, exam content, and alsothe results of the formative assessment. If an educator perceives a course to be very difficult, s/hemay allow students to use cheat-sheet. However, these factors are all subjective, and depend onthe educator. It is therefore, not surprising that no consensus exists among educators on the mosteffective type of exams1.From students’ perspective, open-book-open-notes exam is preferred to closed book exams2 dueto decreased test anxiety1 that comes with the former. Most students believe that take-homeexam, cheat-sheets, and open-book-open-notes exams help to increase exam scores and decreasetest anxiety1. Some students also complain that take home exams are time consuming, due to thenature of exam questions. Take home exams
jobs become computer based, workers willspend greater amounts of time on a computer. It is important that the Industrial Engineeringcurriculum stays current on such demographic changes and update individual coursesaccordingly. This paper demonstrates how relatively simple and low cost studies can beintroduced into a traditional ergonomics class and benefit the students.References1. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2005). Computer and Internet use at work in 2003. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.2. Reuters 2008 http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/06/23/us-computers-statistics-idUSL23245254200806233. Epstein, R., Colford, S., Epstein, E., Loye, B. Walsh, M. (2012). The effects of feedback on computer
scenario indicates that Dice.com data would not be a wise choice forthe OPC course design and review process.The reason why the professor is looking for a particular website here is that a job may beadvertised across multiple websites at a time. Aggregating the data may exaggerate the ratings ofthe topics. For example, company X may post a job description that contains ProductionScheduling on all the five websites. Summing up the topic across all the websites would give anequivalent rating of frequency five while the topic should have received a rating equivalent tofrequency one.The professor may also need to explore more topics that s/he has not yet provided a rating for.For example, the professor needs time allocation recommendations for the
of Controlleractivities. The cycle begins with a JobsInitiative that includes a quantitativearticulation of Employment Metrics thatidentifies a segment of the region with jobcreation potential. The downward arrowfrom Jobs Initiative(s) represents targetsfor Program Area Objectives and Metrics.Projects activities and correspondingMetrics are represented by the downwardarrow from Program Area(s) toProjects(s). The return arrow to Program Figure 6: Integrated Strategic Planning ActivitiesArea(s) represents actual changes in Project Metrics; the return arrow to Jobs Initiative(s)represents actual changes in Program Area Metrics.IV-a. Program Area(s)Program Area specifications include: System Components: Program Area resources
leadership of other healthcare organizations havesimilarly aided in the successful completion of student projects and implementation of theresults.Table1.PartialListofStudentProjectsProject Level of Effort Deliverable(s)Patient falls Two-semester senior Identification of major contributing factors,prevention/reduction design project recommendations, and training programPrevention of retained Two-semester senior Low-tech simulator and training programobjects during surgery design projectRedesign of existing Two-semester senior Customized software package thatperformance measuring design project consolidates
2015).4. Ruamsook, K. and Craighead, C. (2014), "A supply chain talent perfect storm?", Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 12-17.5. Knemeyer, A. M. and Murphy, P. R. (2004), "Promoting the value of logistics to future business leaders: An exploratory study using a principles of marketing experience", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 34 No. 10, pp. 775-792.6. Ozment, J. and Keller, S. B. (2011), "The future of logistics education", Transportation Journal, Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 65-83.7. Arnseth, L. (2015), "The logistics workfroce talent crisis", Inside Supply Management, Vol. 28 No. 6, pp. 20-23.8. Knemeyer, A. M. and Murphy, P. R. (2004
%), the best model for AIC, AICc, and BIC was to only include three variables in a linearmodel: Prior Semester GPA, Calculus II grade, and the Time of Day binary variable (e.g.,morning or afternoon – with morning students performing worse on Test 1). The summary ofthis information is provided in Tables 4-6. These results were consistent across all demographics(e.g., gender, race, age); however, we cannot report on whether these demographic results weresignificant for specific demographics due to sample size.In each of the Tables 4-6, the results provided include an analysis of variance (ANOVA), valuesfor the performance metrics (s, R2, Adjusted R2, AIC, AICc, and BIC), and parameter estimates.Since the resulting models were all linear, the
critical in ensuring a highquality engineering program.Faculty training in proper teaching methods is essential. No improvements can be achieved if weas faculty do not change the way we teach. The faculty improvement process is also to bedeveloped as a PDCA cycle.Future work includes data gathering for 2016 and the preparation of the self-study report towardsABET accreditation.AcknowledgmentsThe author wishes to acknowledge the support of the IE ABET accreditation team and theMECA office at Universidad Icesi.Bibliography[1] N. Villegas, S. Cespedes, G. Ulloa y M. P. Ayala, «An approach to implement CDIO,» de Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, 2014.[2] H. Gonzalez, El aprendizaje activo y la formación universitaria
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Applied to Engineering Student Project Teams: A Research Review. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(4), 472-512. 2. Chapman, K. J., Meuter, M. L. Toy, D., & Wright, L. K. (2010). Are Student Groups Dysfunctional? Perspectives From Both Sides of the Classroom. Journal of Marketing Education, 32(1), 39-49. 3. Ennis, R. H. (1993). Critical thinking assessment. Theory into practice, 32(3), 179-186. 4. Facione, P. A., Sánchez, C. A., Facione, N. C., & Gainen, J. (1995). The disposition toward critical thinking. The Journal of General Education, 1-25. 5. Froyd, J. E., Borrego, M., Cutler, S., Henderson, C., & Prince, M. J. (2013). Estimates
, posture assessment, lifting safety, and anthropometry.The course has an “S” designation associated with it, as it is formally recognized as a service-learning course by the university. This designation communicates that students in the course willapply the course material in a meaningful way to fill a community need. The overall projectaccounted for 30% of the course grade. This included five deliverables: reflective journal (10%),preliminary operations analysis report (30%), preliminary design recommendations report (30%),final technical report (10%), and project showcase (20%).The journals were done individually by each student, and the other deliverables were completedby teams of 5 to 6 students. Students were assigned to groups by the course
- Predictor Variables Model 4: Overall Satisfaction in the Classroom (y) Predictor Predictor Description x Instructor Interaction and Feedback t Classroom Environment z Modes of InstructionOrdinal Logistic Regression as a Modeling TechniqueOrdinal logistic regression models are a specific extension of multiple regression models, whichuse many predictor variables that have an effect on the dependent variable. These models areused to explain an ordinal dependent variable given one or more independent variable(s).25Specifically, this model was chosen because the
directs them to LU’s admissions office and college ofengineering (COE) advisement office. LU’s admissions office reviews each candidate’sapplication and performs the transcript(s) analyses. Only after a student is admitted, LU’s COEadvisement office creates a degree plan for the student. Each student must apply and be acceptedto LU before their transcript(s) are evaluated and a degree plan can be created. However, duringthis process, the department and the COE advisement office provide general feedback toprospective student questions. Answering the simple question of what is required for a transferstudent to graduate often is a labor intensive process especially for students who take coursesoutside of Texas or take courses at multiple
). Of the state’s 74,000 high schoolgraduates in year 2015, 58,000 applied for Tennessee Promise support to attend one of the 13community colleges or 27 colleges of applied technology. (“Haslam Postsecondary EducationInitiatives Showing Success,” 2015)Higher Education SystemConcepts of reinventing government as a customer driven service began in the 1990’s. Thecommon thread originates from the quality movement proposed by W. Edwards Deming. Heproposed the management of integrated systems as the basis for quality in any productionsystem. Deming formalized the approach into a System of Profound Knowledge (SPK). Thesuccess of Deming’s approach is demonstrated in his work to assist with rebuilding Japan’s postWorld War II economy. (The Deming