Paper ID #34637Visualizing Arguments to Scaffold Graduate Writing in EngineeringEducationDr. Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Kristen R. Moore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo. Her research focuses primarily on technical communication and issues of equity, inclusion, and social justice. She is the author of Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action (2019), in addition to a range of articles. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Joenk Award for the best
TransferabilityAbstractData show that underrepresented minority (URM) engineering students have lower rates ofcompletion and higher rates of attrition in their doctoral studies than their majority peers. Toaddress attrition and support students, we have developed a research-based intervention that wecall the Dissertation Institute (DI). As part of a five-year NSF-funded project, we havedeveloped and refined the DI as a one-week intensive writing and workshop experience for URMin the final phases of their engineering doctoral degrees. We have hosted two DIs to date (2017and 2018) and we are preparing for our third DI in 2019. The goal of the DI is to offer practicaland timely experiences for URM doctoral students to contribute to their degree success. At thesame time
included writing code,designing software architecture, and teaching corporate education. His writing in industryincluded design documentation, test plans, proposals, standards documents, process documents,user documentation, and some business documentation. His audience for these documents wasgenerally his peers, and the documentation was intended to be informative, used for training andoccasionally for decision-making. He said that in his industry experience, “everyone assumesyou must already know how to write” because of being a university graduate. He also mentionedthat he modified his writing based on the audience, including their preferences for format, anddiscussed the issue of length and level of detail. In his experience, design documents
Kranov (2009) argues, this type of writing center support produces anenvironment where “students learn through interaction with faculty and peers to becomemembers of their disciplinary communities” that “mimics the adult learning communities thatthey are most likely to encounter after finishing their degrees and beginning their professionallives, thus fostering life-long learning skills” (Kranov, 2009).Scientific Writing Learning CommunitiesThe creation of “scientific writing learning communities” has been another pedagogical modelthat has been shown to be highly popular in addressing doctoral level academic and professionalwriting within engineering. Researchers and practitioners have recently argued that currentprogram designs aimed at
difficulties are not inclusive to them and may be shared by native speakers ofsimilar academic backgrounds. One of us mentioned how he restricted his communications withhis peers and faculty due to his internal belief of the existence of a linguistic barrier.Language Language was the second inquiry subject that we examined. We agreed that language hasmainly influenced us in three ways: (1) Interpersonal Communications, (2) Reading and (3)Writing. While reflecting on our experiences, we identified challenges that were common to allof us. Here we share these challenges and describe different ways we have overcome them.Besides, we provide suggestions to support others experiencing these challenges based on howwe wished these challenges were
Engineering Education, 2021 Minority Student Experiences in Engineering Graduate Programs: Socialization and Impact on Career TrajectoriesAbstractThis paper examines the academic and social interactions during graduate engineering programenrollment among racially underrepresented doctoral and master’s students and how thoseinteractions shape their career goals. Using socialization theory, this study explored dailyinteractions of students with faculty and peers, overall perceptions of fit, knowledge about thegraduate school process, and opportunities for mentoring provided in the institution as well asthrough outside engagement during industry internships. The findings presented in this paperbuild upon an earlier study conducted
parents are frequently unable to help them navigate their educational pathway. 2) Knowing the Rules or Ambiguity: LIATFG graduate students may be unclear about the expectations of graduate study. They may perceive that their peers know the “rules of the game” while they do not know what is expected or how to navigate the system. 3) Living in Two Worlds: Families of LIATFG students are often supportive of college, but may be less understanding of the value of graduate education. LIATFG students may not feel they fully belong to either their family/culture, or within academia. 4) Seeking Support: LIATFG students can have difficulty building the necessary support systems (whether they be social, academic and/or
program.The assessments are centered on the explicit objectives and criteria created for each unit, and onthe synthesis of these units. Formative assessment include abstract writing and reviewing, a 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) style presentation, an impact study, and a graduate student conference withoral presentations and posters. The assignments are not given numerical grades, but the studentsare provided with written feedback from instructors, Teaching Assistants and their peers. Oralpresentations (3MT and student conference) are judged by faculty members, and theentrepreneurship tournament finalists are judged by entrepreneurs from industry and academia.4. OutcomesTo date, the total participation across departments is over 350 graduate students. The
individual responses suggests that the task ofdrafting academic and personal statements for (potential) graduate school applications was themost burdensome assignment. In comparison, many students indicated that they found theassignment to create an academically-focused resume (appropriate for a graduate schoolapplication) helpful, in part because that assignment included a peer-review component wherestudents got immediate feedback during small group interactions.Some of these concerns have been addressed as the EnSURE program evolved over time: forinstance, writing assignments were refined to better align with students’ research activities, andmore instruction was provided on the value of interdisciplinary interactions—as well as
