program’s learning strategies course employed a three-pronged approach towardsusing the LASSI. First, students took the assessment online at the beginning and end of thesemester. Second, students were prompted to reflect on their pre-intervention scores throughstructured reflection assignments at three points throughout the semester. Third, students weresupported by several campus resources in interpreting and improving their performance acrossthe ten LASSI dimensions. The following paragraphs detail these interconnected approaches ingreater depth.Students completed the 3rd Edition of the LASSI [6] once at the outset of the semester and oncemore at its conclusion. Students took the LASSI online, with the first administration due at theend of the
increasing first year students’ understandingof diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues without impacting the overall learning outcomesof the course. These changes included: ● Creation of a pre-class/-lab assignment ● In-class/-lab discussions ● Collaborative creation of team and Class/Lab RulesAt the core of these course additions were case studies related to diversity and inclusion issuespresented at the STEM diversity forum. Students were tasked to read the case studies, reflect onquestion prompts and submit their ideas towards the creation of team or class rules that could beput in place to prevent the situation or what action they would take if they witness similarsituations on their own team or another team. This approach of
most usefulgains connected to their careers.Assessment and Evaluation Student outcomes were evaluated by analyzing results of the Undergraduate ResearchStudent Self-Assessment (URSSA) survey. As part of this program, we administered the URSSAsurvey at the end of the first semester (UIUC IRB #21284) [9]. This scale developed byUniversity of Colorado Boulder evaluates skills-based student outcomes of undergraduateresearch experiences to identify students' perceptions of gains from engaging in research. Whilethe survey response was positive, due to the small size of the current cohort (n=6 students), wechose to use the survey as a reflection tool for program organizers (faculty and staff). See belowfor reflections on the pilot program
studentswithin the classroom if multiple paths are made available to help master the content of thecourse. On the simplest level, this may take the form of asking students what content was unclearat the end of a lecture, and sharing responsibility for the learning of the material by spending afew minutes clarifying those concepts before the period ends. An examination of the function of content suggests that it is ethical to teach less contentin favor of spending a small portion of student energy on self-reflection, helping them to developas learners. When tangential conversations occur about the applications and implications ofcontent in a lecture, instructors recognize these conversations for the valuable learning momentsthat they are, while
introduces students to the notion of inclusion and equity inengineering and has them reflect on the importance of these elements to their development, bothas students and professional engineers. By building awareness of inclusion, equity, andprofessionalism early in students’ academic career, the authors aim to create more inclusive andequitable learning environments that lead to a more diverse engineering student body andultimately, engineering workforce, by increasing student sense of belonging. This paper includesa detailed description of the orientation session, a summary of student feedback, and a discussionon how the orientation has been adapted for online participation.Introduction & BackgroundImpact of Freshman Orientation
, combining the Fall 2019 and Winter 2020 data for a totalof 226 responses. The total incoming freshmen class consisted of roughly 450-500 students, sothe responses were gathered from more than half of the class. These data are useful inunderstanding incoming student preparation, and which areas they may perceive as relativestrengths because of this preparation.We present here the data combined from Fall 2019 and Winter 2020 data, summarized in table 1below. For the areas of project management and secondary research, the majority of studentsgenerally perceived that they had enough or a lot of knowledge in these areas, as reflected byboth their self-reported knowledge and an analysis of their narrative responses. Appendix Aincludes the full survey
selected demographic groups. Females (24.8) reported ahigher level of negative impacts from COVID-19 than Males (26.2). We found no notabledifference in COVID-19 impact between Black or African American students and non-Black orAfrican American students. The data do reflect some noticeable difference in COVID-19 impactand employment status with students who are employed full-time reporting fewer negativeimpacts (29.8), students who are employed part time and students who are unemployed.Students across all income categories report at least some negative impacts from COVID-19 withscores on the index ranging from a low of 24.8 for students with annual household incomes of$20,000-$39,999 to 26.4 for students with annual household incomes of less than
Pre-recorded video: Welcome by Dean1:15 PM Pre-recorded video: Welcome montage of staff, students, faculty and alumni1:25 PM Pre-recorded video: 3 current students share their stories of what helped them feel a sense of community and belonging1:35 PM Break into small groups to engage in self-reflection and facilitated discussions around the following themes: ● Their personal strengths and their mentors who have impacted their lives; ● Envisioning what an inclusive community would look like and how they can build on their assets to contribute meaningfully to create a
, programming the robot to find its way to find entrance and cross the bridge, and reachingthe trebuchet to load the payload.By comparing responses in pre- and post-bootcamp surveys, students indicated an increasedconfidence and ability to solve problems in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus andCalculus. Additionally, the students expressed an increase in realizing the importance of math inlearning CS and ENGR concepts. The paper will discuss the quantitative and qualitative resultsof the surveys. The authors will assess the students’ performance in the ALEKS, discipline-basedprojects, as well as the student success in the math courses during the Fall 2020 online semester.Faculty reflections on the online bootcamp and the differences with
