approaches undertaken since 2008, in Introductionto Engineering, to introduce freshmen engineering students to critical thinking. Also presentedare recent 2009 revisions to the components of the course, such as the reworking of the casestudies in an effort to encourage students to demonstrate critical thinking. Explicit discussionswith the students regarding the reasons for time and effort being spent on case studies and criticalthinking were also added to the course. The number of critical thinking assignments wasincreased, expanded, and further clarified from the previous year and some assignments werealso redesigned to allow for some peer reinforcement during intermediate stages. Statisticalanalysis of a pre and post assessment of critical
-authorship, decision-making, and thedevelopment of a Personal Action Plan.The synchronous weekly discussion sections, led by near-peer mentors, provide structuredopportunities for students to explore their interests, values, and goals while building acommunity of peers who are partaking in the same type of exploration. Within this supportiveenvironment, students choose from a wide variety of asynchronous modules to explore the fieldof engineering. Students first complete a series of mandatory Foundation Modules that introducestudents to core course themes. Students then proceed to the Exploration Modules andEngagement Modules. Importantly, students choose which Exploration and EngagementModules to complete. Through Exploration Modules, students
had immediate access to many resources (peers, TAs, instructors, spaces) to one wherestudents still had the opportunity to share in the same course resources, but did so to a lesser anddifferent extent than in Y1. In other words, as the larger Y2 course moves more toward aninstitutionalized, standard, more factory-like model, we note the tradeoff in losing some of thebenefits that existed in the smaller implementation of the course as well as some surprising gains.As the size of the Y2 pilot is more realistic for any first-year course at a large public university,we share our lessons learned in the hopes of helping other designers of first-year programsponder the consequences of scaling up any course to fit the standard scale of larger
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Paper ID #29553 Carter Neal is an Instructor in English at the University of Waterloo, where he teaches communications courses in the sciences and Engineering.Dr. Katherine Zmetana, University of Waterloo Katherine Zmetana teaches Communications in the Engineering Profession at the University of Waterloo. She has taught communications and technical writing in the health and science professions for over 20 years.Dr. Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo Dr. Al-Hammoud is a Faculty lecturer (Graduate Attributes) in the department of civil and environmental
to connect to moreacademic support (2); (3); (4). By providing a physical environment for students in engineeringmajors to live, our program has historically allowed students to make academic and socialconnections early in their college career, which better supports their persistence. In recent years,students in the Engineering Leadership Community have taken multiple classes in the samesections together, including a one-credit academic success course and their introductoryengineering lab. This method uses Tinto’s learning community model, helping students to makeconnections between courses with their peers (1).The additional elements of service-learning and project-based learning have brought theresidents of the Engineering Leadership
first-year students, are particularly difficultfor students to succeed as they transitioned to college. Exam formats and expectations aredifferent than what students experienced in high school and vary from class to class. Engineeringmajors report spending a greater amount of time preparing for classes and exams [2]. Manystudents new to college report that they don’t know how to study and prepare for college exams[3], anecdotally reporting that in high school it was sufficient to simply read over notes. Mostnew students are also still building their support network of peers and may solely be studying ontheir own. Additionally, in many courses exams can comprise a significant portion of the finalgrade. Doing poorly on an exam can also have a
addition of the Grand Challenge-basedassignments on student learning outcomes. Thus, the assignments will be retained for futuresemesters but refined to enhance their effectiveness with respect to students’ critical thinkingdevelopment. Efforts should be made to assist students in recognizing the value in using the PEframework to improve and reflect on their own thinking. One possible improvement is givingstudents opportunities to revise their assignments after feedback, thus encouraging them to refinetheir own thinking. Additionally, students will be given opportunities in class to evaluate theirown writing and that of their peers using the PE framework. Like revision, it is hoped that thisactivity will enable students to reflect on their own
