, and he has authored/co-authored over 40 referred papers in these areas; an IEEE Certified Software Developer, SEI-Certified PSP Developer, and the editor for the ACM/IEEE-CS Computing Curriculum-SE project (http://faculty.erau.edu/hilburn/)Wojciech Grega, AGH MSEE, PhD, DSc: control, optimization, modeling, industrial computers science; author and co-author of more than 100 papers and books. Coordinator or main researcher in 12 national and international projects; coordinator of Tempus Project S-JEP 11317-96, (1997-1999); Vice Dean of the Faculty (1994-96); Head of the Control Laboratory, Head of the Faculty Commission for Education; elected member of the EAEEIE (European
at rie iv An ic tu at ic in nt at Pa ra s
Contemporary Engineering Ethics Issues in anIntroductory Freshman Engineering Course,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006b.iii Mullin, J.S., Lohani, V.K., and Lo, J.L., “WIP: Introduction to Engineering Ethics through Student Skits in theFreshman Engineering Program at Virginia Tech,” to be published in the Proceedings of the 2006 Frontiers inEducation Conference, San Diego, CA, October 27- November 1, 2006b. Page 13.533.14iv Lohani, V., and Mullin, J. S., 2006. “International activities in a freshman engineering course,” Posterpresented at the International Education Fair
average wind speeds on the order of 8 m/s which are sufficient for power production.Summarizing, Tanzania has considerable wind power potential. Page 13.60.11 (a) (b)Figure 4. (a) Topographical map of DTHD site. (b) Annual average wind-speed map of site. (1 cm = 500 meters) Page 13.60.12The cost of a solar photovoltaic system capable of supplying the hospital power requirementswas on the order of ten-to-fifteen times that of wind power while the cost of a fuel
defining solutions involves learningcultural sensitivity.On top of these advantages, students find these projects to be very worthwhile and fulfilling. Asstated by Krishna S. Athreya, head of Engineers for a Sustainable World, “helping theimpoverished have a better life can, for students, be a life-changing experience.”12We will continue to support these types of programs and consider them to be just as valuable—perhaps more so—than traditional study abroad programs.SummaryIn this paper we have described our efforts in developing study abroad programs over the pasttwo years. We began by studying exemplary programs of others. For the 2006/2007 school year,we sponsored seven programs of various format types. We discussed the strengths andweaknesses
European framework. Compatibleinstruments for quality assessment, S. Puirséil, Seminar on Methodological common instruments for assessment andaccreditation in the European framework, Santander, July 28th - 30th 200412. The use of performance indicators in Higher Education, M. Cave, S. Hanney, M. Henkel and M. Kogan,Kingsley Publishers, 199713. PIC: Programa Institucional de Calidad. UPM. 2005. www.upm.es/innovación.14. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs during the 2008-2009 evaluation cycle. ABET Board ofDirectors.2007. www.abet.org. Page 13.1384.1315. Education Criteria for Performance Excellence. Baldrige National Quality
Engineering, Integrated Product and Process Development, and Supplier Sourcing7. IT Governance Institute -COBIT v.48. Baig M., Bisharat, S. A & Maqsood, A maturity model for quality improvement In higher education.9. Holland, C.P., Light, B. A stage maturity model for enterprise resource planning systems use, 200110. Fisher, D.M,, The business process maturity model: A practical approach for identifying. opportunities foroptimization, BP Trends, 200411. Marshall, S. & Mitchell, G. (2004), Applying SPICE to e-learning: an e-learning maturity model?12. Lutteroth C., Luxton-Reilly A., Dobbie G., Hamer J.A maturity model for computing education, 2007.13. Neuhauser, C., A maturity model: Does it provide a path for online course design? The Journal
. Page 14.268.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2009 Baja SAE Competitions: Meeting and Interacting with International Students – Experiences of Student and University ParticipantsAbstractIn today's global economy, engineers must collaborate with their international colleagues.11Study Abroad is an excellent preparation for this collaboration. Unfortunately, less than 3% ofUnited States (U.S.) engineering students take advantage of such programs.1 Baja SAEcompetitions may be a good alternative for students to achieve exposure to the culture of theirinternational peers.Baja SAE student competitions were started in the 1970’s in the U.S. and involve the design,analysis, and
contributions from industrial andhuman activity. Even worse, the mechanisms by which the environment can automaticallyremediate its toxins are highly reduced. The wetlands and complex ecosystems that interceptand filter pollution have also decreased by more than one-half in the lower 48 states.7During the 1970’s, the United States Congress encountered problems of protecting thewaterways and drinking water, so they superseded the veto that President Nixon had placed onthe Clean Water Act.8 The Clean Water Act was very effective and drastically reduced theamount of pollution in waterways which were once unsafe. Estimates in 1972 were that 60-70%of waterways were unsafe, and that figure was reduced to about 39% in 2002.6The nature of environmental
