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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 340 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Michael Chajes P.E., University of Delaware; Lori Pollock, University of Delaware; Kevin R. Guidry; Michael L. Vaughan, University of Delaware; Jeannie S. Stephens, University of Delaware
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First-Year Programs
, specifically, “Project Groups” of 4-5 students from multiple engineeringmajors; and (3) the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering [11]. Technical and careerdevelopment topics, such as energy concepts, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis,prototyping, technical writing, and oral presentations were introduced through small groupactivities and 3 major (3-4 week) design projects. These activities were intended to scaffold theskills needed for three substantive engineering design projects centered on: (1) Joy of Living andUser-Centered Research; (2) Sustainability; and (3) Cybersecurity. Three of the four faculty members who redesigned the course served as course instructorsduring its pilot year in Fall 2015. These faculty members co-taught
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 4: The Best of the All: FPD Best Papers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chao Wang, Arizona State University; Jennifer Mott, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
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First-Year Programs
timely feedback. 4. Students make complex decision on course concepts during class that are reported in simple form.In a team-based learning course, it is recommended that large (five to seven students per team)diverse teams are formed by the instructor at the beginning of the course, and stay consistent forthe duration of the course. To motivate every student to contribute and hold them accountable forin-class teamwork, peer evaluations are used. Either a fixed percentage grade or a scale factor forteam portion of the total grade is often incorporated in the grading scheme based on the result ofpeer evaluations.In a TBL class, course materials are divided into modules. A typical module spans several classperiods. Every module follows
Conference Session
FPD 3: Retention
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudia Elena Vergara, Michigan State University; Theodore Demetrius Caldwell M.Ed., Diversity Programs Office/College of Engineering/Michigan State University; Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University; Subashini Nagendran Sivakumar, Michigan State University; Kyle P. Foster, Michigan State University College of Engineering; Tonisha Brandy Lane, Michigan State University; Rickey Alfred Caldwell Jr.; Lisa R. Henry, Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
duringtheir transition from high school into university life: • Mandatory participation in the Engineering and Science Summer Academy (ESSA). ESSA is a six-week, pre-freshmen summer bridge program that provides information about support units and systems across campus. It also exposes participants to successful academic skills to deal with courses that are critical to the success of all college students but, in particular, students in STEM majors: o Mathematics o Chemistry/Biology o Writing • Mandatory schedule building by DPO staff during their first full academic year and approval of schedule during the second academic year. Due to the amount of time spent
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 1: Retention and Student Success Strategies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Knaphus-Soran, University of Washington; Ann Delaney, Boise State University; Katherine Christine Tetrick, Washington State University; Sonya Cunningham, University of Washington; Pamela Cosman, University of California, San Diego; Tanya D. Ennis, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jana Milford, University of Colorado, Boulder; Donna C. Llewellyn, Boise State University; Eve A. Riskin, University of Washington; Janet Callahan, Boise State University; Kevin Pitts, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Michelle Ferrez, University of California, San Diego
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First-Year Programs
yearengineering and computer science students.At UIUC, Redshirt students take a course for credit that focuses on academic support, studyskills, and engineering projects. This course is similar to an introductory engineering coursetaken by all first year students, but has a stronger focus on academic and professionaldevelopment. Students are also required to take a writing course, introductory chemistry course,introductory physics course, and a math course.Pre-matriculation Summer Programs/Community-BuildingAll Redshirt programs have a required pre-matriculation summer program to help students get ajump start on their academics and begin bonding with their Redshirt peers, though theseprograms look quite different from school to school. At CU-B, UW, UIUC
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Monday Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gustavo B. Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles; Deborah Won, California State University, Los Angeles; Mark Tufenkjian, California State University, Los Angeles; Emily L. Allen, California State University, Los Angeles; Eva Schiorring, Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges
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First-Year Programs
presenting on a particular topic of interestin designing and running student success initiatives, followed by an open-ended discussion.Topics included peer-facilitated learning, web-based advising tools and the use of technologymore generally in career development and advisement, the transfer evaluation process, how tobreak down barriers to collaboration, and the growth mindset (as defined and described bypsychologist Carol Dweck). A quick online reflections survey was made available to the PLCafter each meeting, and summary notes of the discussions were posted on the PLC forum. 1. What is the main reason you came to the meeting today? 2. What is one thing new you learned from today's meeting? (if nothing, please write N/A) 3. What is one
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Metacognition, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation #1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Sura Alqudah, Western Washington University
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First-Year Programs
