engineering-related scenarios, situations, or dilemmas. The students areassessed based on the following: (1) individual or team responses to the engineering-relatedscenarios, situations, or dilemmas discussed in teams in class; (2) a reflective paper on theengineering profession, (3) a peer-reviewed paper on addressing a professional dilemma inengineering, and (4) two team-based assignments—an infographic and a video. Students areassigned to teams randomly by the instructor at the start of the semester (a maximum of 6students per team) and work in the same team throughout the semester, i.e., for the in-classdiscussions and the two team-based assignments.To facilitate team building, students participate in a number of ice-breaking activities. Teams
account for ….. I would rather spend an hour of my time working with the student to get back on track than an hour of my time just writing emails telling explaining why they have zero and all their assignments.Joey’s ability to balance clear expectations with flexibility in the classroom shows how hispersonal PCK is shaping his teaching approach. Additionally, his interaction with students, suchas spending time working with them individually, suggests that he is adapting his teachingpractices to the needs of their classroom context. So, these first-year instructors' personal PCKand the classroom context in which they teach are both important factors that can influence theirpedagogical practices. Effective teaching requires a balance
) Limit social media and cellphone use (n = 1) Social changes Make friends in STEM and non-STEM (n = 1) Join clubs on campus (n = 1) 3 Type of help received Meet with professors during office hours (n = 13) Peer tutoring (n = 7) YouTube and Internet (n = 5) Academic advisors (n = 5) TAs (n = 3) Off-campus tutors (n = 2) 4 Motivation
events.Theme 3: Building Skills for Success – The transition from high school to college can bechallenging for many students. Providing students with effective individualized learningstrategies and boosting their metacognitive skills – an awareness of one’s own thought processes– has been previously identified as critical to enabling success in formal and life-long education[14][15]. These skills for success, including techniques for time management and settingpriorities, active reading, effective study aids, ways to boost motivation and perseverance, andmethods for effective cooperative learning with peers, can positively influence student successand retention within engineering programs [6][7][16]. Learning activities in the course weredesigned to
, and math involved in an engineering course) together insuch a way that student thinking is changed. Referencing Gagne’s design guidance [11], it iscritical to get their attention with an engaging opening and then pair that with a connection totheir past learning.Engineering students are often directed to the major because they are proficient in math andscience, yet they may or may not also possess impactful professional skills (writing, speaking,audio/visual production) that are not typically applied in engineering course work. The use ofthese skills needs to be encouraged as preparation for their engineering career. Recent feedbackfrom industry partners has yielded that many interns and recent graduates are technicallycompetent yet lack the
competencies. Upon the conclusion of the program, theresearch mentors write a letter of completion to the GCSP committee in support of the scholar’sapplication [8].Establishing an effective community of practice, the steps taken this summer to create acommunity between the GCSP-REU’s has effectively established a Grand Challenges ScholarsProgram community of practice that will continue to evolve. For example, the summerGCSP-REUs were invited to participate in a weekly GCSP-REU hangout discussion. Both inperson and virtual options were provided for all scholars (hybrid). By extending this invitation tothe scholars, the research scholars were recognized for their progress and validated by their peersand members of the engineering research field. Both
positive team experiences on average compared to ND and maybeND students. Other course experiences and self-reported learning gains did not differsignificantly between ND and NT students. On the Fall 2023 post-survey, the ND studentresponses were generally similar to those of their NT peers. In FYED courses with significantteam-based work, extra attention to team formation and/or facilitation may be beneficial.Engineering faculty should consider both the assets and the challenges that neurodivergentstudents face.IntroductionIt is important that engineering attract and retain students from a variety of backgrounds in orderto both meet the needs of society by filling job openings and provide diverse perspectives thatimprove engineered products and
and thus effective teamwork?InterventionWe have adopted several modules of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tools for Teamwork:Asset Mapping and Team Processing Handbook [11] to introduce students to important teamconcepts. Prior to forming groups and as part of the Handbook, students are asked to reflect ontheir identities, strengths, communication and conflict styles. As part of this, they complete aseries of self-assessments [12] and generate an asset map where they give thought to how theirlife experiences, not only educational experiences, will benefit a team. For an example of whatan asset map looks like, see examples in [4], [13]. Further, students read several articleshighlighting diversity and engineering and write a short