four years (2cohort groups) from the first cohort program start. On graduation, of the first cohort, nearly 20%of the graduating students from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, found funding to fly to the United Statesto attend their graduation ceremony with other campus-based graduating M.S. students. Toquote one of these many students “…I have learned a lot from this program. The knowledge islike a burning fire within my bones. I have to judiciously, efficiently and effectively disseminateit.”References1 Springer, M. L., Terruso, L., Speer, M., Ekeocha, Z., Byrn, S., & Clase, K. (2016). Administering a U.S. Based M.S. Degree in Kilimanjaro, Africa –A Global Benchmarking in Regulatory Science. ASEE 2016 Annual Conference Proceedings. New
-financed weeklong India visits,and acquired experience of working on bi-cultural multidisciplinary projects.The next section establishes the background of the program and the subsequent sectionelaborates the program. The paper then presents analysis of feedback of the Japanese studentsand ends with concluding remarks.BackgroundThe National Academy of Engineering (NAE)’s report on educating engineers for 2020 hasidentified the requirements of engineers working across disciplines and cultures [1].Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology of the Unites States (ABET) has alsoidentified attributes of graduate engineers that include ability to function on multi-disciplinaryteams, ability to communicate effectively and the broad education
choice questions, wereavoided. The main intention was to entice engineering students to analytically solve engineeringproblems from scratch in a regular, classic way, i.e. by typically partitioning the problem intophases or threads and solving each phase sequentially until reaching the final answer(s). Anadditional motivation for this objective was the desire to offer engineering students the chance togain partial credits if they manage to solve parts of the problem. In Blackboard, one questiontype that appears to suit this multi-thread partitioning is called “Fill in Multiple Blanks” questiontype. However, unlike the “Calculated Numeric” type of questions (also available onBlackboard), the Fill in Multiple Blanks type of questions does not
engineering design course on student intellectual development as measured by the Perry scheme,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 39-45, Jan. 2000.[5] K. K. Stevens, T. Vanepps, S. M. Schlossberg, A. Agarwal, and G. L. Hamza-Lup, “Innovation leadership honors program: addressing engineering education needs through curriculum enhancement,” IEEE International Conference on Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE Press, pp. 473-478, 2009.[6] R. S. Czernikowski, M. B. Bailey, D. A. Borkholder, M. M. Marshall, A. H. Nye, and N. R. Reeve, “RIT's engineering honors program: Product innovation in a global Economy,” Frontiers in Education Conference - Global Engineering: Knowledge without Borders
education, 1995. 36(1): p. 23-39.Appendix 1Which study abroad summer program did you participate in?Have you been abroad prior to this study abroad trip?Which of the following best describes your previous overseas trip(s). Check all that apply. Family vacation Church/mission trip Vacation with friends Other study abroad program Military service (own) Military service (parents) Other (Please explain)What is the longest period of time you've spent overseas? One week or less Between one and two weeks Between two weeks and one month Longer than one monthWere you or your parents born outside the US? Both me and my parents were born in the US I was born in the US but at least one of my parents was born overseas
. Atman, O. Eris, J. McDonnell, M. Cardella and J. Borgford-Parnell, “EngineeringDesign Education,” in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, Ed.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016, pp. 201-226.[6] M. Zhang, F. Zhong and J. Yan, “Construction of the Course System for GasGeology Based on Training Objectives,” Education Teaching Forum, pp. 70-73, Jan.2019 (In Chinese).[7] X. Liu, S. Zhang, A. Chen, J. Li and B. Li, “Construction of Practical TeachingSystem for Resource Exploration Engineering in Kunming University of Science andTechnology,” Chinese Geological Education. vol. 27, pp. 32-35, 2018 (In Chinese).[8] S. Liu, J. Liu, W. Zhang and C. Chen, “Research on Problem and Strategy forChinese Engineering Practice Education
quality improvement systems of the program may well require acultural shift of the institution’s administrators and faculty.ConclusionsFor continuous improvement processes, ABET’s Criterion 4 focuses the primary mechanismprogram improvement on appropriate assessment and evaluation of student outcomes (whatstudents need to know and be able to do at the time of graduation), e.g., data driven improvementactions based on demonstrated student learning (or lack of such learning). The AUN-QA criteriahave a much broader focus on quality improvement, asking programs to use a wide variety ofinputs within their quality system. Some of the measures of quality included in the AUN-QAcriteria include traditional output measures, e.g., Criterion 10’s
