and mentors (3).Community was again the most common term. Academic, support, and faculty were alsomentioned by at least 11
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Professional Skill Development
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leila Keyvani, Northeastern University; Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University
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First-Year Programs
skills for our first-year engineering students. Although this skill can betaught and assessed, the results of past surveys show that engineering students are inadequatelyequipped to meet this need.This need is addressed by teaching and assessing the three pillars of engineering communication:written, oral and graphical through a series of lectures, activities and group assignments. Forinstance, a series of biweekly group assignments, designed to assess and improve the three pillarsof engineering communication are woven into the project-based curriculum, culminating with afinal project exhibition and written reflection. These assignments, not only assess thepresentation, graphical communication and writing skills of the teams but also their
Conference Session
FPD4 -- Real-World Case Studies & Projects
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Yao, East Carolina University; Gene Dixon, East Carolina University; William Howard, East Carolina University; Ric Williams; Keith Williamson, East Carolina University; Geoffrey Dieck, East Carolina University; Steve McLawhorn, East Carolina University
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First-Year Programs
is an Assistant Professor and Director of ECU Engineering, Inc. at East Carolina University. His research interests include engineering management themes including leadership, followership, team work, organizational culture and trust. Before coming to ECU, he worked in various positions in industry for Chicago Bridge and Iron, E. I. DuPont, Westinghouse Electric, CBS, Viacom and the Washington Group. Dr. Dixon received a BS in Material Engineering from Auburn University, an MBA from Nova Southeastern University and PhD in Industrial and System Engineering and Engineering Management from The University of Alabama Huntsville. He is currently writing a book on the logistical flow of worship
Conference Session
FPD 2: Retention
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anant R. Kukreti, University of Cincinnati; Kristen Strominger, University of Cincinnati - School of Energy, Environmental, Biological and Medical Engineering; Urmila Ghia, University of Cincinnati
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First-Year Programs
. TheirACT scores are 2-4 points below their peer cohort admitted in the CEAS at UC. In addition, onthe UC Math Placement Test (MPT), which is used as a basis for first math course placement,the target students typically score below the cutoff for placement in Calculus I, the first course inthe engineering math sequence and a prerequisite for Physics I. Issue II: inability of the studentsto adapt socially to their new environment1, 2. UC is an urban university with over 30,000students on its main campus and CEAS has close to 3,000 students. This environment presentsparticularly unique challenges to ethnic minorities, women, First Generation, economicallychallenged students, and students from small, rural schools, or from large urban public
Conference Session
FPD10 - Freshman Engineering Introduction to Design
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Montgomery, University of Michigan; Rodney Johnson, University of Michigan
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First-Year Programs
process. Students learnabout design through redesign of common consumer devices. They undertake a market analysisof the device as part of determining design objectives, undertake experimental studies on theperformance of existing products, carry out reverse engineering of two models, and propose adesign for the next generation of the device. As part of this experience they become immersed inthe design process; design and execute experiments; use basic statistics to analyze the needs oftheir users and their experimental results; write technical reports and proposals; and prepare anddeliver oral presentations. We also focus on the students’ growth as competent team members,with an ongoing peer evaluation process that includes individual or team
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica A. Kuczenski, Santa Clara University; Laura Doyle, Santa Clara University
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First-Year Programs
discussionsto write rules and norms for their teams helps to raise awareness in students of these issues. Theresults show a positive impact of the introduced interventions, especially around teamwork andcollaboration with peers. The results offer insights on how we can continue this study and followthe cohort of students through time to see if the impact lasts beyond the first year.Pre-/Post-survey data ResultsResults from comparing the pre- and post-survey results are shown in Table 2. A value of 1indicates No Agreement and 7 indicates Strongly Agree. There was no significant difference inthe survey results for Question 1 either from the beginning to the end of Fall 2020 or between theend of Fall 2019 and Fall 2020. When comparing Fall 2019 (no
Conference Session
FPD3 -- Professional Issues for First-Year Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Mathias, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Lalit Gupta, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Jale Tezcan, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Ronald Caffey, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Bruce Chrisman, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Chris Pearson, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; John Nicklow, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Ernest Lewis, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Rhonda Kowalchuk, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Kathy Pericak-Spector, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Hasan Sevim, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
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First-Year Programs
engineering residential college, and peer mentoring, faculty mentoring,and mentoring by practicing engineers.The introduction to engineering course will include all freshman students in SIUC College ofEngineering. This lecture-laboratory course will provide an interesting description of eachengineering major and allows students to work with hands-on projects that will teach theusefulness of mathematics and basic engineering concepts. The SIUC College of Engineeringhas worked with other departments on campus to offer engineering designated sections of corecurriculum courses, such as math, sciences, English, and speech communication. The summermath course lasts four-weeks and accepts students who test below the pre-calculus level andprepares them for
Conference Session
FPD6 -- Early Intervention & Retention Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Light, University of Washington; Laura Girardeau, Washington State University; Jennifer Beller, Washington State University; Greg Crouch, Washington State University
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First-Year Programs
, organizationalcontexts, and design limitations.Literature Review A variety of methods for evaluating learning communities have been proposed by Moore2Tinto, Love, & Russo,3 and Wilkie.4 Moore used Perry’s5 theory of intellectual development as a basis for measuring theeffects of learning communities. A survey instrument, the Measure of Intellectual Development(MID) which is a survey instrument and an essay-writing test derived from Perry’s work, wasused to determine impacts from the learning community. The MID was given to learningcommunity participants and also to peers who were scored on a 1 to 5 point scale. LLCparticipants showed more developmental gains than their non-participating counterparts. Love, Tinto, & Russo3 approached
Conference Session
FPD VII: Innovative Curriculum Elements of Successful First-Year Courses
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A. Carr, U.S. Naval Academy
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First-Year Programs
scheduled for one lecture session and two two-hour lab/workshops per week for a total of threecredits. Consistent with many “freshman support” programs at other universities, the goals ofthe course are to introduce the midshipmen to the “big picture” of the major for context; tointroduce the midshipmen to each other and develop a mutual support network; and, to provide“tools” for success in follow-on courses. These tools include technical writing, critical thinking,design process, project management, computer programming and software, and engineeringdrafting skills. There is a significant project-based learning (PBL) component to the course. Theassignments include both individual and team submittals. The double “lab” schedule allowsmuch of the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Hinds, Michigan State University; Thomas Wolff, Michigan State University; Amanda Idema, Michigan State University; Neeraj Buch, Michigan State University; Carmellia Davis-King, Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
skills.The development of the MSU Engineering Residential Experience includes much more than justthe physical housing of first-year engineering students in a single residence hall. It also includes Page 15.589.3delivery of student service operations, including career services, freshman academic advisingand peer-led tutoring sessions. Another aspect of our co-curricular program includes thedevelopment of a faculty speaker series and alumni panels. These activities are intended tocompliment the social events offered through residence hall programming.A comprehensive approach to integrating a first-year academic program with a living-learningcommunity
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Work in Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kamau Wright, University of Hartford
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First-Year Programs
the instructors and helping support all thestudents, the assignment of three sub-groups created a clear structure where students had pointsof contact in between sessions, and for subsequent break-out sessions or activities which requiredgroups, it was easy to fall into these mentor groups. It should be noted that all Peer Mentors hadreceived training in the Guaranteed 4.0 Program and were able to check students’ bullet pointnotes and other assignments. In this week, the instructor lectured on the concept of forming goals using the“S.M.A.R.T” technique. Students were tasked with writing down goals for the semester and/oryear, and then reviewing a few ancillary resources online about the acronym of “S.M.A.R.T.”They were then tasked with