, present, in theOrganization. presented in correct order. calculations, results, correct order, butSpelling, the wrong Most and conclusion are some lackclarity, fluency, order. Some information is well developed. information.and coherence items correct and Contains Unclear and/orof the text. contain clear. Clear appropriate erroneous spelling. incomplete writing. technical language
improve the retentionof all undergraduate students.Several changes were made to improve retention, both in terms of retaining students inengineering and, failing that, at least retaining them as students at the college. These include theimplementation of a math placement exam, a modification of the engineering curriculum basedon best practices used at other engineering programs for improving retention, and the intentionalgrouping of first-year engineering students in a college success course that was led by anEngineering faculty member and a peer mentor who was a returning engineering student.All of these engineering-focused efforts were coupled with college-wide efforts at improvingretention which included an increase in staffing for the
(1996). His area of research includes engineering education, advanced composite materials, and nondestructive evaluation. He is a fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. His work has been funded by NSF, NASA, DoD, ONR, ARO and AFRL. He has over 350 peer reviewed publications. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Augmenting Introductory Engineering Courses to Include a Collaborative Learning by Design Project: Assessment of OutcomesIntroductionThis Complete Research paper examines the efficacy of a new introductory level course added todegree programs in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, a HispanicServing Institution (HSI). The new course
-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The knowledge provided byspeakers will contribute to students making informed decisions when they decide on the fieldthey pursue.II.1.B. The Professional Skills dimension infuses career-based skills to ensure professionalsuccess and increased employability. The National Soft Skills Association study found that only15% of job success is based on technical skills, and the rest are based on soft skills [21]. TheESS students learned career and professional skills as early as their first semester at communitycollege. Skills, including oral and written communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, andteamwork are incorporated into the curriculum and assessed through resume writing, mockinterviews, and
school had programming experiences.Finally, this study presents the impact of project type and the use of an iterative design project onthe changes in student comfort with additive manufacturing and three-dimensional modeling.IntroductionThe Maker Movement arose from individuals who expressed interest in the creation, design, andmanufacturing of new objects, and the further sharing these experiences with their peers [2].These individuals go by makers. As a result, physical locations that serve as meeting spaces forthese maker communities have been commonly referred to as makerspaces. Makerspaces provideaccess to technology, different trainings, inspiration for ideas, and collaboration among memberswhen developing projects [2]. In 2016, the
activities and interaction with peers, instructors, and academic advisors, on 4-point Likert-type scale from not at all to 5 or more times. • FYS objectives on 5-point Likert-type scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree; and changes in confidence and motivation in educational and career areas on 5-point Likert- type scale from decreased greatly to increased greatly. • Pre- and post-FYS major choice.Non-Student Stakeholder SurveyA short survey about the current and future options for FYS courses was administered to 38 COEnon-student stakeholders identified by the Penn State’s COE Taskforce on First-YearEngagement. Specially, stakeholders were asked about their initial thoughts regarding convertingthe current 1
. B. Yancey, Reflection In The Writing Classroom. University Press of Colorado, 1998.[4] P. Groißböck, “E-portfolios in teacher education: ‘Teaching e-portfolios’ in mentoring processes or peer-learning in higher education,” 2012, doi: 10.1109/ICL.2012.6402153.[5] B. Eynon and L. M. Gambino, High-Impact ePortfolio Practice: A Catalyst for Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Taylor & Francis, 2023.[6] H. C. Barrett and N. Garrett, “Online personal learning environments: Structuring electronic portfolios for lifelong and life-wide learning,” Horiz., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 142– 152, 2009, doi: 10.1108/10748120910965511.[7] S. Rubín and M. Rümler, “E-PORTFOLIO: A METACOGNITIVE ACTIVITY TO
