Management, Reliability for System of Systems, and Systems Simulation. He is a topic leader in systems thinking, including systems theory and complex systems, for the Society for Engineering and Management Systems (SEMS). Prior to joining the doctoral program at ODU, he worked as a systems analyst and operations officer for five years. He is a past proceedings chair of the American Society for Engineering Management and is currently a member of the Academy of Management and Institute of Industrial Engineers. He holds a BS in Business, an MA in Operations Management, and PhD in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University.Mr. Parker Jones, Mississippi State University BS Industrial EngineeringEmily S. Wall
Awarding S-STEM Scholarships to Current StudentsAbstractLamar University in Beaumont, Texas was awarded an NSF S-STEM grant “Industrial andMechanical Engineering Scholars with Scholarships, Career Mentoring, Outreach andAdvisement, Professional Societies and Engineering Learning Community (SCOPE) S-STEMProgram” in 2015. Unlike most scholarship programs that target incoming students, thisscholarship targets enrolled students who have demonstrated successful progress towards aMechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering degree by having minimum grades of B inCalculus I, Calculus II and Physics I and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. The SCOPE programrequires scholarship recipients to be an active member of the
class, did not have any work experience.These numbers are important to show why it is essential to design the class with a focus onpractical applications, and structure the assignments with this focus, which we will discuss inmore detail below. Table 1 Learning Outcomes Covered by Each Assignment/Activity Targeted Learning Assignment/Activity Description Outcome(s) Case studies, quantitative problems, conceptual short Homework
various contextsfrom training to education. While the use of games varies substantially depending on thepurpose(s) and benefit(s) of the game provider and gamer, recent a recent literature surveyindicates that majority of attention has been paid on the affordance of the games in other wordsdeveloping and evaluating prototypes, while focus was comparably less on the actual use andeffectiveness of games [1]. Regardless of the effectiveness and generalizability of educationalgames, more and more serious games are integrated into engineering curricula as computer-based,manual, and virtual reality-type; and a scientific consensus is established on the fact that gamesand interactive simulations are more dominant for cognitive gain outcomes [5]; [1
toengineering education because of the link between identity formation, critical for entry andretention into a discipline, and the lack of diversity in United States engineering: “undergraduateengineering education is dominated by [w]hite males. The majority of all bachelor degreesawarded in engineering are to [w]hite males”[4],[5]. Thinking about students’ meaningful writingexperiences as related to enagement may be a way to further examine engagement as a “precursorto persistence”[6].Defining meaningful writing is important to understand its distinction. In the Meaningful WritingProject, Eodice, Geller, & Lerner [3] define meaningful writing as Agentive: develop[s] a sense of agency about [students] as writers, learners, and thinkers
CURE section. For thisreason, we did not advertise or inform students about the planned difference between thesections. Out of a total of 134 students (40 in the CURE section, 94 in the traditional lecturesection), only two changed sections after the first day of class, and this was for schedulingreasons. We note that for this pilot semester, the CURE section started with 110 available seats,and the traditional section had 100 available seats. We think the large difference in studentsregistered was a function of schedules for the S’18 semester.Pilot Program: Research Activities & AssignmentsIn the CURE section of IE271, there are now four research experiences involving the followingtopics: time study and line balancing, ergonomic risk and
- Making Connections Table 3 Pre and Post Student Performance Comparison DOE-F17 DOE-S17 QA-F17 QA-F16 QA-F15 Item (S) (NS) (S) (S) (NS) Course Grade – Average (max. 100) 71.00 66.21 88.39 76.90 71.03 pts.) Grade – Median Course 69.94 62.79 88.92 79.39 71.10 Course Grade - Standard Deviation 9.37 19.00 8.59 12.86 22.03 Course Grade - Minimum 53.75 33.31 74.00 49.49 20.62 Sample Size (N) 28 30
