AC 2011-2237: INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTATION AND CON-TROL SYSTEMS USING A PENDULUM MOUNTED AIR ROCKETMichael Keller, University of Tulsa Michael Keller is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the university of tulsa. His research and teaching interests are in solid mechanics, both experimental and theoretical, and materials science.Jeremy S. Daily, University of Tulsa Page 22.967.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Introduction to Instrumentation and Control Systems Using a Pendulum Mounted Air RocketAbstractCourses on engineering
+x X (s) 1 2 (1b) 0 F (s) Ms Ds K -x Rest Position Before Application Damping of Force, f Coefficient, D Rigid SupportFigure 1: Virtual Mass-Spring-Damper SetupAfter taking Laplace transformation of equation (1a) that result (1b), the mechanical systemcould be expressed in the form of a function
. Through the interaction with remotely accessible realequipment via the GUI, the users should be able to visualize the experimental process, gain afeeling of immersion into a real laboratory environment, and also be able to adjust the input andimmediately observe the experimental output. Usually, the GUI is composed of an instrumentcontrol section, an experimental input section and an experimental results section. In theinstrument control section, the options may include lighting, audio and video and dataacquisition functions. In most real-time setups, a global video view providing an overview and alocal video view zooming in on the analyzed object(s) are streamed in real time. In addition, theusers are often given the option to save the video
no. NSC97-2511-S-008 -009 -MY3.Bibliography1. E. Malacara, Geometrical and Instrumental Optics, (Methods in Exp. Phys., Academic Press, 1988) Vol. 25.2. S.H. Lu, S.P. Pan, T.S. Liu, and C.F. Kao, “Liquid refractometer based on immersion diffractometry”, Opt. Express 15, 9470-9475(2007)3. S.F.O. Silva, O. Frazao, P.Caldas, J.L. Santos, F.M. Araujo, and L.A. Ferreira, “Optical fiber refractometer based on a Fabry-Perot interferometer”, Opt. Eng. 47, 054403(2008)4. A.F. Leung, J.J. Vandiver, “Automatic refractometer”, Opt. Eng 42, 1128-1131(2003)5. S.G. Kaplan, J.H. Burnet, “Optical properties of fluids for 248 and 193 nm immersion photolithography”, Appl. Opt. 45, 1721-1724(2006)6. L.W. Tilton, Standard
insight into this innovative learning experience.IntroductionAlthough remote laboratory experiments have been studied for educational applications since theearly 1990’s, they are still in their infancy, and are only recently becoming a reality. 1 Moore’sLaw proposes that computer technology development doubles every year, and completeddevelopmental stage can then be utilized the next year to continue these advancements. 2 Takinginto account this exponential growth in computer technology, remote laboratories are now at adevelopmental stage where their potential to become an essential tool for science education ispromising.It is not uncommon to see simulations of experiments used as supplementary educational tools.These virtual laboratories exist
products such as microwave ovens, cell phones, alarm clocks, etc. If the device consistsof push buttons and displays, chances are it also contains a programmable microcontroller. ThePIC is a popular, inexpensive single chip microcontroller for a low powered, complex embeddedsystem. A design project by enlarge is focused on developing a product that is robust, reliable,and economical. Keeping this in mind, our project team decided to incorporate Parallax Inc.’sBASIC Stamp2 module, shown in figure 1.0, in the smart rod project. This compact BASICStamp2 module plugs into Parallax Inc.’s board of education carrier board, shown in figure 2.0.Memsic 2125 accelerometer was used to measure the rods’ angle with respect to the earth. XBee1mW chip
current transitions are manuallycontrolled on eight separate battery chargers bya battery-charging technician. A typical batterycharge lasts between approximately eight and Figure 1. Interior of Charging Unitsixteen hours under expected load. The processrequires close monitoring to maintain the appropriate current and voltage levels applied to thebatteries. This process introduces human error to the charging algorithm for the LSV2’s batterybank. Once implemented, the proposed design will reduce the variations encountered using thepresent method. This will help to extend the lifecycle of the VRLA batteries used in the LSV2 aswell as provide the maximum amount of stored charge for the performance of each test run.Criteria for
USB connection, which is rated at maximum of 5 volts at500 mA. The calculated maximum current draw over the USB connection is about 114.71mA, sothat the microcontroller and all attached components are well within the limits of the USBconnection. This project is utilizing three of the digital outputs and two of the analog inputs.Each of the 14 digital pins can sink or source a maximum of 40mA. Each of the digital pins willsource about 11.5mA to the connected devices. This is well within the limits of the ATmega 328with plenty of room to spare. The analog inputs provide ten bits of resolution through theATmega328’s analog to digital converter. This allows the five volt reference to be divided into1024 steps. Figure 2 shows the Ardunio board
available at: 6. Hacking Roomba: 7. Build your own Rootooth: bluetooth-adapter/comment-page-1/#comment-66964 8. Rootooth can be purchased from 9. RealTerm Terminal Software: Page 22.955.10
Education, 2010.3. Travis, Jeffrey and Jim Kring, LabVIEW for Everyone, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.4. Nise, Norman S., Control Systems Engineering, 5th Edition, Wiley, 2007.5. Web Site Web Site Web Site Page 22.383.15