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- IED Technical Session: Preparing Programs for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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David Elizandro, Tennessee Technological University; David H. Huddleston, Tennessee Technological University
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Industrial Engineering
. Costs reflect resource requirements to address complex endogenous and exogenouschallenges that require strategies for allocating resources, and monitoring and adaptingstrategies to ensure accountability.Program accountability is also important in flagship institutions. However, smallperturbations in degree programs strategies of flagship institution can be major problemsfor regional universities because of insufficient resources to quickly adjust for unintendedconsequences of these strategies. The signature of engineering degree programs in regionaluniversities is graduating successful practicing engineers and mid-level managers for regionalcompanies and regional operations of larger companies from a student population that includes
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing for the Future Through Projects and Research
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Janis P. Terpenny, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine M. Harmonosky, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Amine Lehtihet, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Vittal Prabhu, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Andris Freivalds, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Elena M. Joshi, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jose A. Ventura, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Industrial Engineering
attached to the product. In other words, the product consisting of itsphysical goods and bundled services will serve as the glue that will enable our students to realizethe connectedness and complementary nature of these core IME methods for the successfulrealization and commercialization of goods and services. Just as journalism students learn topractice their craft on the school newspaper, IME students will run the closest thing to aManufacturing and Services company.This product-based learning and content delivery approach relies on the careful identification anduse of a set of products that reflect the global dimension of product design and manufacturing, aswell as the symbiotic relationship between manufactured goods and the consumer services
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing Students for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Elizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University; William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
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had an impact on writing competencies of engineeringundergraduate students.As an example, Teaching Writing in Engineering contained questions to gauge faculty’sperceptions of agency in their assignments – “I believe that there are opportunities in my course(s)for students to write about topics that interest them” [12], as well as a question with options toselect as many forms of writing faculty believed occurred in their course(s). “Writing in mycourse(s) is in the form of…” where options for reflection, homework, professionalcommunication, examinations, etc. are listed with definitions in a mouse-over component. Acomplete relation of variables, their definition, and questions are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Number of questions per
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing for the Future Through Projects and Research
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Desen Sevi Özkan, Virginia Tech; Homero Gregorio Murzi, Virginia Tech; Alejandro Salado, Virginia Tech; Chris Gewirtz, Virginia Tech
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Industrial Engineering
for this study, because racial identity is notdeeply explored, it is associated more broadly with engineering identity (and simply referred to as“Saviour Complex”). While these two aspects of engineering problem solving may be present in senior designprojects, the intent is not simply to criticize but to understand and correct these features ofengineering design. Preparing students to understand the social contexts of the technologies theycontribute to, requiring students to define problems by listening to stakeholders, and promptingthem to critically reflect on their work, can all reduce their Saviour Complex and the unintendedconsequences of their designs [19, 20]. Our study codes for instances of both unintendedconsequences and
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Omar Ashour, Pennsylvania State University
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Industrial Engineering
provide recommendations to manufacturing and service systems.The class involves lectures, online quizzes, two midterm exams, in-class problems, a case study,and a final exam. The course grade reflects the student performance in six quizzes (15%), twomidterm exams (40%), in-class questions and attendance (10%), case study (15%), and finalexam (20%). The instructor of the course does not provide homework assignments. In previousoffers of this course, the instructor noticed that many students received perfect grades in thehomework assignments but they received low grades in the high stake assignments and/or exams.This rendered the homework assignments ineffective in this course and other courses taught bythis instructor. Nowadays, students are able
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing for the Future Through Projects and Research
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Gokhan Egilmez, University of New Haven; Dusan Sormaz, Ohio University; Ridvan Gedik, University of New Haven
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Industrial Engineering
positive trends and crises in business organizations. Besides, both PrBL and PjBLapproaches help students gain ability to understand, define, and reflect a problem with professionalengineering language and terms, which is one of the crucial expectations of business organizationsthat hire engineers. In the following sections, both PrBL and PjBL are explained in detail. Eventhough the literature uses PBL for both Project-based and problem-based learning; PrBL and PjBLnotation is preferred since both will be discussed. 1Problem-based learning (PrBL)PrBL was first used at McMaster University in Canada for the study of medicine in 1969 [1]. Ithas been
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing Programs for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Anuj Mittal, Iowa State University; Sriram Sundararajan, Iowa State University; D. Raj Raman, Iowa State University; Caroline C. Krejci, University of Texas at Arlington
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Foundationunder Award No. DRL-1440446 Teachers and Engineers Collaborating in STEM ElementaryTeacher Preparation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation, nor of Iowa State University. The authors also thank other project membersand cooperating faculty for their support, including Dr. Monica H. Lamm, Dr. Kristina M. Tank,Dr. Anne T. Estapa, Dr. Adah Leshem, Dr. Joanne K. Olson, Dr. Rohit Mehta, Dr. Mollie H.Appelgate, and Jennifer Lillo. Special thanks to Program for Women in Science and Education atIowa State University for allowing the authors to conduct IE outreach activities with femalemiddle school students.
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- IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Michael Andre Hamilton, Mississippi State University ; Raed Jaradat, Mississippi State University; Parker Jones, Mississippi State University; Emily S. Wall , Mississippi State University; Vidanelage Lakshika Dayarathna, Mississippi State University; Debisree Ray, Mississippi State University ; Ginnie Shih En Hsu
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Industrial Engineering
design of the VR teachingmodule to be more immersive and visualized. The current VR module is a semi self-paced tutorial.Concurrent research (Phase III) is being conducted to investigate how well students understand thequeuing theory concept using this updated VR teaching module versus traditional classroomlecture. Data is currently being collected using a different set of students with the same conceptualquiz but taught the topic in a traditional classroom manner (control group). Afterwards, we plan toprovide a comparative analysis of both approaches, control group versus experimental group anddisseminate the results.. The sections discussed below only reflects how well the students performusing the VR training module (experimental group
- Conference Session
- IED Technical Session: Preparing Students for the Future
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- 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Rick Olson, University of San Diego; Andrés Esteban Acero, Universidad de los Andes
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Industrial Engineering
. Instead, a newseries of assignments asked students to reflect on their understanding of what it means to be achangemaking engineer, and to identify situations where the methods and models of ISYE 340could be used to effect positive change.Revising Lecture MaterialsTo meet the goals of the RED project, RED topics should be introduced into the course whilecontinuing to meet the primary course learning objectives. One way to achieve this is tointroduce common OR models by using RED contexts. For example, the characteristics of LPsmight be introduced using a two-variable example of growing corn or wheat with limitedresources of time, water and fertilizer. The scenario is easily understood but might seem quaintto U.S. students who envision large