devoted to science and mathematics; the only engineeringand technology instruction was C programming and an introduction to microprocessors. Theengineering content in Year 2 was fairly high and included a course with a challenging mixedsignal design project. It was clear that students from both Year 1 and Year 2 of the GlasgowCollege, UESTC would be eligible to participate in the summer OIP. However, it was notknown how many students and from which years would select this particular OIP as this wasone of four OIPs organized by the Glasgow College, UESTC. Another unknown was whetherany UESTC students would attend the OIP – let alone information on their year(s) of study inwhich degree programme(s). While the majority of UESTC students were
Paper ID #12725University-Industry Partnership for Global Education: Implementing andIntegrating an Engineering International Internship into the Engineering Cur-riculumMrs. Maria Claudia Alves , Texas A&M University s. Maria C. Alves is the Director for Engineering International Programs at Texas A&M University. She has been in this position since July 2012. In this position she is responsible for internationalizing the research and education acticities of the Dwight Look College of Engineering. Under her leadership the college has increased the number of students studying abroad, established new models of study aborad
two universities created a major strategic partnershipagreement in 2005 to jointly establish an institute called UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) which is acollege of SJTU located on its main campus in China. The JI offers a Mechanical Engineering(ME) program and an Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program. Upon the officialapproval by the Ministry of Education of China, the institute was publically launched in April2006 in Shanghai. Its first cohort of undergraduate students entered in September 2006. Atestablishment of the JI, it has been designated a pilot for China’s higher education reform andshouldered the task of experimenting various aspects of the US higher educational system andfinding a working model(s) that can be exploited
, December, 2005 http://www.ugs.com/products/teamcenter/docs/Aberdeen_- _Global_Product_Design_Benchmark_Report_05-12-30.pdf6. http://www.global-engineering-excellence.org7. Jones, R.C., 2005, International S&T Initiatives for African Development, WFEO Committee on Capacity Building Report to the National Academies, 2005. http://www7.nationalacademies.org/guirr/1Jones.ppt#256,1,INTERNATIONAL S&T INITIATIVES FOR AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT8. Final Report, Engineering for the Americas Symposium: Capacity Building for Job Creation and Hemispheric Competitiveness, Lima, Peru, 29 November – 2 December 2005. http://www.oest.oas.org/engineering/espanol/documentos/Informe_Final_ENG.pdf
generationsserve to motivate students in problem solving? Would caring and concern be engendered? Howwould an environmental theme support skills in graphics, professional interaction, andeconomics analysis?Preparing our Students for Global CareersDowney 4et al., have identified the need to prepare our students for global careers. We felt thatthe environmental emphasis would give us an opportunity to introduce the topics of globalstewardship, environmental ethics, engineering codes and the environment, the possibilities ofworking on international teams, intercultural communication and international problem-solving.Russel C. Jones and Bethany S. Oberst have identified the need for reform in engineeringeducation in the Arab world and all parts of the world
goal can be facilitated through collaboration among institutions,faculty, students, government agencies and industry in the region to foster excellence inengineering education and research for the formation of global engineers with innovative,leadership and entrepreneurship skills not only to be competitive in the worldwide market butalso to create jobs and wealth in the Americas.Bibliography1. Jones, R.C., 2005, International S&T Initiatives for African Development, WFEO Committee on Capacity Building Report to the National Academies, 2005. http://www7.nationalacademies.org/guirr/1Jones.ppt#256,1,INTERNATIONAL S&T INITIATIVES FOR AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT2. Final Report, Engineering for the Americas Symposium: Capacity Building
informationcoupled with synthesis and interpretation in the context of UK, European and US practices, wasa major daily component of the students’ activities. Finally, within 5 weeks of the completion ofthe abroad experience the students were required to submit a 4,500-word minimum paper.Specifically, for each of the program’s learning objectives the students had to identify anddescribe an experience (or collection of experiences) and examine how the experience(s) ledthem to accomplish the objective. For those learning objectives not met, the students describedhow their experiences fell short of enabling a meeting of the objective. In addition, students hadto describe how the course is likely to impact their future and their professional careers
