.7 Because of the relativelylimited research on peer review of oral presentations as a way of giving graduate engineeringstudents the feedback they need to improve, this paper necessarily draws on some of theliterature on peer review of writing on undergraduate and graduate levels, in engineering andresearch in higher education, and extrapolates some findings to oral presentation peer review.The paper focuses on why peer review is useful, different methods of it, and several classroomexamples.RubricsEffective peer review is only as good as the criteria on which it is based and the instructionprovided. Yet, similar to the process of learning to do oral presentations, engineering graduatestudents often lack formal training in performing peer
program.The assessments are centered on the explicit objectives and criteria created for each unit, and onthe synthesis of these units. Formative assessment include abstract writing and reviewing, a 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) style presentation, an impact study, and a graduate student conference withoral presentations and posters. The assignments are not given numerical grades, but the studentsare provided with written feedback from instructors, Teaching Assistants and their peers. Oralpresentations (3MT and student conference) are judged by faculty members, and theentrepreneurship tournament finalists are judged by entrepreneurs from industry and academia.4. OutcomesTo date, the total participation across departments is over 350 graduate students. The
individual responses suggests that the task ofdrafting academic and personal statements for (potential) graduate school applications was themost burdensome assignment. In comparison, many students indicated that they found theassignment to create an academically-focused resume (appropriate for a graduate schoolapplication) helpful, in part because that assignment included a peer-review component wherestudents got immediate feedback during small group interactions.Some of these concerns have been addressed as the EnSURE program evolved over time: forinstance, writing assignments were refined to better align with students’ research activities, andmore instruction was provided on the value of interdisciplinary interactions—as well as
and non-uniform across graduate students. The result ispotentially leaving many newcomers with gaps in their knowledge regarding the processes of graduateschool. A panel of peers who can make explicit some of the implicit knowledge can help students moreconfidently navigate their environment.The literature on successful transition programs indicates that students should know what services andresources are available to them 5, 15. During these sessions, participants had the opportunity to meetwith personnel from different support departments on campus, including the university librarian who isdesignated to work with the College of Engineering, representatives from the Writing Center, and stafffrom the Graduate School who oversee diversity
] While there is nosingle motivation for plagiarism, scholars have identified three primary factors such as differentcultural views of the issue, lack of ability with the English language, and lack of knowledge orskills in citing references.[9-17] Other reasons for plagiarism can include the ease of using, andaccessibility of, material on the Internet as well as poor time management. [10] Some studentsmay also lack the motivation to complete an assignment, lack knowledge of how to write it, orlack knowledge of how to properly cite sources.[18] These factors also contribute to thelikelihood of cheating. Time management failures, running out of time for the assignment orwaiting until the last moment and then copying work without citations are other
Paper ID #15171The inGEAR Program: Recruiting International Graduate Students throughUndergraduate Research InternshipsDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Initiatives at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engi- neering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and enhancing
in a meaningful way to create an enriching learning experience. Moreover,designing assessments that stretches students’ thought-process is critical to engineeringpedagogy. This is implemented in the course as structured threaded discussion forums, governedby instructors that provide thought-provoking guiding questions followed by peer discussion.This essay also explores the design and implementation of virtual laboratory sessionscomplementing the bi-weekly homework assignments and a final project. It describes theassessment design decisions, based on the overall course learning outcomes, taken to suit theonline learners. The aim of this essay is to inform, the community of asynchronous onlinecomputer engineering educators, of assessment
Reading the text, slides and working the problems helps; and getting questions answered in class too Practice, Practice, Practice. What I find most helpful is working problems, both homework and in class activities. I like working on the problems in a flipped classroom because it is giving me a chance to see what I had been doing wrong in the homework. The class activities give us a chance of solving the problems with our peers discussing the concepts that helps. Class activities are helping me.But, basis can be discussed in a more clear way before starting with the class activity. I do like having a work day on fridays where we are simply working on the classroom assignments
relevant literature to cover topics in three segments:developing an academic brand, preparing for job search and job application materials, andflourishing in an academic job. Specific topics included: Segment 1: understanding the job and job market, creating a professional brand using an e-portfolio, and establishing positive professional identity Segment 2: conducting a job search, developing research, teaching and service philosophies, acquiring interview and negotiation skills, and finding alternate career paths post-graduation (if unsuccessful in academic search) Segment 3: writing grants publishing, and
during the first semester in which theyare appointed. The TA certification workshop is based on research and best practices ineducation – it takes a hands-on and interactive approach in covering the following topics:understanding undergraduate students and the culture of higher education in the United States,principles of student success, fundamentals of pedagogy, student learning styles, questioningstrategies to increase student engagement, and managing the practical aspects of a TA position,such as working with faculty, grading, office hours, and resolving student issues. TAs are eitherobserved during their classroom/laboratory session or are required to participate in a teachingpracticum session, where they are evaluated by their peers. These
forces compellinguniversities towards professional doctorates. Specifically for XXX University, as a nationallyranked land grant STEM-intensive institution, it is obligated, i.e., compelled, by its land grantmission to bring practical knowledge and capability to the constituencies it serves – and businessand industries as well as individual people are the two most important constituencies!Furthermore, in the move towards a knowledge economy and for the foreseeable future, theimportance of the need for advancing of technology, innovation and related entrepreneurship18and intrapreneurship was noted by Wessner19 writing for the National Research Council. Alsoacting are cultural influences such as those in Germany where senior executives have earned
Paper ID #15175Learning to Conduct ”Team Science” through Interdisciplinary EngineeringResearchDr. Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Purdue University, West Lafayette Catherine G.P. Berdanier holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University. She earned her B.S. in Chemistry from The University of South Dakota and her M.S. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. Her research interests include graduate-level engineering education, including engineering writing, inter- and multidisciplinary graduate education, innovative and novel grad- uate education experiences, global learning, and
interpretingdata, conducting experiments, and locating and learning from literature. A study by Berdanier etal. examined the knowledge, skills, and attributes graduate students intending to pursue work inacademia and industry identified as important.5 Both groups of students emphasized problemsolving, meeting deadlines, communicating with a particular audience (both orally and inwriting), strong analytical ability, managing multiple projects, working in teams, and meetingdeadlines. Skills and knowledge emphasized exclusively by students intending to pursue industrycareers tended to industry-specific, like writing technical reports and learning new technologies.Those graduate engineers entering academia also emphasized skills that related to their