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250 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Resistance (W) Actual Values S-H Prediction Calibration Data Figure 7: NTC Thermistor ModelingDirect computation of the constants in the Steinhart-Hart equation can be accomplished asfollows, using three calibration points with resistances š¯‘…š¯‘› and temperatures š¯‘‡š¯‘› . Given thisprocess, the only required input is resistance, which can be measured indirectly via voltage. Thiscan be assessed by an appropriately sized voltage divider, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8
exercise challenges student to consider what error(s)and considerations must be made to appropriately calibrate and characterize and instrumentwithout a step-by-step lab handout.4 - Strain Measurement, Signal Conversion, & Quantization ErrorsA strain gage is carefully mounted by students to an aluminum beam using a manufacturerā€™sinstallation and data sheet. With the gage affixed, the beam is mounted in a cantilever fashionafter which a series of weights are suspended to it in a sequential test. The resistance of the straingage is measured for each series of weights. Next, a Wheatstone bridge is constructed in a Ā¼bridge configuration. A series of weights are suspended again in a sequential test after which thebridge output voltage is measured
development times for the sensor prototypeare substantially reduced. Microcontrollers embedded in the sensor makes the sensor morecost effective, modular and easy to use in a wide variety. The paper also demonstrated how asensor instrumentation can be implemented using two different approaches (a) mechatronichardware-in-the lop (b) FPGA techniques. The test results show high level of agreement Page 12.1282.12Bibliography 1. Shetty, D. & Kolk, R. (1998), Mechatronics System Design, International Thompson 2. Bhatt, S. (2001), Design and Development of Smart Sensors, Master Thesis, University of Hartford 3. Bogli, C. (2000), Study of a New