l changes mechanism/medication began to fail. When I started writing my dissertation, I became coping coping completely paralyzed with anxiety. I started seeing a therapist, who mechanism/behaviora mechanism/behavioral referred me to a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with ADHD and l changes/to-do-list changes Generalized Anxiety Disorder at age 32. coping coping The anxiety disorder diagnosis didn’t surprise me, but ADHD did. mechanism/behaviora mechanism/therapy
and non-uniform across graduate students. The result ispotentially leaving many newcomers with gaps in their knowledge regarding the processes of graduateschool. A panel of peers who can make explicit some of the implicit knowledge can help students moreconfidently navigate their environment.The literature on successful transition programs indicates that students should know what services andresources are available to them 5, 15. During these sessions, participants had the opportunity to meetwith personnel from different support departments on campus, including the university librarian who isdesignated to work with the College of Engineering, representatives from the Writing Center, and stafffrom the Graduate School who oversee diversity
, and tools required for classes are provided. The following are key software and servicesprovided.Software § eBooks in one Platform – Vital Source § Microsoft Office 365 § Educational Apps § Productivity AppsServices § Video Production § Closed Captioning § Mobile Device Management § Help DeskAsynchronous LearningThe entire system is set up to be asynchronous learning. This means students can log-in anytime,plan class deadlines around business travel and office projects. Student peer learning experienceis enhanced through discussion boards and group projects, all of which can be accessedasynchronously. Students can also access the MID's course contents and dedicated student servicesusing the mobile platform. These includes
new people and some people I know from before and I think that they may judge me, I do have the fear of not being able to convey my message properly.” “Once, a peer told me that they so much appreciate international students because they work very hard and they can imagine how hard writing would be for them if they had to write in a different language. I believe knowing about that significantly helped me with my self-confidence. Also, my advisor has always been open about acknowledging my struggles and has normalized it for me that I can make a mistake and it’s fine. Acknowledging my hard work has allowed me to be open up about my struggles and not be ashamed of who I am as a scholar. I
needs in their areas.BackgroundCreating a wellness culture, connection, community, and professional sense of belonging arevital elements to all graduate students from the most well-adjusted and engaged to the mostdisenfranchised and fragile. Sense of belonging includes fit in the academic discipline, beingrespected and valued by peers, in the research group, by the faculty, and program representatives.Wellness initiatives not only lead to more engaged and productive students, the initiatives areassociated with increased retention and completion rates (Okahana, H., Allum, J., Felder, P.P., &Tull, R.G. 2016). Creating a thriving culture also enhances recruitment and increases enrollment.Mind, body, and spirit are integral to both health and
on the UMass Amherst campus to students whoare located together with their peers in classrooms abroad. The instruction is synchronous andallows for seamless two-way communication and active student engagement and thus provides anenvironment that is very similar to what students experience in a conventional residential program.By locating the studio on the main campus of the university, regular faculty members can be in-structors and thus ensure that the quality of the program is identical to what is normally taught oncampus. The cohort-based approach ensures that students can form a community, collaborate inthe classroom, and persist in the program.The technology is based on high-quality audio and video, interactive whiteboards, and a
/ethnic minorities (URMs; Black/Hispanic/NativeAmerican), 33.2% reported their household experienced a loss of income during the COVID-19pandemic, 12.0% were students with disabilities, 36.4% were international students, and 38.7%were doctoral students.Measures The survey collected an array of measures on student’s e-mentoring experiences duringthe pandemic. In the mentoring section of the survey, students answered the questions inreference to the primary mentor with whom they learn/work most closely with on campus.Students indicated who their primary mentor was from the following options: academic advisoror thesis/dissertation chair, faculty member, staff member, peer (senior graduate student), orother. To investigate the e-mentoring
Professoriate, students are encouraged to thoughtfully andpurposefully engage with their peers through the course discussions. This is especially true in thelectures covering global perspectives in higher education. Since its inception, the course hasattracted students from a variety of backgrounds around the world. International students in thecourse are invited to present on the educational formats, standards, and requirements of the earlyeducation and higher education systems in their home country. These presentations evoke a richdialogue around differences and commonalities between education systems around the world.Throughout the semester, students are required to keep a weekly journal of their thoughts andexperiences throughout the course, blog
Paper ID #11657”Leaning In” by Leaving the Lab: Building Graduate Community throughFacilitated Book DiscussionsDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Initiatives at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and enhancing
,interactions between students and the instructor and among students are the norm.3.1 Cohort ConfigurationsThe Live Platform we use for instruction supports three fundamental configurations: • One classroom: This configuration, shown in Figure 1(a), connects the instructor with one classroom as described in [6]. In this configuration, the instructor can directly interact with the students in the classroom, and students in the classroom can interact with their peers. • Multiple classrooms: This configuration, shown in Figure 1(b), enables the instructor to interact with multiple classrooms at the same time. Each classroom perceives the instructor as dedicated to their location, but the instructor can monitor all
Paper ID #15171The inGEAR Program: Recruiting International Graduate Students throughUndergraduate Research InternshipsDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Initiatives at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engi- neering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and enhancing
