engineering concepts, is relatively scarce. Page 26.1608.4 Graduate students’ views on teaching are in part a result of their departmental culture,revolving around the perceived status of who teaches and who doesn’t. Even though Feldon etal.’s study on graduate student teaching presents “direct, performance-based evidence ofimprovement on specific research skills associated with teaching experiences that complementtraditional graduate research training”[16], teaching is still considered a separate role withoutpositive impacts on research or the faculty career. In many engineering departments, there is aperception that teaching is “grunt work
doliterature reviews when they need it. The instructor also invited a guest speaker attend the classvia distance to provides tips on how to present a technical paper in a conference or meeting. Page 26.1342.5Figure 2. The course structure including the units and major topicsStudents’ feedbackThe end-of-semester surveys completed by students indicate that they are overall satisfied withAnlys. of Res. in Ind. & Tech.’s textbook [5]; however, in most recent survey students gave alower rank to the textbook. In fact this issue was brought to in the classroom during the lastsemester (fall 2014) when the course was offered. In addition, the majority of
advanced education or career advancement. Many Morgan State University (MSU) graduate students come from economically disadvantaged families and have very limited financial support for their full-time graduate study. Some of them solely count on the scholarships provided by the school or have to take out student loans. Supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), NASA research grants and other Federal research grants, many MSU engineering graduate students have been involved in applied research projects with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Army Research Laboratory, and the local industry. These projects include but
, including: Please first indicate the amount you consulted with each of the groups below and the degree to which they were resistant or supportive of your decision to pursue a PhD. Please indicate how important each of these factors was in your decision to attend to graduate school prior to enrolling. Please indicate how much you used each of the following sources of information when you were selecting a PhD program. Please rate how important each type of information was when selecting a PhD program: Did you already know the topic of your dissertation work prior to beginning your PhD? Did you already know which professor(s) you wanted to work with prior to your PhD?Returners considered numerous factors
Page 26.1685.6collaboration on paper search and selection very easy and transparent. An example of a well-organized submission on Zotero is given in Figure 1. The final product was a summary reviewreport along with annotated bibliography.Specific tasks for the instructor in our implementation included: 1. Defining a general research-like topic which will contain iSLR as part of it 2. Defining teams 3. Setting up collaborative tools (Zotero) 4. Selection and distribution of initial paper(s) 5. Engaging engineering area librarian 6. Following weekly program of tasks and deliverables (i.e. our protocol) 7. Weekly meetings with students 8. Assessment of final reports based on rubricIn
STEAM-inspired interdisciplinary studio course. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.6. McCord, R., Hixson, C., Ingram, E. L., & McNair, L. D. (2014). Graduate student and faculty member: An exploration of career and personal decisions. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.7. Delamont, S. (2007). Arguments against auto-ethnography. In British Educational Research Association Annual Conference (Vol. 5, p. 8).8. Holt, N. L. (2008). Representation, legitimation, and autoethnography: An autoethnographic writing story. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2(1), 18-28.9. Ellis, C., Adams, T
traineesprogressed through iFEAT and gained information about the application process, we noted shiftsin perception of the most challenging and most important components of the application process.We also monitored any changes in trainee career aspirations, including candidates’ preferredtype(s) of institutions and academic positions, plans to conduct postdoctoral research, andanticipated application timeline. Data analysis involved looking at trends across survey questions. All questions had eithera numbered rating system or distinct multiples choices for participants to select. Trends weredetermined via either an average of all participant ratings or a percentage of participants whochose that answer. For some questions, participants chose more than
standalone development experiences forstudents who were new to the program, or who might only attend a single session. It was alsoimportant to communicate to students that reading the designated chapter(s) in advance of thediscussion session was not a requirement—students were encouraged to come regardless ofwhether they had the time (or interest) to read “Lean In.”Given the often personal nature of the discussion topics, the curriculum was intentionallydesigned with flexibility in order to be as responsive as possible to participants’ needs andrequests in real time. For instance, the early sessions included a formal time for writing injournals, a member introduction/update activity, a video introducing a professional developmentskill or topic, and
also like to thank Dr. ThomasLitzinger and Dr. Sarah Zappe for their support, feedback, and guidance. Page 26.1575.16List of references1.Association of American Universities Committee on Postdoctoral Education Report. (1998).Retrieved August 29, 2012 from, G. S. (2005). Postdoctoral Researchers: Roles, Functions and Career Prospects.Higher Education Research & Development, 24(1): 21-40.3.Akerlind. G. S. (2010). Developing as a Researcher Post-PhD. In L. McAlpine & G. S. Akerlind (Eds.), Becomingan Academic: International
Baltimore County Shawnisha S. Hester is an Evaluation and Assessment Coordinator. She earned both her BA in Psychol- ogy and MA in Applied Sociology from University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She went on to complete her MSW from University of Maryland School of Social Work. Her research interests focus on using qualitative research methods that measure various phenomena and making connections via an interdisciplinary approach, qualitative evaluation and assessment measurements, increasing the number of minorities in STEM fields, and program development at the graduate level. She has had the oppor- Page
. Suppose R1 andR2 are two rankings from a set of samples S = (a0 , a1 , . . . , aN −1 ). Defining the rank of ai in Rjas PRj (ai ), the RankDistance RankDist(R1 , R2 ) between R1 and R2 is: |PR1 (ai ) − PR2 (ai )| ai ∈S RankDist(R1 , R2 ) = , (10) Nwhere N is the total number of samples.From Equation 10 we can see that the smaller the RankDist(R1 , R2 ) is, the closer R1 and R2are. In our experiments, we compare our method with U.S. News’ results using RankDist. Aswe said before, we are not taking U.S
; Daly, S.R. (2011). The challenges of returning: Transitioning from an engineering career to graduate school. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC.8. Peters & Daly, (2013). Returning to graduate school: Expectations of success, values of the degree, and managing the costs. Journal of Engineering Education.9. Peters, D. L. & Daly, S. R. (2012). Why do professionals return to school for graduate degrees? Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition,, San Antonio, TX.10. Mosyjowski, E. A., Daly, S.R., Peters D.L., & Skerlos, S.J. (2013). Designing a survey instrument for a national study of
engineeringeducation and its impact in the engineering field. The evaluation proposal will not only serve asan indicator of the stage of the PhD program in Engineering Education, but also will serve as amodel to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of PhD programs despite the field.References1. Borrego, M., Development of engineering education as a rigorous discipline: A study of the publication patterns of four coalitions. Journal of Engineering Education, 2007. 96(1): p. 5-18.2. Brophy, S., et al., Advancing engineering education in P‐12 classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 2008. 97(3): p. 369-387.3. Lucena, J., et al., Competencies Beyond Countries: The Re‐Organization of Engineering Education in the United States
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