for diversity,going the extra mile in and outside of class to assist with learning [8], [24], [25], [27], [37].Other student support was evidenced in the form of transfer fairs [25], campus visits, careercenter access, computer support, daycare, writing tutors, academic success workshops, and post-transfer information sessions [24]. It was also noted that often transfer support comes most in thepre-transfer phase but that student support should be provided across three points: pre-transfer,pre-enrollment, and first term post-transfer [6]. Similarly related to student support isengagement. Ways to improve student engagement to increase transfer student capital includedengaging with peers, role models, and peer mentors [6], [46]; developing
2: Phase 2 milestone scheduleMilestone Description of the Deliverable1: Problem A typed mini-report that describes the problem statement in paragraph form. The first fewStatement sentences should describe why the work is being done. The final sentence should begin with “Design a…” and include discussion of constraints and criteria necessary for achieving success. Be very mindful about writing this statement in your own words. Additionally, include lists of the “should criteria” and “must criteria”. Also include a list of constraints.2: Generate A typed mini-report with hand sketches describing multiple solutions, including the materialsConcepts for fabrication
post-instructionfor the CAEN section, which was for Architectural and Civil Engineering majors. The very smallresponse counts and less pronounced changes in the ratings did not result in significantdifferences although increased understanding was reported for all prompts and the studentsindicated they saw real-world applications for the information they had learned.Ratings for all five of the learning-objective based statements for the EECS section, ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science, resulted in significant changes. These were for robot chassisconstruction and wiring, experience using a computer board, ability to write Python programs,and being motivated by competing with classmates. Like for the other sections, students reportedbeing
the quality of institutional management, additional factors have been found thatinfluence students' academic performance in STEM degree programs. For example, Russell& Zafonte [5] report that first-year students have valuable skills that enable them to succeedin their careers, such as critical thinking. Nevertheless, this study argues that studentsconsider writing skills and collaborative work less important for their career development.Regarding those mentioned above, it has been widely documented that university studentsrequire a broad set of skills to be successful in their careers. For example, it has been shownthat collaborative work helps students to promote conceptual learning, developcommunication skills, foster interdependence
taught Industrial Design for over 29 years at various institutions: Rhode Island School of Design, Ohio University, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, The Art Institute of Colorado, Pratt Institute, Parsons School of Design, and the Istituto Europeo di Design in Madrid, Spain. He has practiced product design and exhibit design in New York City, Denver and Madrid, Spain, and has helped write a patent and developed concepts for Colgate Palmolive among other companies. He has written two books, Perspective Sketching and Hybrid Drawing Techniques for Interior Design. Hi area of specialty is concept drawing for product design, digital rendering, design thinking, and product development.Jake Scoggin, University of
Excelling Ph.D. Students. He has published his work in various peer-reviewed journals in science and engineering education, including IEEE Transactions on Education, Studies in Educational Evalua- tion, and Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Dr. Lavi is the inventor of the SNAP Method® for structured creative problem-solving (US & UK trademarks).Cong Cong, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDr. Yuan Lai, The Pennsylvania State University Yuan Lai, PhD, is a lecturer in urban science and planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include urban science, urban informatics, and future connections between computer science and cities to address urban socio-technicMr. Justin A. Lavallee
this study. Thecriteria used were the following. (1) The main focus of the paper must be on engineering, science, or STEM students more broadly. While there is important work to be done with students in other fields, our focus was on the STEM classroom. (2) The paper must have been published in the last twenty years. Given how much high- achieving and honors programs have changed through the years, we thought only getting the research from the last two decades would yield the most useful results. (3) The paper must be from a peer-reviewed journal or academic conference. We wanted only high-quality studies to be part of the systematic review and felt this criterion would better ensure quality. (4) The