motivation and engagement as well as increased retention rates and academic performance [3-5].Research indicates that females and underrepresented students (URM) have a lack of sense of belonging inSTEM departments and in engineering, specifically [6-9]. Studies suggest that students’ sense of belongingcan be positively impacted through interpersonal and academic validation which increases with positiveclassroom climate, appreciation of diversity, faculty connection, peer relationships, and growth mindset [10-12]. A work-in-progress paper has been previously published and includes a full literature review related tothis research project [13].This research study took place at Western Washington University (WWU), a public master’s-grantinginstitution
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Virtual Instruction in the First Year 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Haritha Malladi, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Joshua A. Enszer, University of Delaware; Marcia Gail Headley, University of Delaware; Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware
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First-Year Programs
experiencein a face-to-face (FTF) instructional setting. Inspired by well-established FYE curricula [4], [8]–[10], the learning objectives for the course focused on the engineering design process [11], [12],interdependency of the engineering disciplines through NAE’s Grand Challenges of Engineering[13], cross-cutting theoretical concepts such as mathematical modeling and conservation ofenergy, and durable professional skills like teamwork and technical writing. Delivered in a large-enrollment section format (ca. 350 students per section), the course was co-taught by 2-3 facultyinstructors and leveraged a cadre of undergraduate teaching assistants (25:1 student-to-TA ratio)to provide personalized coaching to student teams as they worked through the two
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Integrating Computing into the First Year
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Djedjiga Belfadel, Fairfield University; Marcia Arambulo Rodriguez, Fairfield University; Michael Zabinski, Fairfield University; Ryan Munden, Fairfield University
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First-Year Programs
to teach the course, as well as to incorporate regular faculty feedback into the continuousimprovement process. We can measure the effectiveness of the course improvements due to consistencyin delivery achieved through close peer collaboration as team teachers. The course has scaled up throughteam teaching. The course also builds in year-over-year consistency by incorporating undergraduatestudent mentors and course assistants, who are trained in the assessment methods, after having taken thecourse, so that they can serve as effective Teaching Assistants (TA) in the class to the new first-yearstudents. This has allowed us to offer four identical sections with four different instructors. The course goals are: (I) Create a passion for
Conference Session
FPD6 - First Year Curricula Development
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Ruhala, University of Southern Indiana; Richard Ruhala, University of Southern Indiana; Eric Sprouls, University of Southern Indiana
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First-Year Programs
. Also, a reverseengineering project is conducted early in the semester. The second parallel path in theIntroduction to Design helps student develop skills in engineering communications that theyapply in their design projects for this course as well as for future engineering design courses.Engineering communications include engineering graphics, technical writing, and oralpresentations. Software that students learn in this course includes AutoCAD, Solid Edge,Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Project. Designing this new curriculum gave faculty andadministrators very unique opportunities. This paper will focus on the details and characteristicsof the first-year curriculum, including recent curricular changes and student learning outcomes.Intr
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Work in Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd R. Hamrick, West Virginia University; Lizzie Santiago, West Virginia University; Kristin Brewster, West Virginia University
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First-Year Programs
write a paper for you. Table 1. Examples of behaviors that are considered cheating[1] Copying from another student during a test or quiz Permitting another student to look at your answer during a quiz or exam Copying from an unapproved reference sheet during a closed- book test or quiz Taking an exam for another student Claiming to have handed in an assignment or exam when you did not Copying an old term paper or lab-report from a previous year Copying another student’s homework when it is not permitted by the instructor Submitting or copying homework assignments from previous terms
Conference Session
Innovations in First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Curran, University College Dublin; Colleen Doyle, University College Dublin; Enda Cummins, University College Dublin; Kevin McDonnell, University College Dublin; Nicholas Holden, University College Dublin
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First-Year Programs
and more guidance is provided on the requirements for the compilation of reports andposters. Weeks eight to ten focus on device assembly while technical performance is evaluated inthe penultimate session. A panel of external technical experts visit the University in the finalweek to meet the students, mentors and faculty and to view a display of the devices andaccompanying posters in the main Engineering building. The assessment criteria includeteamwork, minimization of expenditure, device design, innovation, operational safety, systemperformance, project journal submission, report writing, poster presentation and appropriate useof biological and recycled materials. Prizes are awarded to the top teams. Students receiveindividual academic
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Focusing on Student Success
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abigail T. Stephan, Clemson University; Laurel Whisler, Clemson University; Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University; Bridget Trogden, Clemson University
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First-Year Programs