consistency of grades, each grader is responsible for grading the same section for eachdeliverable for the entire semester. With this system in place, two instructors and two teachingassistants are able to grade deliverables for nineteen student companies in an afternoon. In orderto assure that students gain experience writing a variety of sections and graders, students are notallowed to write the same section for two consecutive deliverables. More importantly, thissystem actively encourages students to communicate the strengths and weaknesses of sectionsthey have already written to their teammates, enabling an atmosphere where students can teachtheir peers and reinforcing what they have learned. This communication is essential as it helpsall
potential ability whenguided by an adult or more capable peers. In a peer discussion setting, discourse andargumentation can provide learning opportunities within students’ zone of proximal developmentand hence support learning.Findings from Prior ResearchThis paper presents the third stage of a larger study that uses a three-stage sequential mixed-methods approach (qualitative quantitative qualitative). The first and second stagesinvolved the coding of student talk and correlation analyses between self-efficacy, achievement,and discourse type (Yaşar-Purzer, Baker, Roberts, & Krause, 2008). The goal of the third stage isto further investigate and explain what led to the results revealed through the previous stages ofthe study.Results
performance in engineering programs. Toaid in the retention and success of all students, many first year programs have special classes forstudents who many need additional math skill development. Math skills are recognized as essential tothe success of future engineers. However, other skills are integral to the engineering career path.Within industry, it is communication skills that often make or break careers. Technically capableengineers will find their careers stagnating without well-developed communication skills, which are anessential part of engineering work. In fact, it has been shown that engineers spend over half theirworking days (55-60%) communicating both orally and in writing [1]. When engineers were surveyedabout the most important
multinational teams that in the context of the 2007 Dubai AirShow explored different branches of the industry with regards to environmental policies andstrategies. These branches included the airlines, airports, manufacturers, and regulatoryagencies. In addition, a series of workshops on research skills, presentation skills,professional communication and behavior, were offered to prepare the students both for asuccessful experience at the Air Show and to assist them in presenting their findings in aclosing presentation to their peers, a faculty panel, and industry representatives.The results assessment was initially constructed on the assumption that the student motivationto participate in the project would be strong, because a portion of the grade for
, for students who are just learning these processes, auniversal model may not be the best way to build performance skills. This work was undertakento help novices understand unique characteristics of each process and the circumstances underwhich each process is most effective and efficient. This paper examines two tools that werecreated to build this understanding: (i) a matrix analyzing the similarities and differences amongthe processes and (ii) a graphical presentation highlighting key skills that are hypothesized foreach process. Effectiveness of the two tools was evaluated in a freshman design course whereteams of five students work on a six-week design mini-project. Data collected included notes bythe instructor, observations by peer
data analysis showed differentpatterns between male and female students‟ peer relationships and support systems. Furthermore,male and female students also tended to adopt slightly different coping strategies relative to thedemanding course workload. While male students were more likely to form a quick socialnetwork and to build “learning relationships” with “like-minded” others most female studentstended to work alone and exclusively focused on academic work while not seeking more diverseand non-academic social networking opportunities. Each strategy seems to present some positiveand negative consequences.IntroductionDuring the last two decades, there has been growing consensus among engineering educators andpolicy makers that the retention
grades over the course of the semester?Final grades for the course were determined through two individual assignments (20% of thefinal grade), and five team assignments (40% of the final grade), where every team memberreceives the same grade. The remaining 40% consisted of a combination of individual- and team-based grades: reflective journal, peer evaluation, mentor evaluation, and engineering graphics.Because assignments in engineering graphics contribute 20% to the final grade, and were gradedon a pass/fail basis, we compared student performance both with and without the graphics Page 26.1740.2grades.On an overall basis, we have not found a
covered in FYS 101-eng, these topics directly related toteaching the three major process points of SRL (forethought, performance, and self-reflection). The primary mode of instruction for FYS 101-eng was active learning. Most classmeetings started with a short lecture introduction by the instructor (5-10 minutes) and the rest ofthe class meeting was spent in small group discussions where students would answer discussionquestions and report themes of discussion back to the larger group. At the end of each classsession, several reflection questions were assigned based on the topic of the day and studentswere required to write a one page reflection on how they could apply the day’s topic personally.These reflections were collected and graded