most analysts and policy makers in higher education isfitness of purpose [5]. In this view, the level of quality is determined by the extent to which aproduct or service meets its stated purpose(s) or requirement(s). Due to a lack of consensusamong different stakeholders and/or customers, it is challenging to articulate the purpose ofhigher education. The objective of higher education may be instruction in skills, promotion of thegeneral powers of the mind, advancement of learning, and transmission of a common culture andstandard of citizenship [6]. The above list is not exhaustive as the objective of higher educationmay also include developing critical thinking abilities, creativity, gainful employment, thediscovery of knowledge, and social
. and Brown, S. 2003. Use of HDLs in teaching of computer hardware courses. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education (WCAE’03).12. S. Areibi, A first course in digital design using VHDL and programmable logic, in Proc. 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Educ. Conf.,vol. 1, Oct. 2001, pp. 19–23.13. Todorovich, Marone, and Vázquez Introducing Programmable Logic to Undergraduate Engineering Students in a Digital Electronics Course. IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, No. 4, may 2011.14. http://www.altera.com/education/univ/materials/digital_logic/labs/unv-labs.html. Page 25.973.10
Education B.E. 2552. The Royal Gazette. book no. 126, extra part no. 125, pp. 17-19, dated 31 August 2009.[11] Commission on Higher Education. Practice Guideline for Qualifications Framework for Higher Education B.E. 2552, Commission on Higher Education Notice, 16 August 2009.[12] Chatraphorn, P., Suwonjandee, N. and Asavapibhop, B. Student performances in 1st year Physic courses during the change of university admission system, Thai Journal of Physics, vol. 25, no. 3, 2008, in Thai.[13] Council of Engineering Deans of Thailand, Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: Engineering Programs and Specific Requirements. Report to the Commission on Higher Education, 24 November 2552.[14] Lavansiri, D. and Koontanakulvong, S., Road
in Engineering Education Symposium, July 2009.6. B. Alexander, Web 2.0: A New Wave of Innovation for Teaching and Learning?, EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2006, p. 36.7. Oomen-Early, J. and S. Burke, Entering the Blogoshere: Blogs as Teaching and Learning Tools in Health Education, International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 10, 2007, pp. 186-196.8. W.J. Lin, H.P. Yueh, Y.L. Liu, M. Murakami, K. Kakusho and M. Minoh, Blog as a tool to develop e-learning experience in an international distance course, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’06).9. J. Hiler, Blogs as disruptive tech: How weblogs are flying under the radar of the content management giants, http
. The results presented in this paper are part of a longitudinal study in which surveys willbe administered to cohorts in their first, second, and third years of engineering. Future researchwill include comparing international and domestic students’ experiences from various cohorts intheir first, second, and third years of engineering. Additionally, we will be able to track studentsfrom one cohort from their first to their third year, in order to determine if and how internationaland domestic students’ perceptions change over time. Page 24.572.9List of references1.Yoder, B. L. (September 2013). The Global Campus. PRISM. 018-019.2.Andrade, M. S
projects described, a community in BuniaduVillage approached some of the UTG students looking for help powering their mosque. A groupof students went out to the site and designed a complete PV system meeting the mosque’s needs.The community covered the costs of all the required equipment. On installation everythingworked and was still working perfectly to date. Our hope is that this is just a small example ofwhat might be possible with the collaborative, locally funded, approach outlined here.Works Cited 1. Oakes, W. Creating Effective and Efficient Learning Experiences While Addressing The Needs Of The Poor: An Overview of Service-Learning in Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education, 2009. 2. Fikkert, B.; Corbet, S
since during the last five years, the group hasconsistently worked on gravity-fed potable water distribution systems than it does on design.Overall the following outlines the process that this particular student chapter of EWB hasfollowed to procure, design, plan, and construct projects:1. commit to sustainable engineering work in developing communities;2. create a relationship with an in-country non-profit organization(s) committed to collaborative Page 25.1221.9 work that is willing to follow-up and find projects;3. work with the non-profit organization(s) to find communities with needs within Maslow’s hierarchy who also show a