leadership of other healthcare organizations havesimilarly aided in the successful completion of student projects and implementation of theresults.Table1.PartialListofStudentProjectsProject Level of Effort Deliverable(s)Patient falls Two-semester senior Identification of major contributing factors,prevention/reduction design project recommendations, and training programPrevention of retained Two-semester senior Low-tech simulator and training programobjects during surgery design projectRedesign of existing Two-semester senior Customized software package thatperformance measuring design project consolidates
2015).4. Ruamsook, K. and Craighead, C. (2014), "A supply chain talent perfect storm?", Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 12-17.5. Knemeyer, A. M. and Murphy, P. R. (2004), "Promoting the value of logistics to future business leaders: An exploratory study using a principles of marketing experience", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 34 No. 10, pp. 775-792.6. Ozment, J. and Keller, S. B. (2011), "The future of logistics education", Transportation Journal, Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 65-83.7. Arnseth, L. (2015), "The logistics workfroce talent crisis", Inside Supply Management, Vol. 28 No. 6, pp. 20-23.8. Knemeyer, A. M. and Murphy, P. R. (2004
majority of lab experience in LU’s IE curriculum occursduring the first two years in chemistry and physics that is not part of the 2+2 online program.After the 2nd year, a single weekend lab is used for our material process lab where studentsmake a hammer in our machine shop. The Work Design lab is mostly observational studies thatcan be conducted offsite. Computer aid manufacturing and automation labs are software based.Another challenge is students having consecutive multi-semester internship, co-ops and full-timeemployment where they take classes part time that extends the average time to graduation andcomplicates reporting program effectiveness including NSF S-STEM grant effectiveness. Highperforming students tend to take longer than 4 years
] Darwish, H., & Van Dyk, L. (2016). The Industrial Engineering Identity: From Historic Skills to Modern Values, Duties, and Roles. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(3), 50-63. [2] Ozis, F., Pektas, A. O., Akca, M., & DeVoss, D. A. (2017). How to Shape Attitudes Towards STEM Careers: The Search for the Most Impactful Extracurricular Clubs (RTP). Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. [3] Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008). Advancing Engineering Education in P‐12 Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 369-387. [4] Carr, R. L., Bennett, L. D., & Strobel, J. (2012). Engineering in the K
work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate ResearchFellowship Program under Grant No. 1651272. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAmbrose, S. A. (2010). How learning works : seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Ammar, S., & Wright, R. (1999). Experiential learning activities in Operations Management. International Transactions in Operational Research, 6(2), 183.Anfara, V. A., Brown, K. M., & Mangione, T. L. (2002). Qualitative Analysis on Stage: Making the Research Process More Public. Educational
International Education in Business, vol. 4, pp. 6-29, 2011.[5] A. Aytac and V. Deniz, "Quality Function Deployment in Education: A Curriculum Review," Quality and Quantity, vol. 39, pp. 507-514, 08 2005.[6] J. W. Denton, V. Franke, and K. N. Surendra, "Curriculum and Course Design: A New Approach Using Quality Function Deployment," Journal of Education for Business, vol. 81, pp. 111-117, 11/01 2013/10/03 2005.[7] A. Crişan and R. Enache, "Designing customer oriented courses and curricula in higher education. A possible model," Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 11, pp. 235-239, 2011.[8] J. S. Pérez and F. G. Aleu, "Industrial Engineering Approach to Develop an Industrial Engineering Curriculum," IIE Annual
ID: 186; Line: 12) 1 Read the poem line as is I say it’s important to focus on what people want the most 2 Highlight words within the line that reference I say it’s important to focus on what people want the most supply chain key terms 3 Extract the phrases that reference supply focus on what people want the most chain key term(s) 4 Relate it back to the general supply chain Item Classification concept(s) referenced. In this case there are Different Level of Importance two. These now become the condensed codes Table 2. Identification and extraction of supply