this interactivecourse, which introduces students to fundamental engineering skills – including teamwork,design, project management, technical writing, critical thinking, programming, communication(including written, oral, and graphical), and an introduction to engineering research. The courseincludes extensive introductory design pedagogy coupled with project management; includingtwo individual design challenges during the semester, and culminating in a team-basedCornerstone project that all students present at the end of the semester. For conveying keyinstructional topics to the students, a few select classes are held in the EG classroom(s), whileadditional instruction is delivered online via supplementary, instructor-created videos
solving the open-endedproblem wrote: “After some guess and check with various resistors that I failed to write down, Ifound that the best combination, or a possible combination was to use the 40 ohm resistor and the70 ohm resistor in parallel” (emphasis added). Additionally, strategies such as use of a textbookor peers for help would not be discerned through study of student written work. Even ifprofessors do not have access to software that allows recording and annotating of students’ work,or do not have the time themselves to review audio data, the think-aloud process itself could helpstudents develop metacognitive and problem solving strategies that will improve their taskperformance27. The results from this research suggest recommending
introduced the basics of scientific literature searches, hypothesis creation, andresearch methods. The worksheet was instructor-led, but also served as a reference guide as theparticipants completed their research projects. The next activity introduced participants to peerreview and feedback. The participants were able to present their proposed research topics to theirpeers and instructors and get “peer review” feedback, which they integrated into their projectdesign.The next activity was an introduction to writing college-level research reports and incorporatingcitations, beginning with how and why sources are used and how to cite sources properly. Thesession then covered data, information, and statistical analysis. The instructor pointed out
on by Baillie10 in 1998, collated from a survey of over 100 institutions in12 countries, could be viewed as the “combined wisdom about best practice” at that time.She identified six major categories in approaches to first-year engineering programs. These Page 14.736.3were: creating a short introductory course, additional help with one aspect of the course,developing a new or overhauled subject, introducing an entire curriculum change,mentoring/tutoring by staff and peer tutoring. At that time, Baillie identified that the mostcommon way institutions were addressing first-year issues was by the introduction or changeof an existing subject with an
Engineers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Misunderstandings, mistakes, and dishonesty: A post-hoc analysis of a large- scale plagiarism case in a first-year computer programming courseIntroduction In this evidence-based practice paper, we discuss the issue of plagiarism in a first-yearengineering computer programming course. Plagiarism is an issue that can plague any coursethat asks students to submit independently created work. Traditionally, plagiarism has beenassociated with writing assignments, and there are a wide variety of tools and interventionsavailable for both identifying and preventing plagiarism on these assignments. However,although computer programming courses also report a
) and Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) recipient. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014Competing with “Real Classes”: The Value of Performing Ensemble Experiencesfor Non-Music MajorsAbstractDuring the fall semester of 2013, the Band and Orchestra Department and EngineeringEducation Department at a large Midwest university launched an academic learningcommunity to give all students enrolled in first-year engineering courses and in Band andOrchestra ensembles opportunities to obtain common academic experiences during theirfirst year, to form collegial relationships with their peers, and to bond academically andsocially via their passions for music. Data from the
evaluations: two peer evaluations were collected during each module. Most of the students commented that class activities and the project work helped them improve their teamwork skills. However, one student commented that “The peer evaluation papers are the least valuable component of this course, since if you think that one of your teammates is slacking or not putting in enough effort you can just say something to them in person and work it out instead of writing it down. If it really becomes a problem then you can tell the teacher directly.”The fourth statement of the survey is on whether working on a design project increased students’interest in engineering or not. Student survey results in Table 3 show