equitably with female students.MethodsData CollectionThe study presented here is part of a larger research project, investigating what contributes todissatisfaction of female students in teams. As a part of that study, we first interviewed fifteenfemale students before interviewing five male students; prior work presents an analysis of thefemale student interviews (Hirshfield & Fowler, 2018), and this paper focuses on the findingsfrom the interviews with male students. Students were first asked to reflect on their projectexperiences, answering questions about their project, their team, how their team divided up theproject work, and if there was anything they wished they had done differently in the project.Next, students were shown a graph
in actual course design/redesign. The lead instructor forthe course has additionally participated in this project via assisting with qualitative dataassessment. To ensure safe spacing, students had designated days when they could attend class inperson, though students could opt to attend online at any time rather than in person.4.2. Data CollectionData included institutional demographic data for students, student survey responses, studentfocus groups, and course observations. Data were collected in the last few weeks of the course sothat students’ responses reflected a full-semester experience. For the written survey, the responserate was 54% (282/522). Missing data analysis pertaining to the four different demographicidentities under study
assignments with due dates reflective of the workcompleted during that time. The students are still required to meet the rigor of the project bycompleting all the tasks; e.g. brainstorming, engineering drawing, Gantt chart, bill ofmaterials, proposal, prototype build and test, and final report and presentation. Within thiswork, a student with ASD may tend towards the details of the design, or the scheduling anddocumentation. The instructor must help the team with coordinating tasks and keepingeveryone involved. Some other academic accommodations the instructor can make are clearand direct classroom expectations, asking precise questions, hands on learning, performingvisual demonstrations, giving more time on essay type tests, using task analysis with
statistical report,” The Ohio State University, Tech. Rep., 2019.[14] National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, “Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering: 2019,” 2019, special report NSF 19-304.[15] P. Ring, L. Neyse, T. David-Barett, and U. Schmidt, “Gender differences in performance predictions: Evidence from the cognitive reflection test,” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 7, 11 2016.[16] L. G. Jones and L. P. Jones, “Context, confidence and the able girl1,” Educational Research, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 189–194, 1989. [Online]. Available:[17] L. S. Dix, Ed., Women: Their Underrepresentation and Career
factors might have influenced their decision. The intent was to better understandhow students, who are uncertain about their choice of major at the start of the fall semester, cometo a decision about which major to declare. And why some students who are more confident oftheir intended major at the start of the semester end up changing their intended major. Theprimary question being asked is: What can the 1st-year engineering program do to better aid students in their choice of major?An estimated 40% of entering 1st-year engineering students are uncertain about their choice ofmajor [1]. This was reflected in the number of 1st-year students at Binghamton University asreported in a survey they were given in
complicated. • I think all the project simulations were as helpful as they could be during these circum- stances. • I think it would still be a challenge for the hands-on experience because of the virtual learning we must use. However, I do feel once we are allowed to go back to school, we will be able to have a much better and improved experience with these projects.From the survey responses collected from the participants, it is evident that many students ex-pressed a better understanding of engineering discipline when the course was offered in virtualmode. These responses do not necessarily reflect the enhanced learning experiences in the virtualmode because only 66% responded favorably rated their experiences compared to 79
expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Khasawneh, M., Bachnak, R., Goonatilake, R., Lin, R., Biswas, P., Maldonado, S.C.,(2014) “Promoting STEM Education and Careers among Hispanics and Other Minorities throughPrograms, Enrichment, and other Activities.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,Conference Proceedings, 2014.2. Martinez, D., Jacks, J., Jones, D., Faulkner, B. (2010). “Work In Progress – RecruitingInitiatives for Hispanic, First-Generation Students.” 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in EducationConference, 2010.3. Enriquez, A., Langhoff, N., Dunmire, E., Rebold, T., Pong, W. (2018). “Strategies forDeveloping, Expanding, and
profession.Recommendations include focusing on cohort formation, designating space and times for studygroups and encouraging use of campus career resources. Additional focus should be put towardsassisting students in applying for and obtaining internships, co-ops, and undergraduate researchexperiences early in their academic careers.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo.1644119. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.6.0 References[1] B. E. Hughes, W. J. Schell, B. Tallman, R. Beigel, E. Annand, and M. Kwapisz, “Do I ThinkI’m an Engineer? Understanding the Impact of
training of mathematics teachers that is at the core of this problem. Since enrollment at UIC, Janet had dedicated her studies and research efforts on Mathematics Socialization and identity amongst pre-service elementary teachers, an effort at understanding the reasons for lack of interest in the subject with a view to proffer solution and engender/motivate interest amongst this group that will eventually reflect in their classroom practices. She is currently a Graduate Assistant with UIC Engage, a commu- nity focused project that provides help for less-privileged students from K-8 in mathematics, reading and writing. She continues to work as a substitute teacher occasionally to keep abreast with current practices
. There is aseparable outcome one is trying to obtain or avoid, such as a reward or punishment. Commonexternal factors are grades or evaluations, which are metrics that have been constructed to“measure” a student’s success and serve as motivation for improvement. Another type ofexternal factor can be derived from another person, such as the opinion of a mentor, friend, orpeer. Intrinsic motivation comes from internal drives and is defined as doing an activity for itsinherent satisfaction [12]. These actions reflect ideas like core values, personal interests, andone's sense of morality. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are considered to be part of the "locusof causality," meaning they are the perceived sources of motivation.The study of rural