, VOP.Introduction“Customer experience is critically important; it is broken, and fixing it can be veryprofitable. Corporations removed major quality defects in the 80’s, re-engineered businessprocesses in the 90’s, and now it’s time to take on the next big challenge for corporateAmerica: Customer Experience”1.Six sigma has garnered recognition in the manufacturing sector, its applications in theservice industry are not yet well documented2, the nature of services and the wayscustomers tend to evaluate service quality face important challenges for six sigma3, due toservice quality is a function4 of differing customer perceptions over time5.Service Quality can be defined from two perspectives: operational is the operation’sassessment of how well the service
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Applied to Engineering Student Project Teams: A Research Review. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(4), 472-512. 2. Chapman, K. J., Meuter, M. L. Toy, D., & Wright, L. K. (2010). Are Student Groups Dysfunctional? Perspectives From Both Sides of the Classroom. Journal of Marketing Education, 32(1), 39-49. 3. Ennis, R. H. (1993). Critical thinking assessment. Theory into practice, 32(3), 179-186. 4. Facione, P. A., Sánchez, C. A., Facione, N. C., & Gainen, J. (1995). The disposition toward critical thinking. The Journal of General Education, 1-25. 5. Froyd, J. E., Borrego, M., Cutler, S., Henderson, C., & Prince, M. J. (2013). Estimates
with the students the more standard sensitivityanalysis: change in price of goods, change in price of key raw material(s), change in price ofutilities, change in price of labor. These are the ones sometimes discussed in design textbooks.Ask students if that is all there is to a Financial Operational Model? See what the students answerhere. Get them to understand the sheer power of having the engineering design melded to theeconomics. What does that truly mean? Start to get them to see other types of sensitivities that arenot simply linear changes in slope but can have actual minimum or maximum optimal values.Examples include key design specifications to the product, parameter uncertainty in the modelsfor a piece of equipment such as extent of
- Predictor Variables Model 4: Overall Satisfaction in the Classroom (y) Predictor Predictor Description x Instructor Interaction and Feedback t Classroom Environment z Modes of InstructionOrdinal Logistic Regression as a Modeling TechniqueOrdinal logistic regression models are a specific extension of multiple regression models, whichuse many predictor variables that have an effect on the dependent variable. These models areused to explain an ordinal dependent variable given one or more independent variable(s).25Specifically, this model was chosen because the
of 1. Transportation Engineering ITennessee- catoid=1&catoid=1&navoid=104Knoxville &filter%5Bitem_type%5D=3&filt 2. Transportation Engineering II er%5Bonly_active%5D=1&filter %5B3%5D=1&filter%5Bcpage% 5D=9#acalog_template_course_fil ter Civil Engineering29.Texas A&M 1. Transportation EngineeringUniversity 10_ug_catalog/course_description s/index.htm Civil engineering
:// Deming, W. E., Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 1986.16 Cognitive Map, Wikipedia. Retrieved August 5, 2017 from: Fuzzy Logic, Wikipedia. Retrieved August 5, 2017 from: Bloom, B. S., ed. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals; Handbook I, Cognitive Domain, New York: David McKay, 1956.19 Rasch, G., Probabilistic models for some intelligence and attainment tests, Copenhagen, Danish Institute for Educational Research), 1960, expanded edition with foreword and afterword by B.D. Wright, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1980.20 Ishikawa Diagrams, Wikipedia. Retrieved August 5
students to identifyopportunities where OR could be used to create positive change is discussed. This exercise alsorevealed important gaps in student understanding of the types of problems that can be addressedusing OR. This misunderstanding will be used to drive changes in the future offerings of thecourse, and serve as a reminder that faculty sometimes make assumptions about student learningthat are not correct.Background on the University of San DiegoThe University of San Diego is a private school with a liberal arts tradition. Addressing socialissues in the classroom is an important part of the school’s identity. Community service-learninghas been practiced since the early 1990’s, USD is recognized as a Community EngagementInstitution by the