strategies, and positive habits of mind.Laurel Whisler, Clemson University Laurel Whisler is Assistant Director and Coordinator of Course Support Programs in Clemson Univer- sity’s Westmoreland Academic Success Program. In this capacity, she provides vision and direction for the Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) programs and provides support to the General Engineer- ing Learning Community. She is also co-developer of Entangled Learning, a framework of rigorously- documented, self-directed collaborative learning. She has an M.A. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University.Dr. Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University Dr. Elizabeth Stephan is the Director of Academics
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Online Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqueline C. McNeil, University of Louisville; Angela Thompson P.E., University of Louisville; Nicholas Hawkins, University of Louisville
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First-Year Programs
programming platform that provides feedbackon incorrect code entries. The homework problems generally require fewer than 5 lines of codeto answer a homework problem relating to a single programming concept (e.g. define a variable,write an expression comparing two variables, write an if statement), whereas the projects ask thestudent to write a program that accomplishes a specific task requiring blocks of code that can beup to 30 lines long.The comparison being made takes account of two separate semesters of the course, Fall 2016 andFall 2017. In 2016, the programming component of the course was a 6-week portion of thecourse with Chapters 1-6. For this study, the researchers only used Chapters 1-5 to be consistentwith the chapters used in 2017. In
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Focus on Students
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Carol Hulls P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Mary A. Robinson, University of Waterloo
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First-Year Programs
. Purposivesampling of students who remained on campus was used for the interviews to ensure theirperspective was captured by the researchers.Results show a significant number of students, regardless of where they spent the break, studiedinefficiently during the break from school, which is reflected in their academic performance; andstudents who remained on campus while most of their peers left, found the time lonely andlargely unproductive.IntroductionAlthough a fall break has become the norm for many universities in Canada, little research hasbeen conducted to determine the impact of fall breaks on students, whether it is an evaluation asto whether the stated goals of the break – which typically focus on stress and mental health [1] –are being met, or
Conference Session
Interactive Panel on Improving the Experiences of Marginalized Students on Engineering Design Teams
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lorelle A Meadows, Michigan Technological University; Denise Sekaquaptewa, University of Michigan; Marie C Paretti, Virginia Tech; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Debbie Chachra, Olin College of Engineering; Adrienne Minerick, Michigan Technological University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education, Electrical and Computer, Engineering Libraries, First-Year Programs, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Minorities in Engineering, Student, Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering, Women in Engineering
in Engineering Education (FREE, formerly RIFE, group), whose diverse projects and group members are described at She received a CAREER award in 2010 and a PECASE award in 2012 for her project researching the stories of undergraduate engineering women and men of color and white women. She received ASEE-ERM’s best paper award for her CAREER research, and the Denice Denton Emerging Leader award from the Anita Borg Institute, both in 2013. She helped found, fund, and grow the PEER Collaborative, a peer mentoring group of early career and re- cently tenured faculty and research staff primarily evaluated based on their engineering education research productivity. She can be contacted by email at
Conference Session
FPD6 -- Early Intervention & Retention Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Foor, University of Oklahoma; Susan Walden, University of Oklahoma; Tyler Combrink, University of Oklahoma; Lindsey McClure, University of Oklahoma; Deborah Trytten, University of Oklahoma
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First-Year Programs
described through this metaphoricframework. Our students instruct the new collegians to: • set the college stage early by knowing their desired major and being adequately prepared to pursue that major; • engage a supporting cast of peers, patrons and programs to become thoroughly involved in their academic careers; • accept the role of director by assuming academic responsibility including improving time management and study habits, and • anticipate and overcome critic’s reviews in the form of external grades and internal doubts.The data suggest differences in advice given by male and female students and students fromdifferent classifications (i.e., lower division students versus upper division students
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 12: Teaching and Advising Students in that Critical First Year
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Iryna Ashby, Purdue University; Marisa Exter, Purdue University
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First-Year Programs
faculty andtextbooks to tell them what to do [9]. To transition towards independence and interdependence intheir learning and as a result in their ability to advance in their professional field, students needto gain such skills as persistence, positive attitude towards learning, ability to organize andmanage time effectively, seek resources and help with their learning, collaborate with peers togain new knowledge, assess their own work and work done by others, as well as develop and useeffective strategies to conquer new topics or deepen knowledge of familiar topics [16]. In otherwords, they need to develop self-directed lifelong learning skills.It is challenging to teach these types of competencies and skills in a classroom, and
Conference Session
First Year Programs Division Poster Session: The Best Place to Really Talk about First-Year Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria E Goodrich, University of Notre Dame; Leo H McWilliams, University of Notre Dame; Catherine F Pieronek, University of Notre Dame
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First-Year Programs
