remain substantial opportunitiesto improve the quality even further in subsequent offerings of this course. The quality of theMentoring and Education sections was found to have the greatest improvement followed bypresentation organization. It can be noted that presentation delivery and answers to questionswere above the ‘better’ rating. The originality of the research idea was uniformly rated lower.This aspect of the proposals has been a highly debated one among the departmental faculty withdiffering views on the benefits to the students if the requirement is an original idea or simplytheir existing Ph.D. research project. This score is likely a reflection of that ongoing debate.In section B, faculty were asked to rate their assessment of the
I would be smart enough to do that, or, I would have enough expertise to do that. One of the big things that I got out of my experiences [at my University] is understanding the importance of reflection, and understanding, thinking back over my life, and about choices I‟ve made, and what‟s meaningful, and what I learned. − EmmaAlex adds to Emma's comments what he learned from the PhD experience: The appreciation for what makes good research. So it took me a while to realize that, you didn‟t just have to find a reference, you really had to find all the references. And you had to look at all the work that‟s been done not just here‟s something somebody did, I‟m building on it. End of story