characteristic and map it to student success.4 However, first we will discussthe benchmark predictors which are in current use.Conventional Predictors of SuccessAs educators we have all too often seen intelligent students who lack desire and ambition, thesestudents sometimes will generate only average or even poorer quality work than peers ofseemingly less talent. Conversely, we relish the students who might be described as less giftedfor learning who triumph over their limitations to produce stellar work because they work hardand aspire to be the best. There has been a significant amount of research done attempting toqualify and quantify success in education, life, and career. This is a clear indicator of thecomplexity of the problem at hand and it is
isolation on campus and other challenges related to their successful transition into theuniversity. Over the years, many strategies have been implemented in efforts to address thesechallenges. These strategies have included peer counseling, faculty, and corporate mentoring,targeted academic support programs, need-based financial assistance, centralized academicadvising, and student transition support. The projected shortcoming of students completing thedegree program create an urgent need for diversity within the field; it is critical to increase effortsto provide first-year and underrepresented students with the academic, social and transition supportneeded to promote their success.The purpose of this research is to introduce the Successful
implementations of web logs in academia reportgroup blogging as well.One of the main drivers of the popularity associated with blogging in academia is its potential to Page 25.620.2create or enhance a highly engaging learning environment3 that promotes interactivity amongstudents and in some cases the instructors. Its general use varies based on course needs; someresearchers report using blogs to (1) gather/share resources, (2) share opinions, ideas andexperiences, (3) exchange hyperlinks, (4) enable peer review, (5) provide instructor feedback, (6)encourage reflective learning, (7) report course news and updates, (8) improve writing skills, and(9) serve
moremanagerial and writing tasks (Strehl & Fowler, 2019). This type of behavior was only observedin non-technical tasks.Male Perceptions of Engineering TeamsTo understand team dynamics, researchers may ask male students about their experiences andobservations on sexism in their teams. In one study, male engineering students were seven timesmore likely than female engineering students to agree that their male peers treated female peersin engineering as equals (Osborne, 2008). This suggests that male students are less likely toobserve inequality in their own contexts and in their own teams, and they likely do not believethey play a part in gendered behavior and discrimination in engineering teams. Another studyobserved a man who had described himself
improve in their abilities to read and write about mathematicalproblems and their solutions, while collaborating with their peers. Finally, a fourth aim of thiscourse was for students to develop and enhance the algebra skills necessary to succeed in this Page 25.170.2course and in their next math course.To accomplish this ambitious set of goals, we designed the course around a sequence ofmodeling activities that would engage students in solving problems, working in small groups,and communicating their thinking throughout the modeling sequence. The central mathematicalidea around which this course was organized is a deep understanding of
,” “innovative learning environments,” and “a context-richapplication of English, Communications and Technology” 1. Specifically, this project aims toimprove students’ writing skills, oral communication skills, and presentation skills by reinforcingthe importance of these skills in realistic, project-based design contexts. Administrators andinstructors within all 3 departments hope the integration will improve students’ learning in alldisciplines, increase academic engagement overall, and create a stronger sense of communityamong students. Large-scale integration on this level is an intervention in the traditional university model,which often times includes strict discipline-based divisions of coursework. In this newarrangement, students in each
presenting their projects to their classmates via an oral presentation, eachteam is given approximately one month to conduct background research on their challenge and toreceive peer feedback from other groups. Student groups are asked to create slides to accompanytheir presentation and are required to include a reference slide listing the resources theyconsulted during this process.Project-based learning assignments like this one, in which students develop their own questionsand propose potential solutions to real-world problems, often benefit from information literacyinstruction (ILI) [4], [5]. Successful ILI interventions empower students to explore the contextssurrounding a problem and to synthesize the information they find in order to identify
. Page 26.293.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Bringing Technology to the First Year Design Experience through the use of Electronic Design NotebooksIntroductionIncluding a coordinated curriculum that provides an atmosphere of collaboration and supportfrom peers with first-year engineering students has been shown to increase graduation rates andthe overall positive experience for students.1,2 Our freshman Introduction to Engineering designcourse strives to accomplish this in part by providing a collaborative real-world engineeringdesign experience that pushes students to work well together to accomplish a design goal. Manyof these first year engineering students take