instructional staff scheduled some optional Engineering Exploration events tooccur during the normally scheduled class time and in the regular class location. Oneexploration, for example, featured the Dean of the College of Engineering speaking NationalAcademy of Engineering’s Grand Challenges. In both years, students documented theirparticipation by listing the events in which they participated and writing a short summary andreflection as evidence of completion.Because students were free to choose events of interest to them, the continued implementationand evolution required understanding what types of events students attended. There is anadditional interest in whether attendance at a certain type of event (or a series of events),characterized on a
Conference Session
Innovations in First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zane Mitchell, University of Southern Indiana; Marco Lara Gracia, University of Southern Indiana; Ronald Diersing, University of Southern Indiana; Glen Kissel, University of Southern Indiana
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First-Year Programs
simulations on higher order control problems. Furthermore,he/she was able to take the HJB equations and find Riccati equations and a corresponding linearcontroller. This is paramount, as further studies of this work will be to extend the results to fourcumulants and possibly other players instead of just a controller.The program continued in the fall semester, though on a limited basis. The main goal for thesemester was for the student to formalize and write a conference paper detailing the technicalresults from the summer. Since there wasn’t as much time to do detailed research and thesummer research was a combination of our work, it was important for the student to write andformalize his/her thoughts and results. The conference paper was one way of
Conference Session
Learning as a Community
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Hinds, Michigan State University; Thomas Wolff, Michigan State University; Neeraj Buch, Michigan State University; Amanda Idema, Michigan State University; Cynthia Helman, Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
in the same residence hall community, it is hoped that an academicallysupportive peer group will enhance the overall experience.Such integration does not come easily. A coordinated plan has been developed to join the Page 14.749.3Cornerstone Experience and the Residential Experience to address the challenges encountered bythe development and implementation teams. These issues include facility location andcomposition including design and construction, gender balancing in a residence hall withpredominantly engineering degree program students, segregating engineering students or mixingwith other majors on single residence hall floors, development
Conference Session
FPD 10: Teamwork
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oguz Hanoglu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Aladar Horvath, Ivy Tech Community College; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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First-Year Programs
, in mathematical modeling activities, the kind of detail infeedback that offers a better learning experience is still not well understood16. The prerequisitefor understanding the nature of effective feedback is to understand how students perceive andrespond to various types of feedback they are provided. The feedback TAs and peers provide andthe way students respond to it when revising their solutions capture important data aboutstudents’ thinking processes. In the literature, these thinking processes have been revealedmostly through an analysis of documented works, such as written feedback and studentsolutions15,17. However, such approaches do not reveal the whole story of students’ interactionswith feedback. The purpose of this study is to
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 3; The Best of All the FPD Papers
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan F. Freeman, Northeastern University; Courtney Pfluger, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University; Joshua L. Hertz, Northeastern University; Chirag Variawa, Northeastern University; Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University; Mark L. Sivak, Northeastern University; Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
teachdesign methodology and to enable the students to practice and improve teamwork skills”.16 Sothe “cornerstone to capstone” model can work for some institutions.In addition, engineering learning spaces are also being built to support undergraduateengineering education, sometimes specifically for first year engineering students. At theUniversity of South Australia, a large new learning space called “Experience 1 Studio” opened in2009 to help students adapt to university life, develop peer networks, benefit from collaborativelearning and engage with their studies.19 In fact, this learning space was shown to help studentstransition to college, especially women and minorities. At Yale University, the new Center forEngineering Innovation and Design was
Conference Session
FPD1 - Early Success and Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alicia Boudreaux, Louisiana Tech University; Kelly Crittenden, Louisiana Tech University; James Nelson, Louisiana Tech University; Galen Turner, Louisiana Tech University
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First-Year Programs
considering student persistence, the first year of college is a critical time; it is then that astudent either finds his/her fit or feels isolated and drawn to leave.3 The first year holds muchuncertainty, and the student needs to move from marginality to a place of mattering within thelarger campus environment.4 Tinto, through vast research on college student persistence, citesacademic integration and social integration as two main influences on persistence; both in-classand outside-of-class experiences are important.5 Comprehensive learning communities like theFreshman Enrichment Program provide a network of students with like interests, whichencourages involvement in both the academic and social aspects of that community.6, 7 Inaddition to peer
Conference Session
Potpourri of First-Year Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; Kenneth Reid, Ohio Northern University; Laurie Laird, Ohio Northern University
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First-Year Programs
