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Conference Session
Instrumentation in Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Asad Yousuf, Savannah State University; Mohamad Mustafa, Savannah State University; Alberto De La Cruz, Savannah State University
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implementation of Project-Based Learning while conductingexperiments in Lab View environment. Utilizing PBL and other resources, students were able toaccess, analyze, and formulate decisions based on the information provided. There were twoessential components of projects:1) A driving question or problem that serves to organize and drive activities, which taken as a whole amount to a meaningful project2) Culminating product(s) or multiple representations as a series of artifacts, personal communication or consequential task that meaningfully addresses the driving question.As technological advancements are continuously made in the 21st Century, new topics ofscience-related research will receive notable attention that would allow more feasible
Conference Session
New Instrumentation Ideas
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xavier Henry, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Dayvon Green, Morgan State University
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to such changes.The algal masses consume the dissolved oxygen for respiration leading to anoxic conditions inthe waters which in turn could result in massive fish kills and related organisms.4 The algalblooms are a strong indication of the overall health of a body of water in any region, and throughmonitoring the water quality of a specific ecosystem it becomes much easier to devise a waterquality management plan towards reversing or preventing the changes that are negativelyaffecting the region.5The monitoring of water quality using remote sensing was initiated in the 1970’s using earthresources technology satellite, later renamed Landsat1 (ERTS-1). Since then, the digitalevaluation of remotely sensed data has been widely used to estimate
Conference Session
Instrumentation in Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David McDonald, Lake Superior State University
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encouraging and fostering new technical development, and the engineeringeducation community needs to evaluate its role in this process6.There are many recently documented examples of electric vehicle applications withinengineering education. Three course experiences on instrumentation, electric vehicles andproject activities were reported by Rizkalla et al7,8,9. A summary of the outcomes from thesethree experiences are that the students were very satisfied, learned technical content not coveredin other courses, and felt that the course helped prepare them for the real world of engineering.From an instructor viewpoint the course(s) relied heavily on industrial cooperation, and includedhands-on experiences. The authors also noted that an industrial
Conference Session
Programs Using New Instrumentation Concepts
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Keska, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
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Time, [s] 4 30 3 25 20PSD 2 CPSD 15 10 1 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15
Conference Session
New Instrumentation Ideas
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Randy Buchanan, University of Southern Mississippi; Steven Bunkley, University of Southern Mississippi
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. The physical properties of the accelerometer included sensitivity of102 mv/(m/s^2), a frequency range of 0 to 100 Hz, and a 10 Hz phase response of under 3°1.The accelerometer contains a voltage regulator integrated within its structure. This allows forexternal power to be supplied by any source within the 10 to 30 VDC excitation range. Thechange is capacitance is detected by a capacitance bridge where each arm of the bridge functionsas a capacitance divider. The outputs of the bridge are then amplitude modulated signals that aredirectly proportional to the changes in capacitance. A series of diodes and capacitors within theaccelerometer are used to demodulate the signals which are then summed, amplified, and filteredto provide a voltage
Conference Session
Programs Using New Instrumentation Concepts
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Layton, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Thomas Adams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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, ∂A ∂A ΔA = Δh + Δw + higher order term s . (16) ∂h ∂wThe higher-order terms involve products and integer powers of Δh and Δw that are negligible inmagnitude compared to the first-order terms. Neglecting them and dividing by A yields ΔA Δh Δ w = + . (17) A h w Page 15.923.11The transverse strain terms Δh/h and Δw/w for metals and cubic crystals can be expressed interms of
Conference Session
Instrumentation in Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Seema Khan, Sonoma State University; Farid Farahmand, Sonoma State University; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford
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Significant Difference Phenomenon: A Comparative Research Annotated Bibliography on Technology for Distance Education (5th ed.): International Distance Education Certification Center. 4. Scott, S., “The blended classroom: The best of both worlds?” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2006, 2006-146. 5. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 6. Saba Software Inc., 7. Advanced Internet Technology in the Interest of Society Laboratory (AITIS Lab) @ Sonoma State University, 8. LabVIEW 2009 by National Instruments, 9. Interactive Simulations by University of
Conference Session
New Instrumentation Ideas
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Hergert, Miami University
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15.754.21Bibliography: 1. Feisel L.D. and Rosa, R.J., “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Int. Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005. 2. Etkina, E., Murthy, S., and Zou, X., “Using Introductory Labs to Engage Students in Experimental Design,” Am. J. Phys. 74 (11), American Association of Physics Teachers, November 2006. 3. 4. Hergert, D., “An Application Program That Interprets Code39 Barcode Images on an iPhone,” ASEE Mid-Eastern Conference, October 2009 Page 15.754.22
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurement Innovation
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Loker, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
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: • Program designed using LabVIEW • Pre-built elevator simulator will be used for the control system • Elevator simulator will be interfaced to the NI PCI-6040E and/or PCI-6503 DAQ card(s) • 7-segment display readout indicating the position of the car (showing the floor that the car is on)Functional Requirements: • Ability to call the car to each floor using hardware pushbuttons (one for each floor) and the hoist motor. External pushbuttons may be needed, depending upon the configuration for the pre-built elevator. • The same call pushbuttons can be used for advancing the car to another floor, or 3 software pushbuttons can be used on the front panel. • A method of simulating the opening and closing of