significantly modified or new learning outcomes for Fall 2022): 1) Students will develop critical thinking, writing, technology, and research skills. 2) Students will demonstrate competency in accessing WMU resources and services and will make meaningful connections with faculty, staff, student leaders, and peers to facilitate success. 3) Students will understand the requirements to earn their bachelor’s degree in CEAS. 4) Students will be aware of neuroscience-based learning tools and will understand responsible personal, academic, and social behaviors needed to be a successful student. 5) Students will create a personalized wellness plan highlighting the importance of emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual
image processing that find markers in acomplex background or control a background to find an object in an image.An example of the first type of task—find markers in a complex background—is used in aproject where students create a semi-automated toy for a hypothetical child with a disability.The toy launches a ping pong ball at a target. The distance and angle to the target is found usingmachine vision, and then the launcher is turned and raised or lowered to reach the target. Todetermine the distance, fiducials are placed on the target and the students must write code to takean image of the target in a complex background and find the pixels in the image that correspondto the fiducials. The size and or distance in pixels between fiducials can be
and becomes a larger percentage of the class.We have several activities that help students to develop their engineering identity and exposethem to real world examples of engineering in our lives. Students write a “microstory” tointroduce themselves by describing an event or experience with engineering that led them to takethis class. Student also conduct an interview with a non-engineer to discuss the impact ofengineering on their work.For another activity, students give a short presentation on an “innovation in engineering”. Thegoal is for students to explore the engineering considerations behind recent innovative products.These are fun and interesting two-minute presentations in which a student describes a recentengineering innovation. They
faculty to develop linked engineering and writing classes; they emphasizedanalyzing data and tailoring communications to a particular audience [12]. Another schoolintegrated chemistry, mathematics, engineering, and physics [13]. They maintained a cohort ofstudents throughout all four courses, students worked in the same teams of four in all of theirclasses, they quickly became friends and formed study groups, and retention was improvedcompared to traditional (non-cohort, randomized) students.Several engineering programs have incorporated service learning into their courses, to emphasizethat the engineer’s role in society is to solve problems in the service of humanity [14, 15]. Somecolleges have partnered with local non-profit organizations [16
ofoutreach program goals, by setting a goal of the program to increase students’ level ofknowledge and clarity around the engineering domain and career trajectory. This wouldresult in a better student-field fit, thereby increasing the likelihood of continued participation inthe program. In addition, it could potentially decrease their likelihood of future attrition from ormigration within a four-year degree program. It can also help inform program activity design -for example including peer-connections and panel events to connect outreach programparticipants with current students and researchers from various engineering domains allied to theoutreach participants’ selected field of study. This provided the outreach program participantswith a richer
Program information Connections to peer mentors & supports SJ: Data on belonging in STEM ADEI definitions Identity & Examples of equity in STEM Bias & Prejudice Belonging How identity pertains to engineering Social Identity Wheel (case studies) Story Sharing ENGR: Engineering design process Socially just mindset & contexts How Engineers Role of failure in design Social impact of product/design Make Decisions
Northwestern’s Advising-as-Teaching model in which the first-year advisors and the first-year engineering program instructors are one and the same.Dedicated first-year instructors and advisors, as at Northwestern, were not feasible in ourengineering programs however, most notably because our engineering students share a firstsemester engineering design experience, rather than a first year design experience We insteadaimed to replicate what we perceived as the most influential and helpful elements of theNorthwestern Advising-as-Teaching model – regular, meaningful, interactions between studentsand their 360 Coach and E-Team (engineering team) peer mentor. Our 360 Coaches may achievethis regular interaction within the context of the first-semester
inequities. In addition, she is interested in technology and how specific affordances can change the ways we collaborate, learn, read, and write. Teaching engineering communication allows her to apply this work as she coaches students through collaboration, design thinking, and design communication. She is part of a team of faculty innovators who originated Tandem (, a tool designed to help facilitate equitable and inclusive teamwork environments.Christopher Brooks, University of Michigan ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Analyzing Patterns of Pre-Semester Concerns in First-Year Engineering StudentsAbstractThis complete research