AC 2010-112: CHEESEBURGER, FRIES, AND A COKE: IT'S ABOUT THEPRESENTATIONJohn K. Estell, Ohio Northern University John K. Estell is Chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department, and Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science, at Ohio Northern University. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, first-year engineering instruction, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Kenneth Reid, Ohio Northern
Conference Session
FPD 6: Course Content and Educational Strategies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian M. Frank P.Eng., Queen's University; Behnam Behinaein Hamgini, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen's University
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First-Year Programs
by computerizedscoring of student work 3 and computer-supported peer review 4, and considerable success hasbeen found by enhancing lecture time using an interactive classroom format and frequent in-classassessment.5,6 When combined with small group work in approaches like peer instruction,regular-in class feedback has been shown to yield significant learning gains as measured byconcept inventories.5Audience response systems have been widely used to provide feedback to the instructor aboutand their impact on engagement and learning has been presented widely. These include handhelddedicated transmitters, often known as clickers 7,8, and web-based response systems that allowstudents to use their laptops, tablets, smartphones, and SMS to
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 11: Curricular and Program Innovations
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rolfe Josef Sassenfeld, New Mexico State University; John Ross Tapia, New Mexico State University
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First-Year Programs
further engagestudents in their coursework and to introduce freshman to some of the basic concepts ofengineering. A form of “student-centered education” where the instructor acts as a guide to theexperiential learning process is preferred over the traditional class lecture format according toSpencer & Mehler[10]. Hixson[4] refer to this as instructor “role-modeling,” where the instructoradvises and nudges the students through a thought process. The decisions are ultimately made bythe students and they are the owners of their solution. The research presented by Ambrose[1]similarly advocates the use of experiential learning opportunities. To better provide students withtimely feedback, the in-class methods of peer instruction, case studies, and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4B: Assessing Student Motivation and Student Success
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew J Jensen, Florida Institute of Technology; Jessica Ha, Florida Institute of Technology
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First-Year Programs
coordination, as well as thestrength of the student and academic affairs collaboration, mostly depend on the institutionalenvironment and the characteristics of the students, faculty, and staff who will participate12, 13.First-Year SeminarsSince the late 1800s, the primary focus of first-year seminars has been to assist students duringtheir adjustment to college and to increase their chances of being successful14 (Boyer, 1987).Gardner (1986) contends that students are much more likely to be successful throughout collegeif a strong foundation is provided during their first year. As such, the purpose of first-yearseminars is to help students establish a connection with the college as well as their peers. Ageneral assumption is that students will acquire
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 2: Identity and Sense of Belonging
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David R. Ely, Ivy Tech Community College, Lafayette; Jason E. Bice, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kendra A. Erk, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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First-Year Programs
to develop a comprehensive theoretical and numerical multiscale strategy to accelerate the battery design process. He has presented his work nationally and internationally and has publications in several peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he is investigating the kinetics of nanoparticle dissolution at the mesocontinuum level using the phase field method. The goal is to develop a com- prehensive, theoretical and numerical strategy to predict the dissolution kinetics of small particles from experimentally measurable parameters to accelerate the particle engineering process during formulation development. Example applications include researching the effects of engineered particle size distribu- tions in solid dosage
Conference Session
FPD4 - Teaching Methods for First Year Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Haungs, California Polytechnic State University; John Clements, California Polytechnic State University; David Janzen, California Polytechnic State University
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First-Year Programs
Improving Engineering Education through Creativity, Collaboration, and Context In a First Year CourseAbstractOver the past few years, Computer Science and some Engineering disciplines have suffered froma decrease in student enrollment, poor retention, and low women and minority representation. Wesuggest three issues with first-year courses that contribute to this trend. First, students find itdifficult to see how their assignments and course material relate to real-world applications.Second, students tend to perceive engineering as an individual endeavor requiring littleinteraction with peers. Last, early engineering assignments are often overly constrained, possiblyto ease grading, allowing minimal room for student creativity.In this
Conference Session
FPD1 - Early Success and Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Reese, Mississippi State University; Robert Green, Mississippi State University
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First-Year Programs
effort into these courses in order to retain these students in engineeringmajors. However, many of the students in the MSU class, approximately 90%, will decide not tomajor in engineering. While this is a beneficial outcome for the students involved, it limits theamount of faculty effort that the college is able to invest in this course. Other pre-engineeringcourses (e.g., Howard and Musto5; Pazos, Drane, Light, and Munkeby8) use peer team projects orsoftware that students will use in follow-on engineering classes to motivate students to continuein engineering. The typical student in MSU’s pre-engineering designation is not mature enoughto successfully navigate this type of project. In addition, the one-hour format of the course limitsthe types