including recent books Lesson Imaging in Math and Science and Effective Content Reading Strategies to Support Scientific and Mathematical Literacy. Dr. Pugalee has also worked with multiple STEM special education projects including the current IES project 5E Model Professional Development in Science Education for Special Educators and the NSF Project, Developing a Systemic, Scalable Model to Broaden Participation in Middle School Computer Science that focuses on computational thinking in science and mathematics. Dr. Pugalee served as part of the writing team for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Navigations series and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Great Tasks. Dr. Pugalee has more than
often fewer formal opportunities to onboard new graduate students inresearch groups. As a result, students can experience difficulty with a lack of understandingexpectations and responsibilities, lack of communication with their mentors, and lack ofcommunity with their peers. To address these challenges and formalize the development of aculture, a civil engineering research group at a public research-intensive university in thesoutheastern United States participated in a retreat. The retreat took place over five days prior tothe start of the fall 2019 semester at an off campus location. The motivation for the retreat wasgrounded in John P. Kotter’s Leading Change process to create organizational transformationand improve the onboarding
thinking skills, communication, teamwork, professionalism, andnetworking. Higher-order thinking skills that students addressed include analytical, critical,problem solving skills, and creativity. Communication includes communication skills with peers,research teams, and people from different disciplines of research, presentation of the researchthrough posters, and writing skills. Professionalism includes persistence, patience, confidence,independence or autonomy, and time management.As shown in Figure 5, before starting the programs, 43% of students valued acquiring knowledgebut it dropped tremendously on the post-survey to 20%. However, practice of techniques/skillswas the area students expressed more on the post-survey (60%) than on the pre
essay: This assignment encouraged students to critically read and analyze literature in the engineering pedagogy field. Students chose one of the module topics described above and were asked to choose at least three readings on this topic out of a list provided by the instructors. The essay prompt required students to challenge the perspectives and assumptions of the readings’ authors in order to develop their own opinions on the topic. 3. Peer observation and reflection: Students observed and were observed teaching by a peer from the class. Observers were asked to provide constructive feedback on strengths and areas for growth, after which the observed student would write a reflection on the process and how
Reading the text, slides and working the problems helps; and getting questions answered in class too Practice, Practice, Practice. What I find most helpful is working problems, both homework and in class activities. I like working on the problems in a flipped classroom because it is giving me a chance to see what I had been doing wrong in the homework. The class activities give us a chance of solving the problems with our peers discussing the concepts that helps. Class activities are helping me.But, basis can be discussed in a more clear way before starting with the class activity. I do like having a work day on fridays where we are simply working on the classroom assignments
entities at the university that align with progression through a doctoral program. Examples of the modules include: ₋ Year 1: time management, success in graduate school ₋ Year 2: responsible conduct of research, data management, teamwork, ethics, mentoring, oral presentations, writing conference abstracts ₋ Year 3: writing academic papers, effective graphics for presentations, networking, responding to reviews, having difficult conversations ₋ Year 4
more approachable to the middle school or high school students. Thesepresentations were practiced for the group during weekly seminars. After receiving feedbackfrom peers and educators, the pairs updated their presentations and took them to classrooms toshare with students. Grad Student STEM Share program provided several leadershipdevelopment opportunities of specific and translatable skills including communication, teaching,coordination of meetings and events, follow-up, teamwork, planning, presentation skills, andnetworking, as well as optional leadership coaching. Detailed feedback from the graduatestudents and the teachers whose classrooms they visited was positive and will be presented inthis paper, as well as details on the pilot year
, and suggests the additional challenges that could arise for those doctorallearners in interdisciplinary contexts.Journal clubs, list mediated examinations, and proseminars are three pedagogical approaches thathave been discussed in writings on doctoral education. Golde identifies the first two of theseapproaches, journal clubs and readings lists, as signature pedagogies by which differentdisciplines address goals of helping doctoral students learn to work with the literature [8].Journal clubs, which are common in medicine and biological sciences, are somewhat formalsettings in which individuals come together to discuss pre-chosen scholarly articles. Because theprocess of reading a single article is repeatedly made visible in the journal club
2015 23 13 9 Total 45 22 (49%) 19 (42%)A major feature of the SIIRE program is student enrichment through the participation inprofessional development programs [3, 4]. SIIRE students are encouraged to participate inresearch and co-op or internship opportunities throughout their academic tenure to better preparefor graduate school or employment. Faculty, local engineers from industry and peers havevolunteered to serve as formal or informal mentors for SIIRE students, either individually or insmall groups.Professional development workshops are regularly hosted for the SIIRE students on a variety oftopics, including [3]: • Resume Writing and Job Search
alpha (α)EFFECTS OF STEM CLIMATE ON MENTAL HEALTH 4 Lack of interpersonal Participant describes feeling 0.796 0.006 support in academic unsupported by their professors, setting mentors/advisors, peers/friends, colleagues, or general program climate within the academic setting Difficult interpersonal Participant describes difficult 0.885 0.003 interactions with peers, interpersonal interactions with staff, post-doc, etc. program staff